Word Within the Word List 5 Day 1 Stems 1-6
stem 1 Vita: life Vita: life Examples: Examples: Vitamin: pill taken to make your body/life healthier Vitamin: pill taken to make your body/life healthier
stem 2 Demo: people Demo: people Example: Example: Democracy: government by the people Democracy: government by the people
stem 3 Stereo: solid Stereo: solid Example: Example: Stereotype: a solid image held in common by a group (black hat/bad guy ) Stereotype: a solid image held in common by a group (black hat/bad guy )
stem 4 Ism: doctrine Ism: doctrine Example: Example: Communism- a doctrine or govt. policy that states that property should be shared by all for the good of the people Communism- a doctrine or govt. policy that states that property should be shared by all for the good of the people
stem 5 Cogn: knowCogn: know Examples:Examples: Recognize: to know againRecognize: to know again incognito: not know/disguiseincognito: not know/disguise
stem 6 Sur: over Sur: over Examples: Examples: Surplus: over the amount needed Surplus: over the amount needed Surpass: to overdo, to go above what is expected Surpass: to overdo, to go above what is expected
Stem 7 Alter: other Alter: other Examples: Examples: Alternative: another way or example of Alternative: another way or example of Alter ego: another side of oneself Alter ego: another side of oneself
Stem 8 Astr: star Astr: star Examples: Examples: Astronomy: science of the planets & stars Astronomy: science of the planets & stars Astrology- study of stars & influence on persons life/zodiac Astrology- study of stars & influence on persons life/zodiac Asterisk: reference mark resembling a star Asterisk: reference mark resembling a star
stem 9 Dyna: power Dyna: power Example: Example: Dynamic: a powerful personality Dynamic: a powerful personality Dynamite- powerful explosive Dynamite- powerful explosive
stem 10 Chron: time Chron: time Examples: Examples: Chronological: to put in order of time it occured Chronological: to put in order of time it occured Synchronize: set to occur at the same time Synchronize: set to occur at the same time
stem 11 Hyper: over Hyper: over Examples: Examples: Hyperactive: overly active Hyperactive: overly active Hyperbole: an overstatement Hyperbole: an overstatement (she weighs a ton) (she weighs a ton)
stem 12 Luna: moon Luna: moon Examples: Examples: Lunar: having to do with the moon Lunar: having to do with the moon Lunatic- crazy, insane (full moon makes people act crazy) Lunatic- crazy, insane (full moon makes people act crazy)
stem 13 Octa: eight Octa: eight Examples: Examples: Octapus: eight-legged sea animal Octapus: eight-legged sea animal Octagon: polygon with eight sides Octagon: polygon with eight sides
stem 14 Gyro: turn Gyro: turn Examples: Examples: Gyration: to turn around a point Gyration: to turn around a point Gyroscope: wheel that spins in various directions Gyroscope: wheel that spins in various directions
stem 15 Contra: against Contra: against Examples: Examples: Contradict: to say the opposite or speak against Contradict: to say the opposite or speak against Contrary- to go against what is normal Contrary- to go against what is normal
stem 16 Geo: earth Geo: earth Example: Example: Geography: study of the earth Geography: study of the earth Geometry- earth measure/ the study of lines, curves and surfaces Geometry- earth measure/ the study of lines, curves and surfaces
stem 17 Helio: sun Helio: sun Example: Example: Heliotrophic: when a plant turns towards the sun Heliotrophic: when a plant turns towards the sun Aphelion- point in the orbit of a planet at which it is farthest from the sun. Aphelion- point in the orbit of a planet at which it is farthest from the sun.
stem 18 Thermo: heat Thermo: heat Example: Example: Thermostat: device that controls temperature/heat/cold Thermostat: device that controls temperature/heat/cold Thermos- container to keep something warm/heat Thermos- container to keep something warm/heat
stem 19 Tetra: four Tetra: four Example: Example: Tetrahedron: a polyhedron with four faces Tetrahedron: a polyhedron with four faces
Stem 20 Meter: measure Meter: measure Examples: Examples: Thermometer: instrument to measure heat Thermometer: instrument to measure heat Odometer: instrument to measure mileage Odometer: instrument to measure mileage
stem 21 Scope: look Scope: look Examples: Examples: Telescope: instrument for looking at far away objects Telescope: instrument for looking at far away objects Microscope: instrument for looking at small objects Microscope: instrument for looking at small objects
stem 22 Son: sound Son: sound Examples: Examples: Sonar: uses sound waves to locate objects sonnet: a poem that has a certain form and sound sonnet: a poem that has a certain form and sound (ababcdcdefefgg) 14 lines
stem 23 Dec: ten Dec: ten Examples: Examples: Decade: ten years Decade: ten years Decimal: a number using the base ten Decimal: a number using the base ten
stem 24 Stell: star Stell: star Examples: Examples: Constellation: a group of stars forming a pattern Constellation: a group of stars forming a pattern Stellar- like a star Stellar- like a star
stem 25 Amat: love Amat: love Examples: Examples: Amateur: a person who is involved in a sport because they like/love it, not for money Amateur: a person who is involved in a sport because they like/love it, not for money