Howdy y’all! The Howell farm needs your help! They are short one farmer and need help taking care of the animals! Can you learn all about cows, pigs, sheep, & chickens, and then help them? If you think you can help them, click here to begin!here IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion Click agenda for teacher’s page!
IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion ^ Go home (click on John) Pretend you are the new farmer for the day. You need to: 1.Click here to learn about the four different farm animals you will be helping out 2.Complete the coloring worksheet that I will be passing out & turn that into me. 3.Be prepared to discuss with the whole class what you learned about the animals as well.
1.Watch a movie over farm animals to get 2.Click on each animal to the side to learn about them. 3.Make sure you learn some basic characteristics of each animal, including: the noise they make, food they eat, and 1 reason why they are used on a farm. 4.Do the worksheet that was passed out to you. 5.Check the Evaluation page to be sure you have completed everything.Evaluation 6.If you have time you may quietly check out the Fun pageFun IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion
IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion Do you think you did everything fully and will earn all the points above? Yes? If so, GREAT JOB and please click here!here
Howdy there again! If you are on this page then you must be done with everything! Did you learn all about the chickens, cows, pigs, and sheep? You did not forget to do your coloring worksheet either did you? I know that can be a lot to learn for such a short time, but you did great learning about the animals at the Howell Farm! Now you can go tell everyone how much you know about the farm animals! Are you finished and others aren’t? Then proceed to the “Fun Page” and play some animal games and solve puzzles while you wait for others. Please do this quietly!“Fun Page” TaskIntroductionProcessEvaluationConclusion
Hear them sing to you! Hen Back to “Process”
Domesticated Pigs Descended from Boars Very intelligent animals Very clean Roll around in mud to cool off Very sociable animals Mostly used for their meat (pork) Some use their hides & etc. to make things such as brushes Will eat pretty much anything, including table scraps (Some farmers feed them corn & various grains too) They “oink”“oink” Back to “Process”
Found in flocks (groups of them) Can not easily defend themselves Very timid & nervous animals Wool fur coats Farmers sell this wool to stores that make coats and etc. from it Also used for their milk production Very picky eaters, mostly eat specific leaves off of trees They “baaa”“baaa” Back to “Process”
Mammals Female cows produce milk in their udders Male cows are used for their meat Herbivores (plant eaters) that graze on grass & leaves They “moo”“moo” Back to “Process”
Introduction TaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion
IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion “Farm Animals” WebQuest Created by Chelsea Howell of Bellarmine University Questions/Comments? Please me at Preschool/Kindergarten “Farm Animal” Unit Science Lesson Used in the 2 day long unit over farm animals (See Procedures page in order to learn more about the unit)Procedures Click on arrow to go to Curriculum Page
Learning Standards Addressed
Learning Objective Students will be able to tell others the basic characteristics of pigs, sheep, chickens, and cows. They will be able to tell what each one looks like, what they eat, what they sound like, and how they are used on a farm. They will be able to work at their own pace and build upon their own previous knowledge by completing the WebQuest on Farm Animals. After learning all these facts on there, they will solidify this knowledge by participating in the class discussion and telling their classmates their observations.
Procedures for entire Farm Animal Unit The first day of the Farm Animal lesson will focus primarily on reading the “Big Red Barn” book out loud to the class during story time. One should expect to spend about 15 minutes letting the children all say what they already know (or think they know) about farm animals. Have them say which animals they believe are found on a farm. Then spend about 40 minutes reading the book. Let the children predict what they believe will happen during the reading as well. After reading have them discuss what new animals they didn’t say before that were in the book, as well as any interesting facts they might have learned as well. I would then have the children draw pictures of the various animals they saw in the book, which I plan on giving them about 25 minutes to draw and color their pictures. Plan to do the WebQuest on the second day. Plan on setting aside at least an hour for the students to complete the WebQuest and it’s accompanying worksheet. This will give each student time to fully explore the WebQuest without feeling rushed. If students are further behind you can either give them more time or allow them to finish it at home. If there are any ESL learners in class they should be able to participate throughout most of the lesson still. You might need to read them the basic characteristics off the WebQuest and help guide them while doing it as well. The WebQuest will allow for any academically gifted students who finish ahead of their classmates to be entertained by exploring the various learning activities and games listed on the “Fun and Games” page of the WebQuest.
Materials needed & Resources used for the lesson Materials and equipment needed: Computer/Internet access WebQuest Url ( Farm Animals/Webquest Worksheet (Click Here)Here Students will also need some sort of coloring tools in order to complete the worksheet. “Big Red Barn” book by Margaret Wise Brown Resources: Again, if you need help or have more questions, please contact me at I will be happy to help! Thanks!