Computer Skills 2 for Humanities (Electronic Mail)
Definition - Shortcut for (Electronic mail). إختصار ل -Electronic Mail service. خدمة المراسلات الإلكترونية - Likes a Normal Mail service.تشبه البريد العادي - A method of connection between people in the world.وسيلة للتواصل بين الناس في أنحاء العالم - The connection : is by ability to send and receive messages between people in the internet.التواصل عن طريق القدرة على إرسال رسائل - Ability to send and receive attachments. القدرة على إرسال ملفات على شكل ملحقات مع نص الرسالة - Each sender and receiver has to have an Addressكل مرسل أو مستقبل يجب أن يملك عنوان لبريد إلكتروني
basic work Using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for sending messages. server This protocol establishes a connection to an server (like Yahoo or Hotmail) that the receiver deals with it, and then send the message. The sending message is stored in the receiver inbox in the Server by using his address, until he becomes Online and Reads his . The sending time for the message is not more than 20 seconds and depends on the network load.
E-Message Contents Likes a traditional mail message. Consists of: 1. Introduction: - Sender and receiver address. - Sending Time. - Message Subject. 2. Message Body: written text. 3. Attachments: Files, pictures, documents,…etc.
- كتابة الرسالة - كتابة عنوان المرسل - إرسال الرسالة - ستذهب الرسالة الى Server شركتك المزودة للخدمة - ستتحقق من صحة عنوان الرسالة - ستحدد المسار الذي ستسير به حتى تصل الى Server المستقبل للرسالة - ستخزن في بريده الخاص الموجود على ال Server - عندما يستطيع قراءتها في أي وقت سيفتح الرسالة ويقرأها
Address The general construction: Host_Name.Domain Where: -User_Name: User address. -Host_Name: Host Name. Server Name or company name (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail…etc.) - Domain: Network Type. - You can find the Country symbol in the last position of the address (.JO,.UK,.SY ……)
Address (cont.) Domain typeDescription ComCommercial companies EduEducational Foundations GovGovernment Foundations MilMilitary Foundation NetNetwork Services Companies OrgOrganizational Foundations IntInternational Foundations
Types Web mail: is a traditional , and used by any browser (ex. Yahoo, Hotmail web mail). Forwarding mail: is used to send a message from one address to another through Forwarding mail. it is a suitable sending method for any user who not want to reveal his address.
مثال : - إذا كان لديك إيميل ال Forwarding ، والجميع يراسلك عليه ، ويقوم هذا البريد بتوصيل تلك الرسائل إلى بريد آخر لك ، أي أن الشخص الذي أرسل لك رسالة بريدية لا يعرف عنوان بريدك الحقيقي. POP3 Mail (Post Office Protocol): like the Web mail, but is differ from it by using special applications like MS Outlook.
The Risks Spam Messages: السبام : أي رسالة إلكترونية لا ترعب باستقبالها Spam is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the message on people who would not receive it. Most spam messages are: -Commercial advertising. -News messages. -Questioners. -etc.
How spam targets individual users with direct mail messages? How spam targets individual users with direct mail messages? spam lists are often created by: 1.The Revealing of address for the user. أنت تكشف عن عنوان بريدك عن طريق وضعه في صفحات المزادات العلنية ، المجلات ، الإعلانات ، الأخبار ، المنتديات 2. Stealing Internet mailing lists. 3. Searching the Web for addresses using special software (Rolling addresses randomly). 4. Selling the your Address by some companies to spammers
Risks-Hackers Hackers: Hacker is a term used by some to mean "a clever programmer" and by others, especially those in popular media, to mean "someone who tries to break into computer systems." أشخاص يحاولون الوصول الى معلومات إلكترونية بطرق غير شرعية
How to protect our system from spammers and hackers? A- Using Antivirus software: there are Two Types: - Programs that located in User’s Personal Computer. - Programs that located in free web sites. Antivirus applications in user’s PC: 1. Norton Antivirus. 2. Mcafee. 3. PC-cillin.
How to protect our system from spammers and hackers? Antivirus applications in free web sites: 1. Symantec Security Check. 2. HouseCall. لكن لا يمكن إستخدام هذا النوع الا عندما نعمل على الشبكة B- Using Firewall: A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. accessnetwork
Firewalls Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet.Internet All messages entering or leaving the Internet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security
How to defend ourselves from Spammers and Hackers? From Spammers: 1. Don’t give your Address except to your closed Friends. 2. Don’t open any Junk messages with unknown address. 3. Don’t open any Attachments with unknown address. 4. Use Anti-spam Tools that supported by the Applications. 5. Unsubscribe from commercial and general lists, and unwanted groups.
How to defend ourselves from Spammers and Hackers? From Hackers: 1. Don’t put your Personal IP address on any website. 2. Ensure that your antivirus program is active and updated always. 3. Disconnect the connection to internet when you not need it. 4. Use a good and effective firewall