Museum Entrance Welcome to the Lobby My young life My Hobbies The rest of my life When I moved to Georgia Museum of Chelsey Fairbanks Visit the Curator Artifact 1
Name of Museum Curator Information Add Picture Here Add biographical statement here Back to Lobby Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Lindsey Warneka under the direction of Dr. Christy Keeler during a Teaching American History grant module. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle School Dr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums
Name of Museum My young life Artifact 2 Artifact 3 Artifact 4
Name of Museum hobbies Artifact 5 Artifact 6 Artifact 7
Name of Museum Georgia Artifact 8 Artifact 9 Artifact 10
Name of Museum The rest of my life Artifact 11 Artifact 12 Artifact 13
Name of Museum In this picture I was riding my tricycle. Like every other kid when they could walk loved to ride things. I got my first one when I was one for Christmas. I always ended up laying on the ground after 30 seconds of being on the bike. But I would cry get up and get right back on. That little bike was like my best friend. My First Tricycle Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 1
Name of Museum When I was 4 years old I had that birthday at Disney world. Of course I loved it, then when we got home it was like Christmas I had so many toys! On that same exact day something bad happened. I was mad at my mom cause she wouldn’t let me go across the street and play. So I was running around and screaming on the back porch and fell off the 10 ft drop I think it was that high but I was ok. Disney world. Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 1
Name of Museum My first trip to six flags My first trip to Six Flags Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 1 My first trip to six flags was really fun. I rode just about every Ride except for the super man. When I got on the super man I ended up getting right back off. That was because I was in the Back and when we took off the back started wobbling and’ I was screaming, so they stopped it and I got off.
Name of Museum The first time I cheered was for the falcons. That was when I was in the 3 rd grade. Our time was undefeated our time was the first little league team that has ever been undefeated. After that I cheered for the eagles and that team stunk, we lost just about every game. Then I quit cheering and went to something else. Read along and see. Cheerleading Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 2
Name of Museum Well the first time I played softball was when I was 7yrs old. I played for the tigers at the rec. So I played softball until I was 13 but I did not play for the school it seemed to hard to try out when I could just sign up. When I turned Softball Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 2
Name of Museum Basketball Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 2 Now I know that you probably don’t think that I would be the Basketball type but when I turned 8yrs old I played basketball Until I turned 10yrs old. We were called the tigers and of course We were an all girl team we lost one game and the rest we won.
Name of Museum The first day we moved Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 3 The first day we moved to Georgia was very upsetting for me I had to leave all my friends behind. When we got their I was in First grade the name of the school was called Franklin elementary All of the teachers their were very mean I hated that school.
Name of Museum Well when I went home from school everyday I would go out back and play with the dogs. Our house was big it had three stories and a bunch of stairs. I had to bedrooms one regular room were I slept and another with all my toys. I loved that part but hated the school part. Home in Georgia Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 3
Name of Museum The trips that we went on while we were in Georgia we would normally go to the water world which was small but as a kid I really enjoyed it and always wanted to go back and see what I looked like but as much I remember I really liked it. There was all these really big slides that I would go down and almost give my mom a heart attack cause I would move around as I went down. Road trips Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 3
Name of Museum When I moved back to Alabama I loved it I got to see all my friends I started c burg elementary in the 2 nd grade. My teacher was, Pennington and she was great. We had a lot of nfun she took us on field trips but in georgia we never did nothing that is why I love childersburg! Cburg elementary Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 4
Name of Museum When I was in the 4 th grade at Childersburg I had Mrs.. Dora and she was like Mrs.. Garrets twin. But she was also very mean sometimes also in the 4 th grade I won the spelling bee and went to state but I came in second place. I am just glad I came back here. 4 th grade Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 4
Name of Museum The first time I came into middle school I thought that I t is going to be really hard but it turned out that it was really easy. My 6 th grade teacher was ms. Keith. She was the nicest teacher I have ever met. The first field trip that I went on here was skates 280 and it was fun. Although I did skate one time and busted my hinny and never got back on. 7 th grade was alright it was just lie I expected it to be. But Mr.. cospers class was gruesome (nasty). Finally I am in 8 th grade and don’t really know what the turn out well be but I am expecting good things. Middle school Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 4 e