Illegal Drug Use A controlled drug is a drug whose possession, manufacture, distribution, and sale are controlled by law. A prescription is needed to obtain controlled drugs. Illegal drug use is the use of a controlled drug use without a prescription. It is illegal to buy or sell controlled drugs on the street.
Inhalants Inhalants- Chemicals that affect mood and behavior when inhaled. MOST inhalants are NOT controlled drugs. Most inhalants are chemicals that are not produced to be inhaled or used as drugs. Inhalants produce a very quick high because they are inhaled. However, the high usually only lasts a few minutes. Inhaling fumes to get high is called huffing or sniffing. Bagging is inhaling from a back to get high. Inhalants are also inhaled from balloons, aerosol cans, and other containers.
Examples of Inhalants Nail polish remover Furniture polish Gasoline Glue Hairspray Lighter fluid Maker fluid Paint thinner Paper correction fluid Rubber cement Spray Paint Transmission fluid
Inhalants Inhalants can cause immediate death. People often hallucinate which can lead to bad decision making. They increase the risk of accidents, violence and crimes. Inhaling the fumes from paint sprays, glues, de-waxes, cleaning fluids and correction can cause permanent hearing loss.
Marijuana Marijuana- The dried leaves and tops of cannabis plants. It is the most commonly used illegal drug in the US. It can harm different systems of the body, including the immune system. THC- Is a drug found in the cannabis plant that produces psychoactive effects. THC is a fat-soluble drug that builds up in the fatty part of the body, including the brain, heart, and liver. The effects of smoking or eating marijuana depends on the amount of THC. In the past, marijuana contained between 1 -5% THC. Today’s marijuana is much more potent- it usually contains between 8-15%.
Marijuana Marijuana is known as a gateway drug. Gateway Drugs- Is a drug that increases the likelihood that a person who uses it will use other harmful drugs. People who use marijuana may feel relaxed, drowsy, and have an increased appetite. Smoking marijuana damages lungs and the respiratory system. Marijuana smoke also contains many of the same carcinogens that tobacco contains. Long-tem use of marijuana can affect the reproductive system.
Some facts about Marijuana The number of 8 th and 12 th graders who have used marijuana in the last year is dropping Although marijuana gives most people a “relaxing feeling” it also makes it harder to concentrate, remember and solve problems. The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse found that teenagers with a grade average of a D or lower were 4 times as likely to have used marijuana than those with an A average. Teens who have used marijuana are 4 times more likely to than nonusers to have been pregnant or have gotten someone pregnant. People who use marijuana take more sick days than non-users.
Some facts about Marijuana Marijuana smoke contains the same cancer-causing substances as tobacco smoke, but at higher concentrations. Users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than cigarette smokers. This exposes their lungs to these carcinogens for longer periods of time. Marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70 more for carcinogenic hydrocarbons than cigarette smoke. Since THC adheres to the fatty tissues of the body, it takes a long time for traces of the drug to disappear. Just one does of THC from a single marijuana cigarette is commonly detectable for up to 30 days from the time it was smoked! The most common tests for the THC are urine, and hair sample test.
Ecstasy Ecstasy- An illegal drug that has a stimulating effect and the ability to cause hallucinations. Ecstasy is a drug that is synthetic, meaning it is made in a laboratory. The chemical makeup of Ecstasy is similar to that of drugs such as meth. These drugs are known to cause brain damage. While ecstasy is generally taken in pill form, it also can be snorted or injected.
Ecstasy and Physical Problems Use of Ecstasy can result in different kinds of physical problems, such as: Muscle Tension Involuntary teeth clenching Nausea Blurred vision Faintness Chills Sweating
Facts about Club Drugs Club Drug- Is used to describe the drugs that often are available at raves, which are large, all-night dance parties attended by teens and young adults. Club Drugs include Ecstasy, GHB, roofies, LSD, and nitrous oxide. Many users of club drugs mistakenly believe that these are safe and legal.
GHB People began using GHB in the early 1990’s for its intoxicating and sedative effects. Body builders purchased GHB to help in fat reduction and muscle building. Among the street names of GHB are soap and liquid Ecstasy. People who use GHB can have seizures or go into a coma. When GHB is combined with alcohol, nausea and difficulty breathing can result. GHB has been named as a “date rape drug.” GHB can be produced in clear liquid, white powder, tablet, and capsule form, is often abused in combination with alcohol.
Flunitrazepam Flunitrazepam- A drug that belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Flunitrazepam is also known as “roofies,” “roach,” and “rope.” When mixed with alcohol, it can cause people to lose their ability to resist sexual assault. It can also produce a type of amnesia, which means that people may not be able to remember events that have experienced while under the influence of this drug.
Ketamine Ketamine- A drug that has been used medically as an anesthetic for both human and animal use. This is most often used by vet's. This is often referred to as, “Vitamin K” or “Special K.” This drug can also cause dream-like states and hallucinations. This drug is also common in club and rave scenes and has been used as a date rape drug.
LSD LSD- Known as acid or yellow sunshine's. It is a hallucinogen. The physiological effects of LSD include increased heart and blood pressure, increased temperature, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite.
Nitrous Oxide Nitrous Oxide- Is often called “laughing gas.” It enters the body through the repertory system, usually being inhaled from a balloon or a bag. Nitrous Oxide produces a quick head rush. It also acts as a depressant on the central nervous system and can cause permanent damage.
Hallucinogens Hallucinogens- A group of drugs that interfere with the senses and cause hallucinations. Hallucinogens are also known as psychedelic drugs. A hallucinogen is an imagined experience that seems real. The effects of hallucinogens may last for several days!
Stimulants Stimulants- A group of drugs that speed up the activates of the central nervous system. Stimulants are often called, “uppers” because they make people feel alert, awake, and active. They increase blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. Some teens use legal and illegal stimulants to get a high, stay awake, and to lose weight. The use of stimulants always is followed by a crash, or the intense down period that follows a stimulant high.
Types of Stimulants Cocaine: Also known as: Coke, blow, gold dust, white lady, snow, Charlie It is snorted, injected, or smoked. It is SUPER addictive, can cause stoke, heart attack, or seizure; can be FATAL w/ ONE use! Crack: Also known as “rock.” It is smoked. Effects can be 10 times greater than cocaine, can be fatal w/ ONE use and is SUPER addictive.
Cokaine Users…
Types of Stimulants Amphetamines: Diet Pills They are swallowed, illegal w/o prescription Can cause multiple problems and is HIGHY addictive. Methamphetamines: Also known as: Meth, crank, crystal meth, crystal tea, crystal, ice, speed, chalk, and glass. It can be smoked, snorted, injected. Addictive, effects are similar to cocaine, can be fatal with ONE use!
Meth User…
Types of Stimulants Ephedrine Also known as: Effies, white cross It can be swallowed or inhaled It is prescribed to relieve asthma, can be used to make methamphetamines, has same effects as methamphetamines Methylphenidate Also known as Vitamin R, West Coast It can be swallowed, snorted Prescribed to control ADHD, it suppresses appetite, increases focus, attentiveness, willfulness
Types of Stimulants Caffeine A stimulant found in chocolate, coffee, tea, and some soda pops. Most widely used stimulant. Legal!
Narcotics Narcotics- Are a group of drugs that depress, or slow down, the central nervous system and relieve pain. Narcotics slow down body functions (breathing and heart rate). Some narcotics are prescribed by physicians such as painkillers and analgesics. Analgesics- A drug that relieves pain.
Types of Narcotics Opium: A white, milky fluid from the seedpod of the poppy plant. Is smoked. Illegal. Extremely addictive. Morphine: Is a naturally occurring substance extracted from the poppy plant. It can be injected, snorted, smoked, or swallowed. ILLEGAL WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION!
Types of Narcotics Codeine: A painkiller produced from morphine. It can be swallowed. ILLEGAL w/o prescription. Available in very small amounts of over the counter drugs. Heroin: A narcotic processed from morphine. Also known as: smack, junk, brother, garbage. It can be injected or snorted. It is extremely addictive, can cause respiratory arrest and death, severe withdrawal symptoms. Heroin injections heightens the risk for infection with HIV and Hep. B.
Heroin Addict…
Sedative-Hypnotics Sedative-Hypnotics- A group of drugs that depress the activities of the central nervous system. A Sedative drug is a drug that has a calming effect on a person’s behavior. A hypnotic is a drug that produces drowsiness and sleep. Sedative-Hypnotics include tranquilizers and sleeping pills. They are HIGHLY addictive and are illegal when used w/o a prescription.
Types of Sedative-Hypnotics Some Sedative-Hypnotics are: Barbiturates Also known as: barbs, bank, bandits, reds, blockbusters They can be swallowed. Highly addictive, sleep aid, ease tension. Benzodiazepines Also known as: tranquilizers. They are swallowed or injected. They ease tension and relax muscles.
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Steroids- A group of synthetic drugs that are related to hormones. Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids is a type of steroid that is related to male sex hormones. Physicians prescribe anabolic-androgenic steroids to treat medical conditions. Some people illegally use steroids to build muscles and improve strength, athletic performances, and appearance. THEY ARE BANNED IN SPORTS!
People Using Anabolic- Androgenic Steroids…
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids in males can reduce sperm count, sterility, baldness, and cause painful urination. Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids in females is can cause missed menstrual periods, hair growth on the face and body, and smaller breast. Using anabolic-androgenic steroids when a teen could affect bone growth.