Dean Acheson signs the NATO treaty in Washington on April 4, 1949, as Harry Truman and British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin look on. George Kennan rejected the militarization of “containment”.
EVIDENCE OF STALIN’S PLAN FOR WORLD DOMINATION? 1. The Greek Civil War of 1946/ April 1947: A strike at the Renault Plant near Paris gains the support of the French Communist Party and leads to the fall of the Popular Front Government. 3. Chinese Civil War, 1947/48: The sudden victory of the Communists over the Nationalists leads to conspiracy theories in Washington. 4. Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia, February June 1948: Soviet Blockade of Berlin, which leads to the Berlin Airlift. Only ONE of these five events actually took place on Stalin’s orders….
All debate in Washington about Soviet intentions ended when North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950, but Dean Acheson had declared publicly in January 1950 that the U.S. “defensive perimeter” did NOT include South Korea (see Gaddis, pp. 41-3).
When U.S. troops reached the Yalu River in October 1950, 300,000 Communist Chinese troops intervened
U.S. troops retreating in The USA lost 36,515 men killed in what was technically a “UN police action.”
General Douglas MacArthur was dismissed by Truman in 1951 after publicly advocating the use of nuclear weapons.
Sixteen of these B-29s were shot down by “North Korean” fighter planes that were actually Soviet.
INITIAL POSTWAR ELECTION RESULTS ( ) COUNTRYCom.Soc.Lib. Chr.- Dem. Other France27%24%6%25%18% Italy19%20%6%35%20% West Germany 6%29%12%31%22% In 1948 Charles de Gaulle founded a secularist, nationalist party for moderate conservatives that gradually absorbed the French Christian Democrats.
Founding Fathers of Christian Democracy, the EU, & NATO: Alcide de Gasperi ( ): Italian prime minister, Konrad Adenauer ( ): West German chancellor, Robert Schuman ( ): French prime minister, 1948, & foreign minister,
The Schuman Plan for the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), published in May 1950, was devised by JEAN MONNET ( ) : Deputy Secretary General of the League of Nations; : Liquor exporter, international financier; : Trusted advisor of Churchill, de Gaulle, & FDR; first president of the ECSC,
THE LIBERAL ARCHITECTS OF WELFARE CAPITALISM Sir William Beveridge declared war on poverty in 1942 John Maynard Keynes ( ) championed full employment Ludwig Erhard promised “Prosperity for Everyone” as German economics minister
“NATO: His Comrades, our Allies” (West Germany, 1955/56)
Adenauer and Italy’s prime minister, Antonio Segni, signing the Treaty of Rome on March 24, 1957, to create the European Economic Community
STEPS TOWARD INTEGRATION 1952: European Coal & Steel Community 1958: Common Market (EEC) 1962: Common Agricultural Policy 1979: European parliament elected 1992: All non-tariff barriers removed 1999: Monetary union
AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH OF GDP COUNTRY France1.6%0.7%4.6%5.8%1.3% Germany2.9%1.2%7.8%*4.8%*1.6%* U.K.2.2%1.7%2.7%2.8%1.2% Italy1.4%1.3%5.8%5.7% USA4.3%2.9%3.2%4.3%2.2% Sweden2.4%2.0%4.4%4.5% * Refers solely to West Germany.
Walter Ulbricht founded the pro-Soviet German Democratic Republic in 1949
The Foundation of Independence and Prosperity" (GDR, 1952)
Demonstrations by 500,000 workers in East Germany were suppressed by Soviet tanks on June 17, 1953, with 70 killed.
Nikita Khrushchev (Soviet leader, ) denounced Stalin’s “cult of personality” in a closed meeting of the 20 th Congress of the CPSU in February 1956 but was shocked when anti-Stalinist riots broke out in Poland and Hungary
In Budapest a popular uprising brought Imre Nagy to power in late October 1956, but Soviet tanks “restored order” in early November.
Americans were shocked when the USSR launched the world’s first orbital satellite, Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957.
Nikita Khrushchev denounces Gary Powers & his U-2, May 1960
Khrushchev also wooed the Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro, who came to power in 1958
JFK authorized the landing of 1,300 Cuban exiles armed by the CIA to land at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961 Ninety were killed and most of the rest captured after three days of fighting.
Khrushchev responded by sending troops and nuclear-armed missiles to Cuba (surveillance photo from October 1962)
Nuclear deterrence required a warning interval (Polaris submarines had just begun deployment in 1960)
The range of Soviet missiles deployed or about to be deployed; there would be no warning from a strike by them…
President Kennedy announces the blockade of Cuba to the American people on October 22, 1962
The U.S.S. Barry intercepts a Soviet freighter, October 1962
Soviet freighter with missiles on deck
THE RESOLUTION OF THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS, OCTOBER 1962 Khrushchev offers privately on October 26 to remove his missiles in exchange for a U.S. promise not to invade Cuba, but Radio Moscow proclaims on Oct. 27 that the U.S. must also remove its missiles from Turkey. JFK formally accepts the first proposal and sends his brother to Ambassador Dobrynin with a secret assurance that U.S. missiles would be removed from Turkey in 4 or 5 months. October 28: Radio Moscow broadcasts a pledge by Khrushchev to remove the missiles from Cuba. JFK responds with a public pledge to respect Cuba’s borders. Soon thereafter, the USA replaced its Jupiter missiles based in Turkey with Polaris submarines off the coast.