Tools & Techniques Tools & Techniques Ian Govier (Facilitator) NLPNLPNLPNLP An introduction to
Workshop Outline Examining basic NLP operating principles Establishing & maintaining rapport Influencing through appropriate language Exploring pre-suppositions & changing belief systems Creating effective resource states Perceptual positioning Overcoming barriers & creating well-formed outcomes
Getting to know each other (a little better)
So what is NLP ? Neuro – your thinking processes, the way you use your senses of sight, hearing, feeling, taste and smell to understand what is happening around you;Neuro – your thinking processes, the way you use your senses of sight, hearing, feeling, taste and smell to understand what is happening around you; Linguistic – your words, the way you use language and how it influences you and those around you;Linguistic – your words, the way you use language and how it influences you and those around you; Programming – your behaviour and the way you organise your ideas and actions, which produces expected and unexpected results.Programming – your behaviour and the way you organise your ideas and actions, which produces expected and unexpected results.
At the heart of NLP is a wide range of methods and models that offer an understanding of how people think, behave and change. It offers a flexible approach which brings about positive, fast change in individuals and organisations and empowers them to adapt to an ever-shifting world.
NLP Key Principles Know what outcome you want to achieve. Have a resourceful state and sufficient sensory acuity (awareness) to know if you are moving towards or away from your outcome Have sufficient flexibility of behaviour so that you can vary your behaviour until you get your outcome. Take action now!
Three Key Skills Outcome Knowing what you want Acuity Notice what you are getting Flexibility Keep changing what you are thinking & doing
Grp Ex
What do I want to ACHIEVE or CHANGE as a result of this workshop?
The map is not the territory There is no failure, only feedback If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got You already have all of the resources Some NLP Operating Principles It’s not what happens to you, but what you do with it that determines your experience
We are where we are as a result of the choices we make Behind every action is a positive intention If someone else can do it, you can learn to do it too If you don’t know, who would know Some more NLP Operating Principles The meaning of a communication is the response you get
NLP NLP & the Structure of Experience
What would I I do differently next time?
I experience a situation My physical senses Previous experiences (learnings) Beliefs and Values The meaning I attach How I react Filters of Perception (or what do I pay attention to)
Representation Systems (The Languages of the Mind) SeeVisual HearAuditory FeelKinaesthetic VAK LS & Exs
Between what happens to us and our response to it Between what happens to us and our response to it … … our freedom to choose our response
We can’t choose the other person’s response. What we can do is… INFLUENCE their response
The door to INFLUENCE opens from the inside
Communication Influence 38% Tone of voice 7% Spoken Words 55% Body Language
Rapport Skills Matching Body Language Matching Voice Matching Words
Rapport Skills Matching Body Language
Body attitudeBody attitude Body postureBody posture GesturesGestures Speed of movementSpeed of movement Facial expressionFacial expression Eye contactEye contact
Body Language Quiz
Sensory Acuity & Micro Signals
Eye Accessing Cues
2 Truths & a Lie!
Using Rapport to Improve Working Relations Matching Voice
VolumeVolume SpeedSpeed PitchPitch ToneTone
Using Rapport to Improve Working Relations Matching Words
If a person calls it a ‘spade’, you call it a spade and not a shovel!
Lunch Time
Let’s Take a Further Look at Language
DeletionsDeletions DistortionsDistortions GeneralisationsGeneralisations
Let’s listen to each other
When people who are not used to speaking are heard by people who are not used to listening, then real change occurs.
Believing our Thoughts
Whether you think you can…. Or whether you think you can’t…. You’re probably right!
Creating a Simple Belief Change
Perceptual Positioning
1st 2nd 3rd = ME How do I see the situation? How do I see the other person? How do I feel? What’s going on in my opinion? = THE OTHER PERSON How do I see the situation? How do I see the other person? How do I feel? What’s going on in my opinion? = OBSERVER How do I see the situation? How do I see these 2 people? What do I think is going on? What might 1 st position do to change things?
The POWER to change! Helping clients create ‘well-formed outcomes’
POWER Outcomes P ositive O wn part R eal W hat specifically E cology Ask: What would you rather have? Is this within your own control? What specifically do you want? With whom? By when? If you could have that tomorrow, would you take it? If you get hesitation Ask: “what stops you?” Can you imagine how it will be when you have achieved your goal? See, hear, feel..
Recipe for Fielding Challenges AcknowledgeClarifyAnswerCheck
When things go off track! Summarise
Final Thoughts
…what am I going to do differently after today?
If we always do what we’ve always done… …we’ll always get what we’ve always got!
…I’ll probably do nothing about it! If I do nothing about it in 24 hours…
The ‘Star Fish’ Principle
Thank You
Tools & Techniques Tools & Techniques Ian Govier (Facilitator) NLPNLPNLPNLP An introduction to