1 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS State Notation Language (SNL) Ned D. Arnold APS (Ron Chestnut SLAC)
2 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS State Notation Compiler and Sequencer u Allows programming of sequential state-oriented operations to run in the IOC u The program interacts with the run-time database(s) via channel access u Latest manual :
3 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Uses u State machines u Startup sequences u Enforce prudent operational procedures u Watch for likely fault modes that are hard to detect via alarms u Implement complex closed loop control schemes u Coordinate control of multiple devices
4 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Advantages u Can implement complicated algorithms u Can stop, reload, restart a sequence program without rebooting (VxWorks property) u Interact with the operator through string records and mbbo records u C code can be embedded as part of the sequence u All Channel Access details are taken care of for you u File access can be implemented as part of the sequence
5 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS To be compared with … u CALC records – single equation, interpreted u Database programming – complex networks u Subroutine Records – arbitrary code 10 input/outputs dbGet…. dbNameToAddr u Straight “C” code
6 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Definitions u SNL : State Notation Language u SNC : State Notation Compiler u sequencer : The tool within the IOC that executes the compiled SNL code u Program : A complete SNL application consisting of declarations and one or more state sets u State Set : A set of states that make a complete finite state machine u State : A particular mode of the state set in which it remains until one of its transition conditions is evaluated to be TRUE
7 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Basics u The SNL code structure follows a state transition diagram format state light_off { when (v > 5.0){ light = TRUE; pvPut(light); } state light_on } state light_on { when (v < 5.0){ light = FALSE; pvPut(light); } state light_off } light_Off state light_On state V > 5 Turn light on V < 5 Turn light off
8 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Basics (cont …) Each state has one or more when statements which specify which state to enter next if their condition is met u Action statements are executed during the transition from one state to another u Access to Process Variables via channel access is accomplished by simply assigning a PV to a sequence variable
9 2001: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS A Complete State Program (with 2 state sets) program level_check float v; assign v to "ts1:ai1"; monitor v; short light; assign light to "ts1:bo1"; float vout; float delta; assign vout to "ts1:ai1"; ss volt_check { state light_off { when (v > 5.0) { /* turn light on */ light = TRUE; pvPut(light); } state light_on } state light_on { when (v < 5.0) { /* turn light off */ light = FALSE; pvPut(light); } state light_off } ss generate_voltage { state init { when ( ) { vout = 0.0; pvPut(vout); delta = 0.2; } state ramp } state ramp { when (delay(0.1) { if ((delta > 0.0 && vout >= 11.0) || (delta < 0.0 && vout <= -11.0) ) delta = -delta; /* change direction */ vout += delta; } state ramp; }
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS More Basics... A state can have multiple when statements. The first one to be evaluated to be TRUE will be executed. This allows conditional branching within the sequence program. When entering a state, all when conditions are evaluated in the order given in the source code If no when condition is true, the sequence program task pends until an event occurs, which causes all when conditions to be re-evaluated u It is easy to create a loop and consume all available CPU time u When this happens, all CA clients connected to this IOC will disconnect
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Exit{} and Entry{} u Extra Clauses which are triggered on ENTRY or EXIT from a state u Default behavior is execution ONLY when making a transition to another state u Default behavior overridden by options (-x and –e)
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Entry and Exit example State ramp_width option –x; { entry{internal_state=RAMP_WIDTH; pvPut(internal_state); ramp_done=0;} when(ramp_done==1) { issue message; } state running when(delay(.1)) { do stuff to ramp; check for being done (ramp_done=1) } state ramp_width exit {publish information on ongoing ramp; taskDelay(1);} }
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS State Timers (delay()) u The delay( seconds ) function will test TRUE after seconds delay. u The timer starts each time the state is entered u The option –t causes the timer NOT to reset upon reentry to the same state state one option –t; { when(delay(10.5)) {timer has expired} state two when(reset==1) {do something; reset=0; pvPut(reset);} state one } state two {}
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Example of “Multiple whens” when(interlockChasPwrBI && (gunLocal==0) && gunInterlocksRdyCC) { gunAutoStart = 0; pvPut(gunAutoStart); gunAutoStop = 0; pvPut(gunAutoStop); sprintf(seqMsg1, "Push Auto-Start to begin autostart..."); pvPut(seqMsg1); sprintf(seqMsg2, "Push Auto-Stop to begin autostop..."); pvPut(seqMsg2); % taskDelay(60); } state waitForRequest } state initialChecks { when(delay(2.0)) { sprintf(seqMsg1, "Initial Checks"); pvPut(seqMsg1); sprintf(seqMsg2, ""); pvPut(seqMsg2); % taskDelay(60); } state checks } state checks { when(interlockChasPwrBI==0) { sprintf(seqMsg1, "Electron Gun not ready..."); pvPut(seqMsg1); sprintf(seqMsg2, "Gun Interlock Chassis off "); pvPut(seqMsg2); } state initialChecks when(gunLocal) { sprintf(seqMsg1, "Electron Gun not ready..."); pvPut(seqMsg1); sprintf(seqMsg2,"Egun in local control "); pvPut(seqMsg2); } state initialChecks when(gunInterlocksRdyCC==0) { sprintf(seqMsg1, "Electron Gun not ready..."); pvPut(seqMsg1); sprintf(seqMsg2, "Interlocks not OK "); pvPut(seqMsg2); } state initialChecks
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Other Features u Assignment of macros at program startup for multiple copies of same sequence (must specify +r compiler flag) program level_check ("unit=ts1") float v; assign v to "{unit}:ai1"; short light; assign light to "{unit}:bo1"; u Arrays (each element can be assigned to a PV) u Built-In functions (pg 17 of SNL Manual) u Dynamic assignment of PVs to variables u Connection Management and status In startup script … ld < level_check.o seq &level_check, "unit=ts1" seq &level_check, "unit=ts2"
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Other Features u Event Flags (used to sync state sets and monitors) u evflag name; synch PV_name name; monitor PV_name; u efSet(name), efTest(name), efClear(name), efTestAndClear(name) u Escape to C code u % escapes a single line u %{ }% escapes a block of code u Log errors to a log file
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Warnings on Events and Escaped Code u Escaped declarations are file scoped! (even if you use the +r option to create a reentrant program) u If you wish to access variables mapped to PVs in escaped code, you must say pvar->variable_name. Look at the generated “c” code if this is confusing. u Event flags are mapped to #define statements evflag namex; evflag namey; map to #define namex 1 #define namey 2 u These events are shared within one task; i.e. one seq & invocation.
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Some TIME warnings u % TS_STAMP start_time; TS_STAMP current_time; double elapsed_time; u pvGet(pv_name); current_time = pvTimeStamp(pv_name); TsDiffAsDouble(elapsed_time,¤t_time, &start_time); u Even if the code is reentrant (option +r), start_time and current_time are file-scoped. u seq &prog.o,[one parameter set] seq &prog.o,[other parameter set] Will share these variables.
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Debugging u seqShow ioc> seqShow Program Name Task ID Task Name SS Name xx_RF_Cond xx_RF_Cond l1AutoConditioning bpmTraject bpmTrajectory bpmTrajectorySS xx_autoPha xx_autoPhasing autoPhasing xx_autoPha_1 updatePresets xx_autoRfT xx_autoRfTiming autoRfTiming value = 0 = 0x0
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Debugging u seqShow ioc> seqShow State Program: "bpmTraject" initial task id= =0xa56330 task priority=100 number of state sets=1 number of channels=56 number of channels assigned=56 number of channels connected=56 options: async=0, debug=0, newef=0, reent=0, conn=0 log file fd=3 log file name="/tyCo/0" State Set: "bpmTrajectorySS" task name=bpmTrajectory; task id= =0xa56330 First state = "init" Current state = "waitToPlot" Previous state = "plotWithBeam" Elapsed time since state was entered = 0.4 seconds) value = 0 = 0x0
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Debugging u seqChanShow,[“PV_name” or “-”] ioc> seqChanShow State Program: "bpmTraject" Number of channels=56 #1 of 56: Channel name: "L1:PG1:PM1:BPM.XPOS" Unexpanded (assigned) name: "L1:PG1:PM1:BPM.XPOS" Variable name: "L1PG1PM1_X" address = = 0xb60f0c type = float count = 1 Value = 0 Monitor flag=1 Monitored Assigned Connected Get not completed or no get issued Status=11 Severity=2 Time stamp = 05/21/99 16:43: Next? (+/- skip count)
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Debugging u printf("Here I am in state xyz \n"); u string seqMsg1; assign seqMsg1 to “[PV_name]”; sprintf(seqMsg1, "Here I am in state xyz"); pvPut(seqMsg1); u Reload and restart u seqShow u td xxxxxx u ld < my_sequence_program.o u seq &my_sequence_program.o,[parameters]
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Sequencer programs run also on Hosts u (Re)implemented by APS u Main program generated by +m option u Option –s on startup creates iocsh, which allows seqShow, etc. u ExampleApp supplied with 3.14 release describes some details
: Beijing State Notation Language EPICS Examples u Control filling of PEP-II ring u Provide handshake between accelerator and experiment u Manage controlled ramping of RF processing u Manage shift summaries u Compensate for Attenuator Phase Shift when adjusted u Automatically check timing of BPM’s u E-gun startup u Modulator startup u Automatic Test Sequences (240 Inputs to the MPS) u BPM Trajectory Plot