Legislative Update Presented to District Improvement & Planning Committee Dr. Maroba Zoeller, Chief Governmental Relations Officer May 19, 2015
Total Bills Filed – 6,274 Bills Related to Education – 1,037 LEGISLATIVE TIMELINE Days Remaining – 14 days as of May 19 th Dates of Interest : May 11 – last day for House committees to report House bills from committee May 14 – last day for House to hear bills on second reading May 23 – last day for House committees to report Senate bills from committee May 26 – last day for House to hear Senate bills on second reading May 31 – last day for House to adopt conference committee reports June 1 – Sine die…. 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
84 th 83rd Introduced6,2745,868 Passed625,909 Vetoed026 Comparison: Total House Bills & Senate Bills as of May 10 th
Signed by Governor INDIVIDUAL GRADUATION COMMITTEES –SB 149, Signed by Governor Requires districts to create IGC to provide seniors alternative to passing up to 2 EOC exams; requires seniors who met all other course requirements for graduation to present a project, or portfolio related to the EOC subject to demonstrate mastery to committee. Allen ISD School Board adopted Resolution 5/18/15 to Approve Immediate Implementation of SB 149
Sent to Governor HB 440 by Larry Gonzales would require the physical education curriculum to meet the needs of students who have a disability, including a mental disability. (The Senate did not change this bill, so it now goes to the governor for signature. HB 1430 by Susan King would require TEA to ensure that information provided to students related to health science careers includes information regarding mental health professions. In addition, to the extent the public services endorsement includes information on health science career pathways, the information would be required to include mental health careers as a possible pathway. (The Senate did not change this bill, so it now goes to the governor for signature
Budget Conference Committee Members Named in Both Chambers The Texas Senate named the following members to the conference committee that will work with House members to negotiate differences on HB 1, the state budget bill: Sen. Jane Nelson, chair (R–Flower Mound) Sen. Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa (D–McAllen) Sen. Joan Huffman (R–Houston) Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R–Brenham) Sen. Charles Schwertner (R–Georgetown) The House members named to the conference committee are: Rep. John Otto (R–Dayton) Rep. Trent Ashby (R–Lufkin) Rep. Sarah Davis (R–West University Place) Rep. Larry Gonzales (R–Round Rock) Rep. Sylvester Turner (D–Houston) Recent Actions in the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
BUDGET HB 1759, Aycock – WITHDRAWN Chairman Aycock pulled-down HB 1759 (school finance) from debate just after noon today, meaning any school funding changes will now have to come from HB 1 (appropriations bill). The House and Senate conferees on HB 1 will now negotiate any increase to the FSP. The Senate has an increase of $1.2 billion (basic allotment), $200 million for fractional funding, and $800 million for the Austin Yield increase. The House has an increase of $2.2 billion (basic allotment) and $800 million for the Austin Yield increase. Both the House and Senate have funded enrollment growth at approximately $2.5 billion. The $800 million Chairman Aycock had set-aside for HB 1759 still resides in Article XI of the House version of HB 1. Without a school finance bill, however, it is unknown whether that additional funding will be used for public education this session. Recent Actions in the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
BUDGET HB 1759, Aycock – $3 Billion (a little less than 4% increase) Basic Allotment – Increase to $5,888 from $5,040 Higher Basic Allotment increases allocations for special ed, compensatory ed, bilingual ed, gifted/talented ed, and career/technical ed Eliminates: Cost of Education Index Transportation funding High School Allotment Staff Allotment Chapter 41 revenue hold harmless ASATR – scheduled for elimination in Reduces mid-size adjustment and small district Fractional funding mix Hold harmless for 2 years for districts losing funding Recent Actions in the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
Education Bills Passed by Both Chambers HB 1 Otto, John(R) General appropriations bill. Vouchers HB 4 Huberty, Dan(R) Relating to a high quality prekindergarten program provided by public school districts On 4/20, the Senate passed SB 4, and sent to the House on 4/22, a tax credit program (aka vouchers) to fund scholarships to private schools for students.SB 4 Epi-Pens Senate passed on April 15, SB 66, authored by Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa and relating to the use of epinephrine auto-injectors on public school and open- enrollment charter school campuses, passed out of the Senate and moves on to the House for consideration. The bill requires that unassigned epinephrine auto-injectors be available on all public school campuses and off-campus school events.SB 66
Education Bills Passed by Both Chambers HB 181 Bell, Cecil(R) Relating to information printed by school districts on high school diplomas. HB 903 Capriglione, Giovanni(R) Relating to the investment of a portion of the economic stabilization fund balance. SB 925 Kolkhorst, Lois (F)(R) Relating to providing training academies for public school teachers who provide reading instruction to students in kindergarten through grade three.
A-F CAMPUS RATING SYSTEM – SB 6, Taylor Left pending in Committee. Scheduled for Public Hearing April 28 th. Heard in House Public Education Committee April 3: Passed by Senate with 2 amendments: Applies an A through F state accountability ratings to campuses for Requires Commissioner to provide campus and district grades for each indicator Delays implementation until so it follows a review of the accountability system called for in Sen. Taylor’s SB 120, which has passed out of Senate Ed Committee, but not passed the full Senate. Truancy Engrossed; Left pending in committee 5/6/15 The Senate passed SB 106 by Sen. John Whitmire April 22, with a vote of 26 to 5. The bill, which would treat truancy as a civil court matter, now goes to the HouseSB 106 Recent Actions in the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
-Voted out of Senate Education Committee 4/23 -SB 313 by Kel Seliger Referred to Public Education 5/5/15:would establish procedures for the SBOE to review and modify the TEKS in the foundation subjects (English language arts, math, science, and social studies) by narrowing the content and scope of the standards and skills for each subject and grade level SB 1434 by Van Taylor Engrossed; Left Pending in Committee 5/12/15: relates to counting time spent by students participating in certain approved off-campus instructional programs in calculation of the average daily attendance for a school district or open-enrollment charter school. (Sent to the local and uncontested calendar) SB 894 by Larry Taylor would remove limits on the number of virtual courses in which students may be enrolled (and would make other changes to the state virtual school network) Recent Actions in the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
TAX ROLLBACK HB 964, Howard -Received from the House 5/18/15 Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district Provides future flexibility to a school district, such as Allen, that had a TRE election approving to go to a higher M&O tax rate ($1.17 for Allen). The bill would allow a district to lower the M&O tax rate and then, if needed, raise the M&O tax rate in a subsequent year without requiring another TRE election – as long as the original TRE election was less than 10 years ago. Recent Actions in the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
PREKINDERGARTEN HB 4, Huberty, Received from the House 5/18/15 This bill creates the basis for a high quality prekindergarten grant program. The commissioner is charged with establishing a funding program. That program is in addition to any funding provided by the Foundation School Program. The curriculum must include the prekindergarten guidelines established by TEA, and each teacher must be certified. As part of the grant program, school districts must develop a parent engagement plan. The commissioner must evaluate the use and effectiveness of funding in improving student learning Recent Actions in the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
The Board of Trustees of Allen ISD began working with the Superintendent and Cabinet in Mid-November to develop a Legislative Agenda that would identify their priorities for the 84 th Legislative Session. Several community agencies and organizations signed a Resolution of support for those priorities, which include: Instructional Calendar Chapter 21 contracts Funding Issues Accountability Curriculum and Instruction Vouchers We are closely following numerous bills pertaining to these priorities that have been filed by both our local representatives and other legislators. Following is an update on only the most recent legislative action on some of those bills: BOARD PRIORITIES for the 84 th LEGISLATIVE SESSION
AISD supports flexibility in the instructional calendar regarding designation of first day of instruction as no earlier than the second Monday in August. No Recent Legislative Action – Sen. Van Taylor reports of the 3 House bills and 2 in the Senate, none are moving forward, and if not heard in Committee with next few weeks, will not be heard. BOARD PRIORITIES – Instructional Calendar HB 204, Leach – specifies school start date no earlier that 2 nd Monday in August SB 296, Van Taylor– repeals the law governing first day of instruction
AISD supports revocation of a certificate and termination of a Chapter 21 contract for employees convicted of any felony offense. Section of the Texas Education Code specifies the revocation of a certificate and termination of employment based on conviction of certain offenses. Currently, only felony offenses under Title 5 of the penal code would result in automatic revocation of a certificate and termination of employment. The district may have some options to terminate employment for a conviction of other felony offenses that are not a Title 5 felony. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: Received from the Senate 5/12/2015 SB 1497, Van Taylor & Companion (Identical) HB 4006, Laubenburg, Jodie Relating to a requirement that a school district terminate or refuse to hire an employee convicted of certain offenses. As filed these bills, would modify the offenses for which a school district must discharge employees. The modification would include any felony offense or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. BOARD PRIORITIES – Chapter 21 Contracts
AISD supports a reduction in the number of state-standardized tests in grades 3-8. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: Scheduled for public hearing on 5/20/15 CSHB 743, Huberty – requires an independent entity to empirically determine validity and reliability of STAAR tests in grades 3-8C BOARD PRIORITIES - Accountability
AISD supports a reduction in the number of state-standardized tests in grades 3-8. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: SB 1302, Menendez Left pending in Senate Education Committee Hearing 4/28 Would reduce state standardized testing to Federal minimum HB 1164, VanDeaver – Scheduled for public hearing 5//20/15; Placed on General State Calendar; Introduced & referred to committee on House Public Education, Directs TEA to no later than 9/1/16 revise its assessments of English I, English II and grades 4 and 7, to address English language arts rather than writing. SB 1200, Taylor, Larry – Scheduled for public hearing 5/20/15; Placed on intent calendar Establishes committee Next Generation Assessments & Accountability CSHB 742, Huberty – Committee Report sent to to calendars; Eliminates assessments in social studies in grades 8 and eliminates U.S. History end-of-course test BOARD PRIORITIES - Accountability
AISD supports narrowing the scope of the grade level TEKS in order to provide ample instructional time for students to learn to the depth and complexity of each student expectation. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: SB 313 by Kel Seliger ; Referred to Public Education 5/5/15; Voted out of Senate Education Committee 4-23 Would establish procedures for the SBOE to review and modify the TEKS in the foundation subjects (English language arts, math, science, and social studies) by narrowing the content and scope of the standards and skills for each subject and grade level BOARD PRIORITIES - Curriculum & Instruction
AISD supports updating the Cost of Education Index (CEI) and tying it to a self- adjusting value. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: HB 1759 eliminates the CEI; Withdrawn 5/15 HB 4 CEI provision dropped in engrossed version 5/7/15; repeals the CEI because the Legislature has failed to adopt a revised CEI; BOARD PRIORITIES – Funding Issues
AISD supports adjusting the Equalized Wealth Level for Enrichment Taxes above the first 6 cents of enrichment tax effort. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: CSSB 945 by Larry Taylor, Referred to Public Education 4/30/15; Placed on Intent Calendar – Would add Education Code (a-1) to provide that the district’s compressed tax rate for a district that adopted a maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rate for the 2005 tax year below the maximum rate permitted that year would include the portion of the district’s current M&O tax rate in excess of the first six cents above the district’s compressed tax rate under (a), until the district’s compressed tax rate computed in accordance with this new subsection is equal to the state maximum compressed tax rate. (Committee substitute passed) BOARD PRIORITIES – Funding Issues
AISD supports adjusting the Equalized Wealth Level for Enrichment Taxes above the first 6 cents of enrichment tax effort LEGISLATIVE ACTION: None SB 246, Watson – changes the basis for reducing the basic allotment from the compressed tax rate to the adopted tax rate such that a district adopting at least a $1.00 tax rate for M&O would receive the full basic allotment, regardless of its compressed rate. It would also change the calculation of the local share of Tier 1 of the formula system to lesser of the adopted rate or $1.00. SB 247, Watson - this bill would increase the yield for pennies above the compressed rate plus six cents to the yield level of Tier 1. It would also change the equalized wealth level applicable to those pennies. BOARD PRIORITIES - Funding Issues
AISD supports continuing state funding for state mandated increase in district’s contributions to the Teacher Retirement System (TRS). LEGISLATIVE ACTION: HB 1, Otto & Nelson, Senate appoints conferees Provides estimates for a proposal to change benefits or participation in benefits of a public retirement system or to change the financial obligations of a public retirement system. BOARD PRIORITIES – Funding Issues
AISD supports legislation that holds privately run schools that are receiving vouchers, tax payer savings grants, tax credits, tuition reimbursements, and any other program that diverts tax dollars to the same transparency standards and state and federal accountability requirements to which traditional public schools are held. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: CSSB 4, Engrossed; Referred to Ways & Means 5/5/15; Passed by Senate, 4/22 - Sent to House – Tax credit scholarships applicable to private schools – Accredited by TEA or an organization recognized by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission; Annual administration of a nationally norm-referenced assessment instrument NOT the same standards and accountability requirements as public schools BOARD PRIORITIES - Vouchers
As bills related to our Board Priorities are moved forward toward a vote, signatories on the Board Resolution are being advised by of the impending action and background information regarding the bill. Language either supporting passage of the bill or encouraging votes against the bill, is included in that message. These bills will be tracked, and progress will be reported to the Board and community supporters. Questions regarding the 84 th Legislative Session should be directed to: Dr. Maroba Zoeller, Chief Governmental Relations Officer or Plan of Action for Legislative Advocacy