Ask Ontario: built to last from the start Jan Dawson, MLIS askON Project Manager


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Presentation transcript:

Ask Ontario: built to last from the start Jan Dawson, MLIS askON Project Manager

If askON is closed the offline button appears. Visitors can choose to send a ? by to their library.

secure, private, chat or instant messaging (IM) reference tool deliver better information than visitors can find on their own accessed by websites of Ontario partner libraries connect visitors, one-on-one, with LIVE library staff research skill & literacy building tool…NOT an answer line build relationships with libraries and between libraries What is askON anyway?

personal/professional staff development both languages for bilingual Ontarians and French students access to resources to which visitors are entitled point of access for visitors who prefer the medium for various reasons: convenience, social, emotional, physical build capacity, welcoming new generations and communities What is askON anyway?

askONs inside face

2 pieces: chat vehicle & staff portal

June 2006 askON Steering Committee struck Sept 2006 Project Manager hired June 2007 Task Forces struck Jan 2008 askON pilot launched Sept 2009 Internship Program launched June 2011 askON is a two-sector collaborative service with a self-funded partnership model. development of askON

21 Public 12 Colleges

askON / ONdemande …just the facts 44 hrs/wk public; 16 hrs/week French; 62 hrs/wk college 800+ trained staff province wide 100+ trained interns from the askON internship program of MLIS students and grads

askON today 2011 Evaluation has just been completed Call for partners –Info sessions in February and March –Training and implementation in May and June –Partners join service for September 2012 launch OLA Access article in the Winter issue OCLC report: Seeking Synchronicity

OCLC report Seeking Synchronicity June 2011 OCLC Research and Rutgers Recommendations: R is for Relationships as well as Reference Market user privacy Convenience is the hook Collaboration is the strength Promotion in the library

From project to collaborative service New funding model: two-sector self-funded service partnership model Staff: Project Manager, Accounts & Web Coordinator New parental organization askON today

We have answered over 78,000 questions!

6.1% 7% GOAL to Reduce IB by 2-3% from 7% to 4-5% as of 2011 evaluation 2011 results: less than 1%!

New partners Marketing strategies for both sectors Mobile service delivery SMS/Text service delivery askON looking forward

Thank you