THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDUCATION Chapter 5R Teachers, Schools, and Society A Brief Introduction to Education EDUCATIONAL REFORM David Miller Sadker Karen R. Zittleman
Evolution of American Education Elementary Schools Dame Schools – 1600’s (private child care-schooling) Local Schools – 1600’s – 1800’s (New England – religion and basic skills) Itinerant 1700’s Schools and Tutors 1600’s-1900’s – (rural traveling teachers and also for wealthy) Private Schools – 1700’s -1800’s –middle colonies, varied according to ability to pay Common Schools – 1830 – Present – free, open to all social classes, democracy to the classroom, Horace Mann’s vision, later kindergarten, pre- K and Head Start
Evolution of American Education Secondary Schools Latin Grammar Schools – 1600s-1700s for wealthy, study Latin, Greek and Roman - tuition English Grammar Schools – 1700s – preparation for business careers, practical studies, some females, prep for society, tuition Academies – 1700s – 1800’s – taught English, some prep for college as well as business, tuition High Schools – 1800s-present – open to all social classes, prep for college and business, public funding Junior High 1909-present, Middle Schools 1950s-present designed to meet needs of pre-adolescents, prep for HS
Initiatives for Change Kalamazoo Michigan case 1874 tax support of high schools set precedent NEA Committee of Ten 1892 establishes the “Carnegie Unit” and national policy for high school gifted students prep for college NEA Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education 1918 set policy for all high school students. Beginnings of national broad based research informing educational decisions affecting all high school students A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform 1983- President Reagan, begins strong federal policy direction of national education, elementary & secondary
Contributors to American Educational Reform Jean-Jacques Rousseau – democracy, child development Emma Hart Willard - higher education for women, teacher prep Friedrich Froebel – formed 1st “child’s garden” in 1837 Prudence Crandall – abolitionist advertised in Liberator Maria Montessori – early childhood teaching, individual Mary McLeod Bethune – education of blacks thru college Sylvia Ashton-Warner – “key vocabulary system” for teaching reading, individualized Kenneth Clark – “white and black doll study” cited in Brown vs. Board 1954 as proof that separate is unequal Paulo Reglus Neves Freire – “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” challenges status quo governments in Brazil and U.S.
End EDUC 110 Dr. Jackson