EBSCOadmin Reports & Statistics Tutorial
Welcome to the Reports & Statistics tutorial where you will learn about the many types of available EBSCOhost usage reports, which can be used for internal reporting, shared with resource donors, or used to refine your training or promotion needs. Usage reports are an effective management tool which you can use to monitor EBSCO database usage at the site, user group, or profile level.
Using the Reports & Statistics section of EBSCOadmin is easy. Once you have logged in to EBSCOadmin, click on the Reports & Statistics tab to view the report type sub-tabs. Choose from Standard, Link Activity, COUNTER Reports, Personalization Activity, or Graphical Reports.
STANDARD REPORTS present statistics in several formats: By Session, Session by Hour, by Database, Title, originating IP (address), Interface, or by Browser and Device. Click the radio button next to the desired report type, and then choose the level for which you want usage information presented, such as by site, group, or profile.
Once you have selected the date range, which fields to show, sort order, and number of lines per page, you can choose to view the statistics immediately (Show Report), send them to designated addresses (E- mail Report), or schedule reports to automatically be sent to designated addresses (Schedule Report). The Schedule Report feature is an excellent tool for managing usage statistics by having them sent to any e- mail address you specify, at pre-determined intervals. You can also save your report as an HTML file.
LINK ACTIVITY REPORTS capture statistics on visits to or from a specified target, when linking from one to another is involved. For example, this report could show you how many times users of your institution's web site linked over to EBSCOhost. You can also view how many times your users linked from EBSCOhost to your institution's CustomLinks. Click the radio button next to the type of activity you would like to view, select a Platform or Target Type from the drop-down list, enter a date range and how many lines per page you would like the report to contain, and click on the Show, , Schedule Report, or Save button.
COUNTER REPORTS (or COUNTER Code of Practice compliant statistical reports), are available in seven formats and gather statistics at the database level. Choose the appropriate database from the list, select a year and number of lines per page, then click Show Report, Report, Schedule Report or Save Report to complete the transaction. For more information on setting up the SUSHI Web Service for your statistics, click on the Help link in the upper right of your screen and select SUSHI Web Service from the menu.
PERSONALIZATION ACTIVITY REPORT statistics reflect My EBSCOhost folder account usage. This report lets you monitor the number of users utilizing the personalization folder feature in EBSCOhost to store search results for later management. You can also view statistics, at the group or site level, on active saved searches, search alerts, journal alerts, or web pages created with EBSCOs Page Composer program, all of which are stored in My EBSCOhost personalized folders.
You can choose to view the statistics immediately (Show Report), send them to designated addresses ( Report), or schedule reports to automatically be sent to designated addresses (Schedule Report).
Under the Graphical Reports sub-tab, administrators can choose graphical reports that show Session, Database, or Interface Usage data, or Trends reports that represent the last full three months of activity for the consortium or site.
Click on the View/Edit Scheduled Reports tab to change or view your previously-scheduled reports. Please note that a persistent link to each scheduled report will be included with the report attachment, in the recipients .
At anytime, click the Help link to view the complete online Help system.