Learning Objectives Explain the initial transition from analysis to design. Create a system specification. Describe three ways to acquire a system: custom, packaged, and outsourced alternatives. Create an alternative matrix. © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2
Transition from Requirements to Design BRIEF PREVIEW © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3
Key Ideas In Systems Analysis we figure out… o What the business needs In System Design we figure out… o How to build the system that fulfills those needs All of the “logical” work from Systems Analysis is converted to the “physical” © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4
Key Definitions Design phase o Decide how to build the system o Create system requirements that describe all technical details for building the system System specification o Final deliverable from design phase o Conveys exactly what system the development team will implement during the implementation phase © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5
Design Phase Steps Determine system acquisition strategy (make, buy, or outsource) Determine the technical architecture for the system Address security concerns and globalization issues Make hardware and software selections Determine the way that users will interact with the system (interface, inputs, and outputs) Design the programs for the underlying processes Design the way data will be stored Create final deliverable - the system specification © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6
Elements of System Specification © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7
Ways to Acquire a New System Custom development (build from scratch) in-house Purchase software package (and possibly customize it) o Install on our own computers, or o Obtain access from a software provider (host) Outsource development to third party, who might o Build system from scratch for us, or o Purchase software for us, customize and install it © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9
Custom Development PROS Get exactly what we want New system built consistently with existing technology and standards Build and retain technical skills and function knowledge in-house Allows team flexibility and creativity Unique solutions created for strategic advantage CONS Requires significant time and effort May add to existing backlogs May require skills we do not have Often costs more Often takes more calendar time Risk of project failure © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10
Purchased Software Packages (purchased or obtained from ASP or SaaS) PROS No need to “reinvent the wheel” for common business needs Tested, proven product Cost savings Time savings Utilize vendors’ expertise Some customization may be possible CONS Rarely a perfect fit Organizational processes must adapt to software Reliance on vendor for maintenance and future enhancements Won’t develop in-house functional and technical skills Unique needs may go unmet May require system integration © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11
Purchased Software Application service providers (ASP) supply access to software on a pay-as-you-go basis Many applications today are “in the cloud”… o ASP – provider hosts someone else’s software o SaaS – software vendor hosts its own software o Considerable savings – no hosting infrastructure needed; host provides everything Risks include o Fear of losing confidential information o Performance © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12
Purchased Software Analyze the vendor as well as the software functionality Verify vendor claims with others Look carefully at vendor support Assess long-term viability of vendor as an on-going business o A new software company may have a great idea, but can they survive as a business over the long haul? o If the vendor is an acquisition target, what will happen to the product? © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13
Systems Integration Building systems by combining packages, existing (legacy) systems, and custom software written for integration Integrating data between various parts of the system is the key challenge Many consultants specialize in systems integration © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14
Outsourced Development PROS Hire expertise we don’t have May save time and money Lower risk CONS No opportunity to build in-house expertise Reliance on vendor Future options limited Security – potential loss of confidential information Performance based on contract terms © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15
Outsourcing Hiring an external vendor, developer, or service provider to supply the system Can also obtain custom system created by outsourcer Can reduce costs and/or add value (resources, experience) Risks include o Losing confidential information o Losing control over future development o Losing learning opportunities © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16
Outsourcing Contracts Time and arrangements Fixed-price Value-added © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Outsourcing Guidelines Keep lines of communication open Define and stabilize requirements before signing the contract View the relationship as a partnership Select vendor, developer, or provider carefully Assign someone to manage the relationship Don’t outsource what you don’t understand Emphasize flexible requirements, long-term relationships, and short-term contracts © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18
Influences on the Acquisition Strategy WHAT FACTORS DO WE CONSIDER? © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19
Acquisition Strategy Selection Factors © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20
Selecting an Acquisition Strategy HOW DO WE CHOOSE? © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21
Developing Our Options Need to collect information o What tools and technologies are needed for a custom development project? o What vendors make products that address the project needs? o What service providers would be able to build this application if outsourced? © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 22
Request for Proposals (RFP) Solicits proposals from vendor, developer, or service provider Explains the system to be built and criteria for selecting among applicants Request for Information (RFI) -- a shorter and less detailed version Request for Quote (RFQ) – use when you just need a price © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23
Request for Proposal Contents Description of desired system Special technical needs or circumstances Evaluation criteria Instructions on how to respond Desired schedule Other information that will help the submitter to make a more complete or accurate proposal © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 24
Developing an Alternative Matrix Combine several feasibility analyses into one matrix Include technical, economic, and organizational feasibilities Assign weights to indicate the relative importance of the criteria Assign scores to indicate how well the alternative meets the criteria © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 25
Sample Alternatives Matrix © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 26
Tune Source Alternatives Matrix © 2015 JOHN WILEY & SONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 27