SUAAHARA Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Process, Lessons Learned and Implications
This presentation will share …. Background and Process Limitations and Challenges Top line findings Updates and next steps
Why LQAS in Suaahara ? To generate district level data on key outcome indicators related to IYCF, maternal and child health, WASH, HTSP, HFP etc. Monitor program Management and program decisions Baseline does not give district level results for all districts : this was not the purpose of baseline.
Indicators Assessed in each district 0 – 6 months Initiation of BF Exclusive BF Colostrums 6 – 23 months Dietary Diversity Frequency Acceptable diet All ANC, PNC ORS, ARI WASH Agriculture 19/SA 19/SA 38/SA Sample size
We did it in all 19 districts: except Parbat
Topline findings
Exclusive Breast Feeding: a slight decline from 2013
IYCF indicators: 6-23 months
Iron and Vitamin A rich animal source foods
ORS and Zinc
Maternal and Newborn Health
HTSP Counseling
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
Methods to avoid pregnancyLQAS 2013 LQAS 2014 Mothers report using at least one modern method to avoid pregnancy * Methods/products Injectable Condom Pill Male sterilization0.1 Female sterilization IUD0.1 Implants Withdrawal0.1 Rhythm method0.0 Female condom0.0 Other Lactational amenorrhea method Diaphragm0.0 Foam/jelly0.0
Homestead Food Production Overall 68.6 % had kitchen garden Of them, 18.5 % had improved gardens 34 % in agriculture intensive VDCs 10.3 % in non-intensive VDCs
Poultry % of HHs with Poultry Mean # of poultry % of HHs with semi intensive Coop Mean # of eggs laid last week % of HHs managing eggs for hatching Ag intensive VDCs: 33 Non intensive:
Self Decision Making 34
Women participation
Mass media
What did you do as a result of listening to Bhanchhin Aama ? 81.7 % took appropriate actions in relation to IYCF 53.3 % discussed about the topics with their families and friends.
Thank You