Monte Carlo Particle ID Numbers Computer Readable Files Palm Particle Data Book Tom Trippe PDG Collaboration Meeting November 13, 2004
Monte Carlo Particle Numbering Scheme Revised March 2004 by L. Garren (Fermilab), I.G. Knowles (Edinburgh U.), S. Navas (U. Granada), T. Sjostrand (Lund U.), and T. Trippe (LBNL). The numbering scheme is used in several event generators, e.g. HERWIG and PYTHIA/JETSET, and in the /HEPEVT/ [4] standard interface. The general form is a 7digit number: ± n n r n L n q1 n q2 n q3 n J This encodes information about the particle's spin, flavor content, and internal quantum numbers. For example: B B + 521
Monte Carlo Particle Numbering New authors: Sergio Navas (U. Granada) 2004 edition on PDG Meson Team Member Improving coordination on meson numbering Peter Richardson (U. Durham) 2006 edition on Replaces Ian Knowles as HERWIG representative Working on Particle Data for C++ version HERWIG++ 25 new or changed meson codes or names Added pentaquark codes for Θ + and Φ - - Coordinated with STDHEP project at FNAL Next edition: may extend for excited baryons
Computer readable files Table of Masses, Widths, and PDG Monte Carlo Particle ID Numbers –updated for the 2004 Edition of RPP. Mass-Width Table with Expanded Content and Improved Format –New in 2004, done by COMPAS group Added quantum numbers I, G, J, P, C, quark content, and quality status. Included all states in the Review of Particle Physics, whether confirmed or not, with flags to indicate their status. Format is “comma-separated” so it can be read by C++, Fortran, and Excel or other spreadsheet or database programs.
Future of computer readable files User access to RPP will improve in new system We might allow users to design their own output formats We could retain the existing files as examples
Palm Particle Data Book Done by Doug Lowder, user Contains –physical constants –astrophysical constants –particle properties Doug is upgrading for 2004 PDG provides input using the new mass-width computer readable table Doug will take responsibility for upgrading and distribution with PDG pointing to his web page