Barnegat Township Schools September 19, 2012
Mr. Anthony Scotto ◦ Director of Curriculum & Instruction Mr. Richard Czyz ◦ District Supervisor of Elementary Education (K-5) Mrs. Yasmine Ruch ◦ Enrichment/Gifted & Talented Teacher
Challenges all learners. Teaches students valuable critical thinking and problem solving skills relevant to the Common Core standards. Prerequisite skills for students who might be considered for Gifted and Talented in 3 rd grade.
KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2 Sequencing Relationships (commonality) Patterns (non- numerical) Puzzles Inferences Critical Analysis Relationships (commonality) Analogies Deductive Reasoning
Enrichment Newsletter (K-2) ◦ Distributed at end of Marking Period ◦ Highlights of Program