AIG Local Plan 2010-2013 Parent Informational Meeting 2011-2012.


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Presentation transcript:

AIG Local Plan Parent Informational Meeting

State Definition of an AIG Student These students: –Perform or show potential to perform at higher levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. –Exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or in both. –Require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular education program. The state recognizes these students come from a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds.

NC AIG Standards, adopted July, Student Identification 2.Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction 3.Personnel and Professional Development 4.Comprehensive Programming within the Total School Community 5.Partnerships 6.Program Accountability

How are gifted students identified and served in Kindergarten, 1 st, and 2 nd Grade? Level of Service Entrance CriteriaLearning Environment Level IGifted Transfer Student In-Class Flexible Grouping Level IITesting Scores 95% or Higher Cluster Grouping Level IIITesting Scores 99% or Higher in One Subject Subject Advancement Dual-Enrollment Level IVTesting Scores 99% or Higher in Both Subjects Grade Advancement

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Identification K-2 (Individual testing for potential placement is done only once in K-2 years.) Level I-transferred into the district with documentation of qualifying for AIG services Services: In-Class Flexible Grouping Regular Education Classroom

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Identification K-2 Level II -Each criterion must be met to qualify Standardized achievement assessment of 95% or greater Reading eligibility: reading scores only Math eligibility: math scores only Standardized aptitude assessment of 95 % or greater on: Reading eligibility: verbal sub-score,Math eligibility: quantitative sub-score *Percentile at 95 th due to only 2 criteria in place. Services: Cluster Grouping, In-Class Flexible Grouping, Cross-Grade Flexible Grouping and/or Flexible subject grouping

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Identification K-2 Level III Standardized achievement assessment of 99 % on: Reading eligibility: reading scores only or: Math eligibility: math scores only Standardized aptitude assessment of 99 % on : Reading eligibility: verbal sub-score Math eligibility: quantitative sub-score Principal observation and meeting with site GPS Team to review data and observation Consult I-SS Director of AIG Services: Subject Advancement, Dual Enrollment

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Identification K-2 Level IV -Each criterion must be met to qualify Standardized achievement assessment (must be current testing given within one year of request) of 99 th percentile for both reading and math Standardized aptitude assessment of 99 th percentile (must be current testing given within one year of request) Iowa Accelerative Scale 95% Appropriate social development as assessed by teacher, parent, and psychologist observations Principal observation and meeting with site GPS Team to review data and observation(s) Consult I-SS Director of AIG Services: Grade Advancement

How are gifted students identified and served in 3 rd through 8 th Grade? Level of Servi ce Entrance CriteriaLearning Environment Level I - Gifted Transfer Student - Gifted Student Who No Longer Meets Level II Criteria In-Class Flexible Grouping Level II - 93% Achievement Score & Grades - 90% Aptitude Score Cluster Grouping Level III -Testing Scores & Grades 99% or Higher in One Subject Subject Advancement Dual-Enrollment Level IV -Testing Scores & Grades 99% or Higher in Both Subjects -95% on Iowa Accelerative Scale Grade Advancement

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Identification 3-12 Level I-transferred into the district with documentation of qualifying for AIG services Services: In-Class Flexible Grouping Regular Education Classroom

Level II Level II Criteria -Each must be met to qualify A student can qualify in Reading, Math, or Both. 93% on standardized achievement test 90% on standardized aptitude test 93% on final course grades Level II Services: In-Class Flexible Grouping Cluster Grouping Cross-Grade Flexible Grouping Flexible Subject Grouping

Level III Level III Criteria - Each must be met to qualify. A student can qualify in Reading, Math, or Both. 99% on standardized achievement test 99% on standardized aptitude test Principal observation Meeting with School Gifted Processes and Support Team to review data and observation Consult District Director of AIG Level III Services: Subject Advancement Dual Enrollment

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Identification 3-12 Level IV -Each criterion must be met to qualify Standardized achievement assessment of 99% and final course grades 99% for both reading and math Standardized aptitude assessment of 99 % on both verbal and quantitative sub- scores, Iowa Accelerative Scale 95% or greater, Principal Observation, Consult with Director of AIG Services: Grade Advancement

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Services Choice Option 6-12 High School School may be selected VPAC, IB Candidate, CCTL, Courses are self-selected Honors, AP, IB, NCVPS Students at HS and IB complete electronic DEP designed for school choice, IB elements, course selections

AIG Local Plan Overview Student Identification 3-12 To address multiple criteria for identification: Achievement Aptitude Portfolio (Grade 5, Grade 7, Grade 10) Naglieri Iowa Accelerative

Standard 1 Student Identification Focused practices Articulate and disseminate the plan, processes for identification Initiate screening, referral, and identification procedures that respond to traditionally under-represented populations Ensures consistency in implementation of screening, referral, and identification procedures Establishes written policies that safeguard rights of AIG students and families-Procedure to Disagree Form Maintains documentation that explains identification procedures, service options, which is reviewed annually.

Standard 2 Differentiated Curriculum & Instruction Focused practices Adapts NCSCOS according to identified ability, readiness, interests, and learning profiles K-12 Enriches, extends, and accelerates the curriculum to address a range of ability levels in language arts, math, and other content areas as appropriate Employs diverse and effective instructional practices to address a range of learning needs Creates affective curricular and instructional practices which support the social and emotional needs of AIG students

Standard 3 Personal and Professional Development Focused Practices Ensures that AIG specialists are engaged in tasks which explicitly address the academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners Establishes specific and appropriate professional development requirements for all personnel involved in AIG programs and services, including classroom teachers, exceptional children’s personnel, counselors, and school administrators Places AIG students in classrooms with teachers who have met the LEA’s professional development for that position or have earned an AIG add-on licensure Provides opportunities for AIG specialists and other teachers to plan, implement, and refine applications of their professional development learning

Standard 4 Comprehensive Programming within a School Community Focused Practices Informs all teachers, school administrators, and support staff about delivery of differentiated services and instruction for AIG students, regulations related to gifted education, and the local AIG program and plan Articulates and implements a process for accelerative instructional and placement options when an appropriate body-of- evidence indicates that such a practice is warranted for an individual gifted learner.

Standard 5 Partnerships Focused Practices Informs parents/families and the community of opportunities available to AIG students on an ongoing basis and in their native language Forms partnerships with parents/families, institutions of higher education, local businesses and industry, and other stakeholders within the community to enhance and gain support for AIG programs and services

Standard 6 Program Accountability Focused Practices Monitors the representation and retention data for under-represented populations in the current AIG program to include culturally/ethnically diverse, economically disadvantaged, English language learners, highly gifted and twice- exceptional Maintained Practice AIG folder audits will be done twice during the year (October and February)

Student DEPs AIG Students complete a DEP (Differentiated Education Plan) in a meeting (parent, teacher, student) Elementary /Middle DEPs indicate services provided and allow for student choice in learning. Students work on this portion of their DEP when compacted out of current objectives being taught. Choice option schools and high schools utilize an electronic DEP that is accessible to parents, teachers, students at all times. An annual signed document is obtained from parents explaining the DEP process at this level.

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Plus/Delta/Issue bin items Thank you for attending. Please add plus/delta/issue bin items on the chart. This presentation will be available on the District AIG Website (click departments, curriculum, AIG) Have a great school year!