Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 1: Buying a New Car
VOCAB Base Price is the first amount listed on a car’s price Options are extra items added to a car Transportation and Handling is a delivery fee charged to the buyer of a car
Directions Add all the numbers to get the cars total sticker price
I do Find the Total Sticker Price 1.Hatchback 3-door$18,869 Floor Mats$108 Console$178 Automatic Transmission$800 Wheel locks$59 Fog Lights$289 Rear Defroster$115 AC$1,099 CD Player$349 Splashguards$89 Tinted Glass$82 Transportation/ Handling$445
We do 1.Convertible$34,768 Floor Mats$225 Console$355 Spoiler$499 Anti-Theft$289 Fog Lights$289 Rear Defroster$115 AC$1,099 CD Player$349 Transportation/ Handling$2,150 Leather Seats$854
You Do 1.Truck$29,300 Floor Mats$200 Console$125 Automatic Transmission$750 Wheel locks$59 Fog Lights$289 Rear Defroster$115 AC$1,099 CD Player$349 Splashguards$89 Tinted Glass$125 Transportation/ Handling$575
Summary Today we learned how to find the total sticker price of a new car
Homework Worksheet
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 2: Buying a Used Car
5 - 2 VOCAB Depreciate is to decrease in value Rebate is a return of part of a payment to a buyer
I/We/You DO Find Amount Saved Price BeforeSale Price 1. $8889$8489 2. $9389$8650 3. $9989$9589 4. $8664$6894 5. $9689$9179 6. $12097$9459
I/We/You DO Find the amount of money owed List PriceTrade-in Value 1. $16895$900 2. $15595$1200 3. $14908$2456 4. $27344$3795 5. $15238$8770 6. $16767$869
REVIEW Today we learned how to find the price of a car after trading in another car and how much money we saved
WARM UP 125 x 40 x 52
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 3: Financing a Car
5-3 VOCAB Deferred Price is the total amount paid, including interest in monthly payments
DIRECTIONS (Deferred Price) Multiply monthly payments times months Add answer and down payments
I/We/You DO Find Deferred Price Cash PriceDown MonthlyMonths PaymentPayments 1. $3197$99$7048 2. $5379$299$11548 3. $7984$499$17048 4. $9849$999$20248 5. $6983$299$15548 6. $7391$299$16048
DIRECTIONS (Total Interest) Subtract Cash Price – Down Payments Multiply monthly payments times months Subtract 2 answers
I/We/You DO Find Total Interest Cash PriceDown MonthlyMonths PaymentPayments 1. $3989$89$ 2. $6989$1307$ 3. $7789$289$ 4. $4798$198$ 5. $4798$ $ 6. $5398NONE$
REVIEW Today we learned how to find the deferred price, monthly payments, and total interest on a car when financing a car
Warm Up What are some things that affect how much you pay for car insurance?
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 4: Automobile Insurance
VOCAB Liable – is when a person is bound by law to make good for damages done Liability Insurance – is a policy that pays for damages done in an accident Premium – is the amount paid for insurance
Directions Look at the chart Find your two numbers Add them If given a factor Multiply Answer x Factor
Chart Pers onal Inju ry Proper ty Dama ges Area10/2 0 20/4 0 40/8075/ High Risk $210$47 0 $610$835$72$84$9 9 $148 Average$167$33 9 $470$620$56$69$7 7 $98 Low Risk $140$22 9 $340$489$48$52$6 1 $73
I DO (Questions) 1. What is the premium for a 75/150/50 policy in a low risk area? 2. Find the premium for a 20/40/5 policy in a high risk area. 3. Roland lives in an average risk area and wants 10/20/10 coverage. Young men have a greater chance to be in accidents, so he is charged a factor of Find his premium.
WE DO(Questions) 1. What is the premium for a 40/80/10 policy in an average risk area? 2. Find the premium for a 10/20/25 policy in a high risk area. 3. Lindsay lives in a high risk area and wants 40/80/50 coverage. She will be using her car for business, so she is charged a factor of Find his premium.
YOU DO (Questions) 1. What is the premium for a 10/20/50 policy in a low risk area? 2. Find the premium for a 75/150/10 policy in an average risk area. 3. Woody lives in a low risk area and wants 20/40/25 coverage. He has a poor driving record, so he is charged a factor of Find his premium.
Review What did you learn?
Homework Worksheet
WARM UP 34567/3 45568/2 91354/5 74564/3
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 5: Reading an Odometer
5-5 VOCAB Odometer is a measuring device that counts the miles a car travels
DIRECTIONS Read the number left to right hundred thousand ten thousand 1000 thousands 100 one hundred 10 tens 1 ones 1 (this number is a different color) tenths
I/We/You DO Write the odometer in words 3046
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 6: Average Miles Driven per Year
I/We/You DO Find Average Miles Driven per Year OdometerYears
REVIEW Today we learned how to read an odometer and find the average miles driven per year
HOMEWORK WORKSHEET Get your NOTEBOOK together Tomorrow I am collecting all notes from
Warm Up / /
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 7: Number of Miles Traveled
DIRECTIONS Just subtract end-beginning
I DO Find the miles traveled BeginningEnd
WE DO Find the miles traveled BeginningEnd
YOU DO Find the miles traveled BeginningEnd
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 8: Computing Gas Mileage
VOCAB GAS MILEAGE is the average number of miles a car will travel on a gallon of gas
DIRECTIONS Divide Distance / gas used = mpg
I DO Find the gas mileage (mpg) for each trip DistanceGas used miles20 gallons miles70 gallons miles15 gallons
WE DO Find the gas mileage (mpg) for each trip DistanceGas used miles12 gallons 2.25 miles1.2 gallons miles23 gallons
YOU DO Find the gas mileage (mpg) for each trip DistanceGas used miles12 gallons miles46 gallons miles10 gallons
REVIEW Today we learned how to determine the number of miles traveled in a trip and calculate the gas mileage of a trip.
Warm Up 25 x /22 27 x /18 36 x 15
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 9: Computing the Range of a Car
DIRECTIONS Just multiply EPA x tank capacity
VOCAB EPA Rating is the estimate of how far a car can travel on one gallon of gas Range is how far a car can travel on a given number of gallons of gas
I DO Find the ranges (city and highway) of a car EPA RatingTank CityHighwayCapacity 1. 40mpg50mpg10gal 2.6mpg8mpg20gal 3.20mpg30mpg19gal
WE DO Find the ranges (city and highway) of a car EPA RatingTank CityHighway Capacity 1. 7mpg9mpg16gal 2.21mpg29mpg17gal 3.8mpg12mpg10gal
YOU DO Find the ranges (city and highway) of a car EPA RatingTank CityHighway Capacity 1. 27mpg38mpg19gal 2.9mpg30mpg9gal 3.26mpg28mpg18gal
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 10: Computing the Fuel Needed
DIRECTIONS Divide Distance / mileage rating = amount of fuel
I DO Find the amount of fuel needed for each trip DistanceMileage Rating miles20 mpg miles27mpg miles35mpg
WE DO Find the amount of fuel needed for each trip DistanceMileage Rating miles40 mpg miles44mpg miles60mpg
YOU DO Find the amount of fuel needed for each trip DistanceMileage Rating miles32mpg miles26mpg miles32mpg
REVIEW Today we learned how to compute the range of a car and how much fuel is needed for a trip
Warm Up 42/ x x 60 35/60 71/60
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 11: Computing the Average Speed
DIRECTIONS Divide Minutes/60 Add that answer to the number of hours Divide Distance/time
VOCAB Miles per Hour (mph) is a unit of measurement of speed
I DO Find the average rate of speed DistanceTime miles4 hours 30 mins miles6 hours 12 mins miles21 hours 24 mins
WE DO Find the average rate of speed DistanceTime 1.65 miles3 hours 15 mins miles7 hours 48 mins miles8 hours 18 mins
YOU DO Find the average rate of speed DistanceTime 1.46 miles1 hour 15 mins miles3 hours 42 mins miles3 hours 54 mins
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 12: Computing the Travel Time
DIRECTIONS Divide Distance / average speed = time Write the whole number in front of the hours Subtract time – whole number Multiply times 60 Write this number in front of minutes __ hours __ mins
I DO Find the travel time for each trip DistanceAverage Speed miles45 mph 2.91 miles35mph 3.56 miles42mph
WE DO Find the travel time for each trip DistanceAverage Speed miles50 mph miles37mph miles47mph
YOU DO Find the travel time for each trip DistanceAverage Speed miles50 mph miles40mph miles55mph
REVIEW Today we learned how to compute the average speed and travel time for a trip in a car
Warm Up 18 x x x x x 3.34
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 13: Buying Gasoline
DIRECTIONS Just multiply the gallons and the price per gallon Reminder Gas Prices look like $ In the calculator you put 3.379
I DO Find the cost of gasoline Tank CapacityGas Price 1.20gal$ gal$ gal$3.29 9
WE DO Find the cost of gasoline Tank CapacityGas Price 1.22gal$ gal$ gal$3.24 9
YOU DO Find the cost of gasoline Tank CapacityGas Price 1.20gal$ gal$ gal$3.54 9
DIRECTIONS (SAVINGS) Subtract Full – Self Multiply Subtraction Answer x Tank Capacity
I DO Find the savings of gasoline between full service and self service Tank CapacityGas Price Full ServiceSelf Service 1.20gal$ $ gal$ $ gal$ $3.19 9
WE DO Find the savings of gasoline between full service and self service Tank CapacityGas Price Full ServiceSelf Service 1.20gal$ $ gal$ $ gal$ $3.29 9
YOU DO Find the savings of gasoline between full service and self service Tank CapacityGas Price Full ServiceSelf Service 1.20gal$ $ gal$ $ gal$ $3.39 9
REVIEW Today we learned how to determine the cost of gas and the amount saved by using self service over full service
Warm Up x /60 30/
Consumer Finance Chapter 5: Buying and Maintaining a Car Lesson 14: Cost of Repairs
VOCAB Parts and Labor is when the customer is charged for parts needed to fix the car and the labor (time) it takes to fix Rebuilt is describing items that have been reconstructed or extensively repaired
DIRECTIONS Add All Parts Multiply by 1.06 (sales tax) = Answer 1 Convert time to hours Mins/60 + hours Multiply that and labor rate = Answer 2 Add Answer 1 + Answer 2
I DO Find the cost of repairs when the mechanic has a labor rate of $60 per hour PartsPriceLabor Time 1.Battery$ mins 2.Muffler$35.00 Tailpipe$ hour Clamps$ shock$ mins absorbers
WE DO Find the cost of repairs when the mechanic has a labor rate of $55 per hour PartsPriceLabor Time 1. Alternator®$ mins Fan Belt$10.00 2. 4 Tires $ mins 3. Filter$ mins 6 cans oil$11.70
YOU DO Find the cost of repairs when the mechanic has a labor rate of $75 per hour PartsPriceLabor Time 1. Radiator$ hr 30 mins Antifreeze$6.99 2. Disk Brakes$ hours Rotor$10.00 3. PS pump$ hour Fluid$10.50
REVIEW Today we learned how to determine the cost of repairs
HOMEWORK Find the cost of repairs when the mechanic has a labor rate of $75 per hour PartsPriceLabor Time 1. Carburetor$ hr 18 mins 6 Plugs$8.70 2. Lights$ hr 45 mins Muffler$79.95 3. Spark Plug$5.954 hr 15 mins Transmission$756.23