Welcome to River Eves Elementary T.A.G. What is TAG? Talented and Gifted
Program Overview Fulton County T.A.G. Provides enriching learning experiences for intellectually advanced and exceptionally creative students Provides a variety of high-quality opportunities for learning Serves K-12 students at all Fulton Co. schools Specially trained TAG teachers Meets the requirements of the Georgia Department of Education
What does “Gifted” mean Children or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities. (Title IX, Part A, Section 9101(22), p. 544)
Gifted Children: Gifted Children: Have extraordinary ability or potential Have an extensive knowledge base Grasp complex & abstract concepts & relationships Learn rapidly & Remember more Are highly curious Have a strong need to learn Are self motivated, independent learners Creative thinkers & Problem Solvers Are so full of ideas they may start many projects & finish few Prefer complex, difficult, and novel tasks May be bored with slow paced, basic education
How does a child get into the TAG program? SCREENING / REFERRAL Automatic screening / standardized test scores Classroom screening / referral TESTING Mental abilities, achievement, & creativity tests ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Must qualify in 3 of 4 categories Mental ability, achievement, motivation, or creativity
What are the basics of a gifted education? Based on a philosophy of nurturing the unique learning characteristics, interests, & capabilities of gifted students Sensitive to unique emotional & social needs of gifted – Develops an awareness of their potential – Encourages self understanding – Develops attitudes that promote a positive self concept Encourages students to develop their own talents & abilities Gifted program content is advanced & enriched Regular core curriculum is accelerated or compacted to provide time for gifted programming
TAG Standards TAG Standards Advanced research methods and independent research skills Creative thinking and creative problem-solving skills in order to be a generator of ideas and products original to the learner Higher order and critical thinking skills Advanced communication skills that incorporate new techniques, materials, and formats in the development of products and ideas that will be shared with real audiences
Critical Thinking Skills KnowledgeFluency ComprehensionFlexibility ApplicationOriginality AnalysisElaborative Thinking SynthesisComplexity EvaluationCuriosity Risk-TakingImagination
T.A.G. Program Description -One day per week (approximately 8:00-2:00) -Concentration on Science and Social Studies standards with language arts integration -Classroom assignments on TAG days are modified or eliminated -Homework on TAG days is still required -Integrated units extend and enrich the Fulton County Core Curriculum -Students go back to homeroom for specials, recess, and lunch (some have recess in TAG)
Grading System Three units / year-Advanced Communication, Research, Creative Problem Solving, Higher Order thinking (Every unit we work on Communication Skills, every unit is created to concentrate on one of the other three areas). Unit letter Project-based Rubrics Report Cards- 3 times a year- students will only be graded on one category each time plus Advanced Communication Skills Parent conferences-usually end of the year Probation- 75 or lower
Report Card Missing elements are not evaluated in Kindergarten and First.
Sample TAG Units Ends of the Earth Rainforest Zoology Pilgrims Challenge Where In the World? Invention Convention Space Exploration Stock Market Conflict and Cooperation
Typical Day in TAG -Logic or Critical Thinking Activity to warm-up -Unit Lessons (Integrated & aligned with -- Science and Social Studies GPS) -Cooperative Groups and independent study -Journaling or writing -Technology Skills -Specials/Lunch/Recess -Review and Evaluation of the day -STEM activities
Important Web Sites Important Web Sites Fulton County Supporters of the Gifted (Membership form) National Association for Gifted Children Georgia Association for Gifted Children Gifted Site for Kids *Advanced Studies and Talent Department rningandTeaching/Pages/AdvancedStudies.aspx rningandTeaching/Pages/AdvancedStudies.aspx
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