1 John W. Diercks ’63 #6 on Ballot
Background Retired from Air Force following 26-year career Commanded largest weather wing, Instructor of Meteorology and network manager for Earth and Mineral Sciences from Fellow of American Meteorological Society Penn State Evan Pugh Scholar Member Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity Three-term president of Lady Lion Cager Club Family of Penn State graduates 2
Position Statement Restore Penn State's public reputation as an outstanding teaching and research University to what it was prior to the Sandusky scandal Critically review the Freeh Report Contest/repeal unjust NCAA sanctions Complete review of Board procedures and structure to make it a more effective governing body Increase proportion of democratically-elected alumni Hold tuition increases to rate of inflation or lower 3
Board’s Grade for Last Three Years Before November 2011, the Board was a little known governing body Sandusky scandal thrust the Board into the headlines Fired a legendary coach, commissioned the Freeh investigation, hired ineffective publicity firms, and didn’t even review the Freeh Report before its public release No major positive accomplishments since the scandal Board’s actions will cost close to $100 million or more The Board can improve its failing grade by supporting lawsuits against the NCAA and reviewing the Freeh Report in light of the Paterno Family Report 4
Time to Fight! Summary of my letter published in the Centre Daily Times 27 February 2013 Board needs to take an active role in contesting/repealing unjust NCAA sanctions Paterno Family Report raises serious questions about the validity of many conclusions in $8.1 million Freeh Report NCAA is fighting criticisms nationwide Except for a handful of members, the Board has been quiet on the sanctions The Paterno Report and lawsuits open the door for the Board to review the Freeh Report and become vocal It’s time to fight! 5
Reforms Sandusky scandal emphasized the need for reforms Remove Governor and University President as voting members Reduce size of the board Establish a three-term limit All votes should be roll-call votes with member’s vote recorded and published in the minutes Members should be present for their vote to be recorded Reduce the number of Governor-appointed board members to reflect the decreasing percentage of State support to Penn State Present bills in PA legislature keep proportion of democratically-elected alumni to the present proportion! 6
Role of Trustee The number one role of a trustee is strategic oversight of the University Where should the University be heading in the next 3 – 5 years? The highest goal of the University, and thus my actions on the Board, should be directed to restoring the public reputation of Penn State as an outstanding teaching and research university to what it was prior to the scandal For me this would require active involvement in committees responsible for University finances, academics, and public outreach Build a consensus on the Board to fight back against unjust NCAA sanctions and repair the reputation of a great coach 7
8 John W. Diercks ’63 #6 on Ballot
Procedures to Obtain a Ballot The official voting process opens on Wednesday, April 10. Voting ends on May 2 If you don't receive voting credentials via , contact the Board of Trustees Office at or at and provide your full name (at time of graduation), year of graduation, college/major, current mailing address, and current 9