How to Create a Local Collection


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Presentation transcript:

How to Create a Local Collection Tutorial

Welcome to EBSCO’s tutorial on How to Create a Local Collection in EBSCOadmin. Local Collections can be used as EBSCOhost search limiters, or as authority files that appear along the top sub-toolbar, to seamlessly integrate searching your print subscriptions with your EBSCOhost subscription databases. Once created in EBSCOadmin, your local collections will become part of your users’ EBSCOhost search experience.

The first step is to click on the Local Collections tab, then click the Add a New Collection Link, and enter a 3-8 character Collection ID. Enter a Description for the collection, and indicate whether or not the collection is an Exclude collection. This can be helpful if you would like to prevent certain titles from being searched on EBSCOhost. If you would not like Alternate ISSNs for your titles to be included in your collection, select the No radio button. When you are finished, click Submit.

The Local Collections screen appears with your new collection name displayed. To add titles to the new collection, click the Go link in the Setup/Maintain Titles column.

Click the Add New Titles link, then browse for titles by database, by title name or by ISSN/ISBN. Click Browse. A list of titles is displayed. Highlight the appropriate journal title, or hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one journal from the list. Click Add to Collection. Click the Back to Title List link to view the new list of titles in your collection.

You may also choose to upload a list of titles you already have available. This is useful if you would like to highlight titles physically available at your institution when Full Text is not available from EBSCOhost. Next, we’ll review the several important steps to upload your list of titles. To begin, click the Go link under the Setup/Maintain Titles column to the right of the collection.

Click the Upload Local Titles Link.

In the Select File Type field, select Delimited Text File. (For instructions on how to upload your titles using the MARC21 format, please click on the Help link.)

In the Field Encoding field, enter the code for the encoding type of your text file. The following FAQ includes a full list of all applicable codes.

In the Field Delimiter field, you can enter any single character, space, or a tab space. In the Text Delimiter field, you can enter a text delimiter (such as quotation marks) used to enclose the fields containing embedded commas.

enter a Collection ID containing up to eight characters. In the Collection ID field, if your text file contains this field, enter the number of the column containing the Collection ID field. If your text file does not contain this field, you must enter a Collection ID containing up to eight characters.

is not included, we use the Title Name to find the journal. In the ISSN/ISBN field, enter the column number of the ISSN/ISBN field in your text file. Do not enter a literal text value for this field. If the ISSN is specified, we try to match the journal by ISSN; if it is not included, we use the Title Name to find the journal.

In the Title field, enter the number of the column containing the Title. If your text file does not contain this field, leave it blank.

In the Notes field, enter the number of the column containing Local Notes. If your text file does not contain this field, leave it blank or enter the Notes Text, which will be added to every title in your collection.

text, which will be added to every title in your collection. In the Summary Holdings field, enter the number of the column containing Summary Holdings. If your text file does not contain this field, leave it blank or enter the Summary Holdings text, which will be added to every title in your collection.

to every title in your collection. In the Call Number field, enter the number of the column containing Call Number. If your text file does not contain this field, leave it blank or enter the Call Number String, which will be added to every title in your collection.

leave it blank or enter From and To dates which will be added to In the From Date and To Date text fields, enter the numbers of the columns containing the From and To dates. If your text file does not contain this field in the stated format, leave it blank or enter From and To dates which will be added to every title in your collection.

message by entering new text. Enter the Yes and No messages that should appear on the Result List if the item is or is not available locally. You can use the messages shown here, or customize your message by entering new text.

button to navigate to the correct location. In the Update Mode field, indicate whether the record should be appended or replaced. In the File Location field, enter the location where the file should be uploaded. Click the Browse button to navigate to the correct location.

If you would like an e-mail sent upon completion of your upload, enter the e-mail address in the appropriate field and click Submit. The list of titles will be uploaded and you will receive an email confirmation that the upload is complete. If you would like assistance with uploading a Local Collection in EBSCOadmin, contact EBSCO’s Technical Support team and they can assist with your upload.

At any time, click the Help link to view the complete online Help system.