VxOWare File config guide
Section Id & Name & Description (vo_description.xml) 3 -- Id 1 -- Name 2 – Description
(vo_description.xml)/ /OBSERVATORY/ /DATA_SECTIONS Help Help docs /.. For example... Help/helpTree.xml Help/helpSchema.xml Help/helpTemplate.xml Help/helpView.xsl true 20 true false default
View in VO Id Name Description
Configuration files naming rules Help/helpTree.xml where “Help” is eXist directory for all configuration files of this section; directory name can be any, but sectionId is preferred where “helpTree.xml” is a config file name, can be any, but preferred (and used by us) naming is [sectionId][configType].xml
[sectionId]Tree.xml Help All Help Documents …. AddingMetadata …. false General General Help false
[sectionId]Template.xml keyTitle keyAnnotation keyText Document template for the web XML editor. It is a real doc which can be filled in from web using the key-element mapping Elements form an XML schema configuration file (see below) Keys are unique inside the template. They are used to map web form fields to the element values by the web editor
[sectionId]Schema.xml -- XSD
[sectionId]Schema.xml Help Help-record addition form Please fill in the … keyTitle Title The name of the search result provider. Required text value where keyTitle -- is a unique key to link web editor template (see above) and the XML document schema keyTitle FIELD can have other FIELDs inside OR describe an element from the template (real XML document)
Равнозначная запись с точки зрения системы Help Help-record addition form Please fill … keyTitle Title The name of the search result provider. Required text Help Help-record addition form Please fill in the … fieldName This field contains other fields subFieldName This subfield contains other fields keyTitle Title The name of the search result provider. Required text
FIELD view Например /NumericalData/AccessInformation/AccessRights/ Где синее – филды содержащие другие филды Где красное – филд содержащий отдельный элемент
Edit form – филды содержащие другие филды 2 – филды описывающие элементы
“IS_DISPLAY” elements All the flags listed below can be used in the XML schema document ONLY ONCE: IS_DISPLAY_TITLE (required) IS_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION (required) IS_DISPLAY_LINK IS_DISPLAY_DATE_FROM IS_DISPLAY_DATE_TO IS_DISPLAY_N_COVERAGE IS_DISPLAY_S_COVERAGE IS_DISPLAY_W_COVERAGE IS_DISPLAY_E_COVERAGE Content of the listed elements is used to make a meta-meta record for a cross- section search inside VO
IS_CAPABILITIES All elements marked by this flag are searchable from outside using the standard VO “outersearch” web service and their values can be returned in the resulting XML document Attributes of the IS_CAPABILITIES are used to build a search form to call the “outersearch” web service. In theory VO admin can add any attributes to the element. One standard attribute is: use=“identification” – this field should be present on the search web form (most likely this element will be used in the search criteria)
IS_FAST_INDEX This flag indicates that the element will be indexed outside eXist (say, MySQL full text indexer) By default we do not installed external indexers, so default value of this flag is “false” This flag is optional (takes value “false” if omitted)
*** Usually :) takes one of the values: text, multipletext, select, multipleselect If select or multipleselect are used, then their values should be listed in the OPTION elements list keySelect Select select
[sectionId]View.xsl This configuration file describes rendering of the XML records on the web page It is a standard XSL file