Team Chica -York ►Stacey Boeke, Program Director, Chicago ►Alayna Held, Development Fellow, Chicago ►Nadia Ahmed, Consulting Fellow, Chicago ►Alethea Hannemann, Director of Product and Program Development, New York ►Allison Raaum, Program Associate/Consultant, New York
What would make significantly more nonprofit employees take advantage of quality pro bono resources? ►Idea: Every foundation in the US will offer a 5% bonus on grants given to nonprofits who show that they utilize pro bono resources at about 3% of their budget. ►Goal: Change the behavior and culture of nonprofits seeking and receiving foundation resources, so that they will prioritize the use of pro bono. In the long run, this will also change the culture of giving in the US. ►Nonprofit Motivation: Nonprofits will be motivated to earn an additional 5% more from foundation grantors if they implement pro bono. ►Foundation Motivation: Foundations will get more bang for their buck by incentivizing nonprofits to engage in capacity-building efforts through pro bono... so their grants will go farther.
What’s your high-level plan for successfully making this happen? ►Need for $.5M to kick off a big splashy campaign that will target the appreciation of pro bono in the foundation world ►Partnership with Ad Council and prominent foundations who will take pro bono on as a signature cause. Then build out a Foundation Bonus campaign similar to the “Billion + Change” campaign. ►Partnership with GEO to help promote this idea to foundations across the country during GEO conferences. Taproot will be a thought leader and champion. ►Partnership with Foundation Center for support with measurement ►Use of Taproot’s educational materials and resources for pro bono best practices. ►Start with a small cohort, then BUILD OUT!
How will the success of this idea be measured? ►Nonprofits must report their pro bono activity to their grantors. Pro bono providers must confirm their pro bono contributions to grantees. ►Foundations would report on grantees’ pro bono activity to the Foundation Center, who can help measure its success.. ►Special attention will be given to: ►The increase in the total number of nonprofits who are utilizing pro bono ►The increase in how much pro bono nonprofits utilize as a percentage of their annual budget
How do you envision this idea getting to a very large scale when implemented? ►Potential for scale is huge! ►Pilot this idea with a key group of prominent foundations who can help establish the use of pro bono in foundation culture. ►Eventual goal is to have EVERY foundation in the US participate, which would have an enormous impact on nonprofits all over the country. ►High potential for government and corporate funders to adopt this model as well! ►THIS IS BIG.