Waltzing Home From Work Dr. John Draper Educational Research Service Alexandria, VA
Bubba got a cell phone Mother and college son
Do you want students to: Tell the truth? Accept responsibility? Cooperate? Work on making you happy?
Training the Troops Have teachers handle 95% or more of the problems Solve the problem before the parents get mad Get teachers to correct their own weaknesses
Teacher Empowerment Providing consequences Accepting responsibility
Defusing Anger Student sheet Teacher response
Perception is Reality Teacher feedback Student survey
Large Groups: Use positive peer pressure Have students work to make you happy Get an assembly quiet Find out who stole the $ from the locker room Drastically reduce the number of fights in your school
Positive Peer Pressure Clear expectations Large group rewards NO group punishment!
Recognition Program K.I.S.S. Make it a priority
Assemblies Practice Quiet 1, 2, 3
Who Did It? One clean sheet RTTET
Take The Fun Out of Fighting The messenger boy The promoter
One on One Get a student to tell the truth Supervise a student without looking Hold a parent in the palm of your hand Stop the Bully! Touch a student’s heart when you lecture
Truth Book Put it in writing Consequence for the offense Consequence for the lie
Block sanding Bad language/behavior Write it Sand it
Tape recorder Stop the argument Keep it handy
No Contact Contract Terms Consequences Rewards
The One-Minute lecture 30 seconds of feeling 10 seconds of silence 20 seconds of compassion
Every Student is a Potential Winner! Some Are Disguised As Losers - Don’t Let Their Appearances Fool You!
What is ERS? ERS was founded by NAESP and NASSP to support school leaders 20 years ago principals were hungry for research... Now you are choking on research— some of it developed by organizations unfriendly to public schools
School Leaders Have Too Little Time and Too Much Information!
ERS Provides: Info that school leaders need to know Tools to use with your teachers Bundled services for one low price (Costco model)
Info that school leaders need to know... InfoFiles—immediate, in-depth research on pre-selected topics utilizing over 150 sources found in the ERS library (approximately 100 pages)
Addressing the Principal Shortage Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs After-School Programs Algebra for All Alternative Assessment: Definitions/Issues/Uses Alternative Education Alternative Routes to Teaching Alternatives to Suspension/In-School Suspension Assessing Mathematical Understanding Assessing Young Children Assisting Beginning Teachers Assistive Technology Attention Deficit Disorders -ADD/ADHD Authentic Assessment Autism Balanced Reading Instruction Beginning Principals Beginning Reading Instruction Beginning Teacher Mentorship Programs Block Scheduling, K-12 Brain-Based Education Bullying at School
Career and Technical Education Caring School Environments Character Education/Moral Development Charter Schools Class Size Co-Teaching Comprehensive School Reform Conflict Resolution/Student Mediation Content Area Reading Cooperative Learning, Elementary Cooperative Learning, Secondary Dealing with Angry and Aggressive Students Developing Teachers as Leaders Developmentally Appropriate Instruction Differentiating Instruction Direct Instruction Discipline for Special Education Students Disproportionate Representation in Special Education Distance Education Dropout Prevention Early Reading Interventions Effects of Inclusion on Students and Staff
Emotional/Behavioral Disorders English Language Learner Instructional Programs Ethics for School Personnel Experience-Based Learning Females in Math and Science Finance Reform: Equity and Adequacy Foreign Language Instruction-Elementary Education Foreign Language Instruction-Secondary Education Full-Day/Half-Day Kindergarten Gender Equity Gifted Learning Disabled Students Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom Gifted Students, Grouping Gifted Students, Identification Gifted Students, Programs Gifted Underachievers Grade Organization Grading/Student Evaluation Green Schools and Environmental Learning Grouping for Math Instruction Grouping for Reading Instruction Hands-On Science
Handwriting, Teaching Methods High-Stakes Testing Higher Order Thinking Skills Home Schooling Homework, K-12 Improving Reading Comprehension Indoor Air Quality Instructional Coaching Instructional Leadership Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners Integrating Literature and Writing into Mathematics Integrating Technology into the Classroom Curriculum Interdisciplinary/Integrated Curriculum Leadership Styles Learning Styles/Teaching Styles Long-Term Benefits of Preschool Education Looping/Multiyear Teaching Magnet Schools, K-12 Marketing Your School Math Education and Curriculum Development Math Manipulatives and Calculators
Mentoring for Students Merit Pay/Pay for Performance Middle and High School Classroom Management Middle School Curriculum Middle School Transitional Programs Minority Teacher Recruitment Minority Underrepresentation in Gifted Programs Motivation of Students Multiage/Nongraded Education Multicultural Education Multiple Intelligences Music Education and Curriculum Development Music Enhances Learning Nutrition and Wellness Parent Involvement Parent-Teacher Conferences Peer Coaching Peer Tutoring Phonemic Awareness Physical Education Planning for School Library Resource Centers Planning Time for Teachers
Portfolio Assessment Positive Discipline/Positive Reinforcement Poverty: Impact on Children and Families Pre-Kindergarten Programs in Public Schools Pre-Referral Intervention Principal Evaluation Problem Solving in Math and Science Professional Development for Administrators Professional Development Schools Professional Learning Communities Programs for At-Risk High School Students Programs for At-Risk Middle School Students Proposal Writing/Grantsmanship Reading Aloud to Students Reading Assessment Reading Fluency Reading Recovery Reciprocal Teaching Recruiting and Hiring Teachers Remedial Reading Instruction for Secondary Students Renovating School Facilities Resilience: Survival Skills for Students Response to Intervention
Retention / Turnover of Teachers Retention in Grade, K-6 School Accountability School Board Governance School Bond Issues School Climate School Facility Planning School Readiness/School Entrance Age School Restructuring School Schedules: Middle Schools and High Schools School Security School Size School Start Time School Uniforms and Dress Codes School-Based Budgeting School-Based Management School-Business Partnerships School-Within-A-School Schoolwide Discipline Science Education and Curriculum Development Scientific Research and Education Self-Discipline
Service Learning Shared Decision Making/Teacher Participation Single-Sex Education Social Skills Social Studies and Curriculum Development Spelling Instruction Staff Development and Technology Staff Development for Teachers Standards for School Leaders Strategic Planning Strategies for Educational Change Strategies for Effective Inclusion Strategies to Motivate Reluctant Learners Student Attendance and Truancy Student Mobility Student Performance Standards and Benchmarks Study Skills Success for All Successful Practices in Rural Education Summer School Supplemental Funding for Public Schools Teacher Advisor Programs
Teacher Aides/Assistants Teacher Evaluation Teacher Evaluation Portfolios Teacher Expectations, Teacher Efficacy, and Student Achievement Teacher Quality Teachers as Researchers Teaching African American Students Teaching Asian American Students Teaching English Language Learners Teaching Hispanic American Students Teaching Information Literacy Skills Teaching Media Literacy Skills Teaching Native American Students Teaching Reading to English Language Learners Teaching Students Responsibility Team Building Team Teaching/Teaming in Elementary Schools Teaming in Middle and Secondary Schools Tech-Prep Technology and Equity Technology Funding
Technology in Education Test Preparation The Achievement Gap The Arts: Their Place in the Curriculum The Middle School Movement The Quality of Public Education: Myths and Realities Time Management for Administrators Tracking/Ability Grouping: Alternatives Transfer of Knowledge/Memory Retention Transition from School to Work Urban Schools and Academic Success Using Data to Improve Education Value-Added Assessment Violence Prevention Virtual Education Vocabulary Development Writing Across the Curriculum Writing Assessment and Holistic Scoring Writing Workshop Year-Round Education
Info that school leaders need to know... eBulletin—brief, ed summaries of new research, new court decisions, & new resources (every other week) Research Gateway at NAESP or
Tools school leaders need to use... Focus On—ready-to-use professional development for principals to use with their teachers ERS Planning Calendar—contains state holidays, religious holidays, national conference dates and more!
The Principal’s Advantage Designed for Principals who want to be “in the know” Designed for Principals who want to work smarter A major part of your job is to provide intelligent, informed leadership Conference special!
At ERS We Do the Work And You Get the Credit!
For Copies of this Power Point Presentation me at
Waltzing Home From Work Dr. John Draper Educational Research Service Alexandria, VA