Inflation: why and how? Gert Jan Hoeve, December 2012
Problems with the Hot Big Bang Flatness – | Ω -1|<10 16 at nucleosythesis Unwanted relics Horizon problem – Homogeneity over parts of space that are presumably not causally correlated. Baryogenesis – Conventional theories of symmetry breaking are insufficient for the observed ammount of baryons
The solution: inflation d 2 a/dt 2 >> 0 or equivalently, -(dH/dt)/H 2 >> 1 Between Planck time ( ) and GUT decoupling ( ) Alan Guth, 1981 Picture: Wikipedia
How does cosmic inflation solve the flatness problem? Ω is pushed towards 1 during inflation ‘Stretching’
Unwanted relics: magnetic monopoles Abundant at high temperature Slow decay
Why do we have a horizon problem? Cosmic Microwave Background radiation originated 500,000 years after the BB. No causal correlation possible
Inflation solves the horizon problem: Picture: one minute astronomer
How much inflation do we need? Inflation ends at t 0 = s, we are at t 1 = s In radiation dominated universe |Ω-1|proportional to time |Ω now -1| ≤ |Ω GUT -1|≤ Recall |Ω-1|=|k|/(Ha) 2 During inflation H=constant, so |Ω-1|proportional to 1/a 2 Total expansion > ~ 10 27
Baryogenesis Three conditions (Sakharov’s conditions) – Baryon number violating interactions obvious – C violation and CP violation Because any B-violating interaction would be mirrored by a complementary interaction – Thermal non-equilibrium (or CPT violation) Otherwise the backwards reaction would be equilly strong
B-violating interactions Standard model: sphalerons Difference leptonnumber and baryonnumer conserved Example: (u+u+d)+(c+c+s)+(t+t+b) e + + μ + + τ +
C and CP violation B-violating process must outrate symmetric process Both symmetries must be violated
Thermal non-equilibrium at baryogenesis Phase transition bubbles Thermal energy gradient at bubble edge Local breakdown of time symmetry
How did inflation arise? Scalar field V( φ ) causes spontaneous symmetry breaking First or second order phase transition? B. Clauwens, R. Jeanerot, D-term inflation after spontaneous symmetry breaking H. Bohringer
Original model (Guth, 1981) False/real vacuum First order phase transition Reheating problems
Slow-roll inflation (Linde, 1982) d 2 φ /dt 2 + 3H d φ /dt = -dV( φ )/d φ Friedman H 2 = (1/2 d φ /dt +V( φ ))/3 –k/a 2 Inflation decays as slope increases H= (d a /dt)/a
Quintessential scalar field 5th fundamental force Continueous decaying scalar field Could explain inflation and dark energy at the same time! M. Trodden, Baryogenesis and the new cosmology, 2002
Conclusion Cosmological inflation is a viable hypothesis, but in desperate need of a more solid foundation (and experimental confirmation) from the realm of particle physics.