Second Grade Identification and Assessments Parent Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Second Grade Identification and Assessments Parent Meeting Kelly Kollar and Sarah Vanderburg TD Catalyst Teachers 980-343-0749

The federal government defines "gifted and talented" students, children, or youth as those ...who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities.  No Child Left Behind Act, P.L. 107-110 (Title IX, Part A, Definitions (22) (2002); 20 U.S.C. Sec. 7802 (22) (2004)) What is Giftedness?

The goal of the Talent Development and Advanced Studies Program in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is to provide rigorous curriculum and academic opportunities so each student may reach a classroom performance level consistent with his/her intellectual ability. Gifted in CMS

Knows the answers Is interested Is attentive Bright Learners Gifted Learners Knows the answers Is interested Is attentive Has good ideas Works hard Top group Learns with ease 6-8 repetitions Enjoys peers Grasps the meaning Is receptive Enjoys school Absorbs information Good memorizer Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation Asks the questions Is highly curious Is mentally and physically involved Has wild, silly ideas Plays around, yet tests well Beyond the group Already knows 1-2 repetitions for mastery Prefers adults Draws inferences Is intense Enjoys learning Manipulates information Good guesser Thrives on complexity

Timeline of Events Late August: Notify parents of assessment dates in writing. Notify TD teacher of new to CMS 2nd grade students. September: Administer the CogAT during scheduled dates. October: CogAT Results returned. Parents are notified of results. Next steps are determined for students who meet certain benchmarks. ITBS and portfolio assessments begin for students who meet benchmarks. November: Portfolio process continues for certain students. ITBS results returned and parents notified. December/January: Portfolio samples collected from multiple settings. Parents may submit a portfolio piece meeting district expectations (see letter). February: Portfolios for school are scored by TD Catalyst teams. March: Parents are notified of final results. New to CMS 2nd grade students are tested using the CogAT. Timeline of Events

Fall Screening CogAT window is September 9-18th Nonverbal ability test Given whole group Results will be returned in early October Each child will get the notification results letter and the CogAT interpretation letter. Practice activities are available for students. Test is age based on the child’s birth month and year. Fall Screening


New Identification Rubric Accumulation of points based on the available assessment results. An accumulation of 12 points identifies the child as AIG in both Reading in Math. Identification in ONLY reading or math will occur after all opportunities to identify in both are exhausted. New assessment results will be used to identify subject area students. New Identification Rubric

Aptitude Achievement Informal Second grade-CogAT **Students 87% or above are eligible for ITBS. Second Grade- ITBS Second Grade- Gifted Rating Scale and Portfolio Score Points Score-Reading Gifted Rating Scale (GRS) 96% or above 12 4 3 t-scores of 65 or higher 6 92-95% 3 87-91% 2 86% or below Score- Math Portfolio-Students with GRS scores or 92-95% on CogAT are eligible 12 points on Rubric Aptitude Total + Achievement Total +Informal Total Need 12 total points

ITBS AND PORTFOLIO ELIGIBILITY ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills- an achievement test) Students who have an 87% or higher on verbal subtest, quantitative/nonverbal composite, or age- composite are eligible with parent permission to take the ITBS. Portfolio Opportunity Students who have 3 t-scores 65+ on the GRS and have not accumulated 12 points. Students who have a 92-95% age-composite on the CogAT and do not accumulate 12 points after the ITBS screening. ITBS AND PORTFOLIO ELIGIBILITY

Each student will receive 5 samples compiled by the school Each student will receive 5 samples compiled by the school. 6th sample is a parent piece. Samples are collected by the 2nd grade teacher and the TD Catalyst Teacher. Parents will be notified in writing of the expectations of the parent piece. The categories samples are assessed for are as follows: Advanced Language, Analytical Thinking, Motivation/Perseverance/Leadership, Perspective/Sensitivity/Humor, Creativity/Artistic Talent Please note, evidence must be observed in advanced language and analytical thinking prior to other categories being scored Portfolio Process

Identification in Subject Area Students who do not identify in BOTH reading and math will be considered for Reading ONLY or Math ONLY identification using their CogAT subtest scores and ITBS achievement scores. Parents will be notified of subject-area identification in March. Identification in Subject Area

Reading ONLY Math ONLY Verbal Aptitude Points Quantitative/ Non-Verbal Aptitude 96% or Above 4 92-95% 3 87-91% 2 86% or below Reading Achievement Math Achievement Total of 6 points needed to certify for math or reading.

Will there be future opportunities for identification? If a student does not identify as AIG in BOTH subject areas or a single subject area he/she may be reassessed after 24 months if the TD school-based committee feels it is in the best interest of the child. Will there be future opportunities for identification?

Any Questions?