What is “Gate Ten”? Who is it for? How do they get in? (Qualify) What do they do?
The Kindergarten Team Shelley Cano – GT Teacher, Lovejoy & Hart Elementary Martha Fitzgerald – GT Teacher, Hart Elementary Eva Logan, GT Teacher, Puster & Lovejoy Elementary If you have questions, please contact Wendy Craft, the Gifted and Talented Coordinator at:
HONORS or GIFTED ? What’s the difference? Who is it for?
HONORS GIFTED Knows the answers Is interested Is attentive Understands ideas Learns after several repetitions Listens with interest Prefers order Prefers straight-forward, sequential presentation Has good, logical ideas Is in top of age peer group in knowledge Loves school Asks the questions Is highly curious Is totally involved Understands abstractions Learns first time Expresses strong feelings Comfortable with chaos Prefers random, open-ended presentation Comes up with wild, silly ideas Is far beyond age peer group in understanding May be at risk
How do they qualify? Five assessment measures 3 objective and 2 subjective 96%ile National Percentile Rank Cross District Line on 4 of 5 measures to be considered
How do they qualify? Subjective Measures Observations of Parents Observations of Teachers
How do they qualify? Objective Measures Screening Phase Reasoning Assessment All Kindergarten students In Kindergarten classroom with the GT teacher and Kindergarten teacher.
How do they qualify? Objective Measures continued Small group During January and February Aptitude Assessment – Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT Achievement Assessment – Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)
How do they qualify? Identification Profile – Need a 96 or above in 4 out of these 5 areas. Reasoning Teacher Checklist Parent Letter (automatically gives your child a 96%) Kindergarten Abilities Test Kindergarten Achievement Test
Where do I get the paperwork to refer my child? The referral is due on Friday, January 7 th by 4:00 p.m. –Departments –Special Education and Academic Support –Gifted & Talented Services Forms ~ –K-5 Referral –Permission for Testing
Questions and Answers If you have any further questions, please Wendy Craft.