1 Using Condor An Introduction Condor Week 2008
2 The Condor Project (Established ‘85) Distributed High Throughput Computing research performed by a team of ~35 faculty, full time staff and students.
3 The Condor Project (Established ‘85) Distributed High Throughput Computing research performed by a team of ~35 faculty, full time staff and students who: face software engineering challenges in a distributed UNIX/Linux/NT environment are involved in national and international grid collaborations, actively interact with academic and commercial users, maintain and support large distributed production environments, and educate and train students.
4 Some free software produced by the Condor Project › Condor System › VDT › Metronome › ClassAd Library › DAGMan › Hawkeye › GCB › MW › NeST / LotMan › Stork › And others… all as open source
5 Full featured system › Flexible scheduling policy engine via ClassAds Preemption, suspension, requirements, preferences, groups, quotas, settable fair-share, system hold… › Facilities to manage BOTH dedicated CPUs (clusters) and non- dedicated resources (desktops) › Transparent Checkpoint/Migration for many types of serial jobs › No shared file-system required › Federate clusters w/ a wide array of Grid Middleware › Workflow management (inter-dependencies) › Support for many job types – serial, parallel, etc. › Fault-tolerant: can survive crashes, network outages, no single point of failure. › Development APIs: via SOAP / web services, DRMAA (C), Perl package, GAHP, flexible command-line tools, MW › Platforms: Linux i386/IA64, Windows 2k/XP, MacOS, Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, Compaq Tru64, … lots.
6 Meet Frieda. She is a scientist with a big problem.
7 Frieda’s Application … Run a Parameter Sweep of F(x,y,z) for 20 values of x, 10 values of y and 3 values of z 20×10×3 = 600 combinations F takes on the average 6 hours to compute on a “typical” workstation ( total = 600 × 6 = 3600 hours ) F requires a “moderate” (256MB) amount of memory F performs “moderate” I/O - (x,y,z) is 5 MB and F(x,y,z) is 50 MB
8 I have 600 simulations to run. Where can I get help?
9 While sharing a beverage with some colleagues, she shares her problem. Somebody asks “Have you tried Condor? It’s free.”
10 Getting Condor › Available as a free download from › Download Condor for your operating system Available for most UNIX (including Linux and Apple’s OS/X) platforms Also for Windows XP / 2003 / Vista
11 Condor Releases › Stable / Developer Releases Version numbering scheme similar to that of the (pre 2.6) Linux kernels … Major.minor.release Minor is even (a.b.c): Stable –Examples: 6.6.3, 6.8.4, –Very stable, mostly bug fixes Minor is odd (a.b.c): Developer –New features, may have some bugs –Examples: , 6.9.1, 6.9.2
12 Frieda Installs a “Personal Condor” on her machine… › What do we mean by a “Personal” Condor? Condor on your own workstation No root / administrator access required No system administrator intervention needed › After installation, Frieda submits her jobs to her Personal Condor…
13 your workstation personal Condor 600 Condor jobs
14 Personal Condor?! What’s the benefit of a Condor “Pool” with just one user and one machine?
15 Your Personal Condor will... › Keep an eye on your jobs and will keep you posted on their progress › Implement your policy on the execution order of the jobs › Keep a log of your job activities › Add fault tolerance to your jobs › Implement your policy on when the jobs can run on your workstation
16 Definitions › Job The Condor representation of your work › Machine The Condor representation of computers and that can perform the work › Match Making Matching a job with a machine “Resource”
17 Job Jobs state their requirements and preferences: I need a Linux/x86 platform I want the machine with the most memory I prefer a machine in the chemistry department
18 Machine Machines state their requirements and preferences: Run jobs only when there is no keyboard activity I prefer to run Frieda’s jobs I am a machine in the physics department Never run jobs belonging to Dr. Smith
19 The Magic of Matchmaking › Jobs and machines state their requirements and preferences › Condor matches jobs with machines based on requirements and preferences
20 Getting Started: Submitting Jobs to Condor › Overview: Choose a “Universe” for your job Make your job “batch-ready” Create a submit description file Run condor_submit to put your job in the queue
Choose the “Universe” › Controls how Condor handles jobs › Choices include: Vanilla Standard Grid Java Parallel VM
22 Using the Vanilla Universe The Vanilla Universe: – Allows running almost any “serial” job – Provides automatic file transfer, etc. – Like vanilla ice cream Can be used in just about any situation
Make your job batch- ready Must be able to run in the background No interactive input No GUI/window clicks No music ;^)
24 Make your job batch-ready (continued)… Job can still use STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR (the keyboard and the screen), but files are used for these instead of the actual devices Similar to UNIX shell: $./myprogram output.txt
Create a Submit Description File › A plain ASCII text file › Condor does not care about file extensions › Tells Condor about your job: Which executable, universe, input, output and error files to use, command-line arguments, environment variables, any special requirements or preferences (more on this later) › Can describe many jobs at once (a “cluster”), each with different input, arguments, output, etc.
26 Simple Submit Description File # Simple condor_submit input file # (Lines beginning with # are comments) # NOTE: the words on the left side are not # case sensitive, but filenames are! Universe = vanilla Executable = my_job Output = output.txt Queue
Run condor_submit › You give condor_submit the name of the submit file you have created: condor_submit my_job.submit › condor_submit: Parses the submit file, checks for errors Creates a “ClassAd” that describes your job(s) Puts job(s) in the Job Queue
28 ClassAd ? › Condor’s internal data representation Similar to classified ads (as the name implies) Represent an object & its attributes Usually many attributes Can also describe what an object matches with
29 ClassAd Details › ClassAds can contain a lot of details The job’s executable is analysis.exe The machine’s load average is 5.6 › ClassAds can specify requirements I require a machine with Linux › ClassAds can specify preferences This machine prefers to run jobs from the physics group
30 ClassAd Details (continued) › ClassAds are: semi-structured user-extensible schema-free Attribute = Expression
31 Example: MyType = "Job" TargetType = "Machine" ClusterId = 1377 Owner = "roy" Cmd = "sim.exe" Requirements = (Arch == "INTEL") && (OpSys == "LINUX") && (Disk >= DiskUsage) && ((Memory * 1024)>=ImageSize) … ClassAd Example String Number Boolean
32 The Dog ClassAd Type = “Dog” Color = “Brown” Price = 12 ClassAd for the “Job”... Requirements = (type == “Dog”) && (color == “Brown”) && (price <= 15)...
33 The Job Queue › condor_submit sends your job’s ClassAd(s) to the schedd › The schedd (more details later): Manages the local job queue Stores the job in the job queue Atomic operation, two-phase commit “Like money in the bank” › View the queue with condor_q
34 Example condor_submit and condor_q % condor_submit my_job.submit Submitting job(s). 1 job(s) submitted to cluster 1. % condor_q -- Submitter: perdita.cs.wisc.edu : : ID OWNER SUBMITTED RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD 1.0 frieda 6/16 06: :00:00 I my_job 1 jobs; 1 idle, 0 running, 0 held %
35 Input, output & error files › Controlled by submit file settings › You can define the job’s standard input, standard output and standard error: Read job’s standard input from “input_file”: Input= input_file Shell equivalent: program <input_file Write job’s standard ouput to “output_file”: Output= output_file Shell equivalent: program >output_file Write job’s standard error to “error_file”: Error= error_file Shell equivalent: program 2>error_file
36 about your job Condor sends about job events to the submitting user Specify “notification” in your submit file to control which events: Notification= complete Notification= never Notification= error Notification= always Default
37 Feedback on your job › Create a log of job events › Add to submit description file: log = sim.log › Becomes the Life Story of a Job Shows all events in the life of a job Always have a log file
38 Sample Condor User Log 000 ( ) 05/25 19:10:03 Job submitted from host: ( ) 05/25 19:12:17 Job executing on host: ( ) 05/25 19:13:06 Job terminated. (1) Normal termination (return value 0)...
39 Example Submit Description File With Logging # Example condor_submit input file # (Lines beginning with # are comments) # NOTE: the words on the left side are not # case sensitive, but filenames are! Universe = vanilla Executable = /home/frieda/condor/my_job.condor Log = my_job.log ·Job log (from Condor) Input = my_job.in ·Program’s standard input Output = my_job.out ·Program’s standard output Error = my_job.err ·Program’s standard error Arguments = -a1 -a2 ·Command line arguments InitialDir = /home/frieda/condor/run Queue
40 “Clusters” and “Processes” › If your submit file describes multiple jobs, we call this a “cluster” › Each cluster has a unique “cluster number” › Each job in a cluster is called a “process” Process numbers always start at zero › A Condor “Job ID” is the cluster number, a period, and the process number (i.e. 2.1) A cluster can have a single process Job ID = 20.0 ·Cluster 20, process 0 Or, a cluster can have more than one process Job ID: 21.0, 21.1, 21.2·Cluster 21, process 0, 1, 2
41 Submit File for a Cluster # Example submit file for a cluster of 2 jobs # with separate input, output, error and log files Universe = vanilla Executable = my_job Arguments = -x 0 log = my_job_0.log Input = my_job_0.in Output = my_job_0.out Error = my_job_0.err Queue ·Job 2.0 (cluster 2, process 0) Arguments = -x 1 log = my_job_1.log Input = my_job_1.in Output = my_job_1.out Error = my_job_1.err Queue ·Job 2.1 (cluster 2, process 1)
42 % condor_submit my_job.submit-file Submitting job(s). 2 job(s) submitted to cluster 2. % condor_q -- Submitter: perdita.cs.wisc.edu : : ID OWNER SUBMITTED RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD 1.0 frieda 4/15 06: :02:11 R my_job –a1 –a2 2.0 frieda 4/15 06: :00:00 I my_job –x frieda 4/15 06: :00:00 I my_job –x 1 3 jobs; 2 idle, 1 running, 0 held % Submitting The Job
43 Back to our 600 jobs… › We could put all input, output, error & log files in the one directory One of each type for each job That’d be 2400 files (4 files × 600 jobs) Difficult to sort through › Better: Create a subdirectory for each run
44 Organize your files and directories for big runs › Create subdirectories for each “run” run_0, run_1, … run_599 › Create input files in each of these run_0/simulation.in run_1/simulation.in … run_599/simulation.in › The output, error & log files for each job will be created by Condor from your job’s output
45 Frieda’s simulation directory sim.exe sim.sub run_0 run_599 simulation.in simulation.out simulation.err simulation.log simulation.in simulation.out simulation.err simulation.log
46 Submit Description File for 600 Jobs # Cluster of 600 jobs with different directories Universe = vanilla Executable = sim Log = simulation.log... Arguments = -x 0 InitialDir = run_0 ·Log, input, output & error files -> run_0 Queue ·Job 3.0 (Cluster 3, Process 0) Arguments = -x 1 InitialDir = run_1 ·Log, input, output & error files -> run_1 Queue ·Job 3.1 (Cluster 3, Process 1) ·Do this 598 more times…………
47 Submit File for a Big Cluster of Jobs › We just submitted 1 cluster with 600 processes › All the input/output files will be in different directories › The submit file is pretty unwieldy (over 1200 lines) › Isn’t there a better way?
48 Submit File for a Big Cluster of Jobs (the better way) #1 › We can queue all 600 in 1 “Queue” command Queue 600 › Condor provides $(Process) and $(Cluster) $(Process) will be expanded to the process number for each job in the cluster 0, 1, … 599 $(Cluster) will be expanded to the cluster number Will be 4 for all jobs in this cluster
49 Submit File for a Big Cluster of Jobs (the better way) #2 › The initial directory for each job can be specified using $(Process) InitialDir = run_$(Process) Condor will expand these to “ run_0 ”, “ run_1 ”, … “ run_599 ” directories › Similarly, arguments can be variable Arguments = -x $(Process) Condor will expand these to “-x 0”, “-x 1”, … “-x 599”
50 Better Submit File for 600 Jobs # Example condor_submit input file that defines # a cluster of 600 jobs with different directories Universe = vanilla Executable = my_job Log = my_job.log Input = my_job.in Output = my_job.out Error = my_job.err Arguments = –x $(Process) ·–x 0, -x 1, … -x 599 InitialDir = run_$(Process) ·run_0 … run_599 Queue 600 ·Jobs 4.0 … 4.599
51 Now, we submit it… $ condor_submit my_job.submit Submitting job(s) Logging submit event(s) job(s) submitted to cluster 4.
52 And, Check the queue $ condor_q -- Submitter: x.cs.wisc.edu : : x.cs.wisc.edu ID OWNER SUBMITTED RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD 4.0 frieda 4/20 12: :00:05 R my_job -arg1 –x frieda 4/20 12: :00:03 I my_job -arg1 –x frieda 4/20 12: :00:01 I my_job -arg1 –x frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –x frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –x frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –x jobs; 599 idle, 1 running, 0 held
53 Removing jobs › If you want to remove a job from the Condor queue, you use condor_rm › You can only remove jobs that you own › Privileged user can remove any jobs “root” on UNIX “administrator” on Windows
54 Removing jobs (continued) › Remove an entire cluster: condor_rm 4 ·Removes the whole cluster › Remove a specific job from a cluster: condor_rm 4.0 ·Removes a single job › Or, remove all of your jobs with “-a” condor_rm -a ·Removes all jobs / clusters
55 The Boss says Frieda can add her co-workers’ desktop machines into her Condor pool as well… but only if they can also submit jobs. (Boss Fat Cat) Good News
56 Adding nodes › Frieda installs Condor on the desktop machines, and configures them with her machine as the central manager The central manager: Central repository for the whole pool Performs job / machine matching, etc. › These are “non-dedicated” nodes, meaning that they can't always run Condor jobs
57 your workstation personal Condor 600 Condor jobs Condor Pool
58 condor_status % condor_status Name OpSys Arch State Activ LoadAv Mem ActvtyTime antipholus.cs LINUX INTEL Unclaimed Idle :28:42 coral.cs.wisc LINUX INTEL Claimed Busy :27:21 doc.cs.wisc.e LINUX INTEL Unclaimed Idle :20:04 dsonokwa.cs.w LINUX INTEL Claimed Busy :01:45 ferdinand.cs. LINUX INTEL Claimed Suspe :00:55 LINUX INTEL Unclaimed Idle :03:28 LINUX INTEL Unclaimed Idle :03:29
59 How can my jobs access their data files?
60 Access to Data in Condor › Use shared filesystem if available › No shared filesystem? Condor can transfer files Can automatically send back changed files Atomic transfer of multiple files Can be encrypted over the wire Remote I/O Socket Standard Universe can use remote system calls (more on this later)
61 Condor File Transfer › ShouldTransferFiles = YES Always transfer files to execution site › ShouldTransferFiles = NO Rely on a shared filesystem › ShouldTransferFiles = IF_NEEDED Will automatically transfer the files if the submit and execute machine are not in the same FileSystemDomain Universe = vanilla Executable = my_job Log = my_job.log ShouldTransferFiles = IF_NEEDED Transfer_input_files = dataset.$(Process), common.data Transfer_output_files = TheAnswer.dat Queue 600
62 We Always Want More Condor is managing and running our jobs, but Our CPU requirements are greater than our resources Jobs are preempted more often than we like
63 Happy Day! Frieda’s organization purchased a Dedicated Cluster! › Frieda Installs Condor on all the dedicated Cluster nodes › Frieda also adds a dedicated central manager › She configures her entire pool with this new host as the central manager…
64 Condor Pool With the additional resources, Frieda and her co-workers can get their jobs completed even faster. 600 Condor jobs Frieda’s Condor Pool Dedicated Cluster
65 Another Universe
66 Frieda submits some MPI jobs universe = parallel executable = mp1script arguments = my_mpich_linked_executable arg1 arg2 machine_count = 4 should_transfer_files = yes when_to_transfer_output = on_exit transfer_input_files = my_mpich_linked_executable queue
67 What Condor Daemons are running on my machine, and what do they do?
68 condor_master › Starts up all other Condor daemons › If there are any problems and a daemon exits, it restarts the daemon and sends to the administrator › Acts as the server for many Condor remote administration commands: condor_reconfig, condor_restart, condor_off, condor_on, condor_config_val, etc.
69 Condor Daemon Layout Personal Condor / Central Manager Master collector negotiator schedd startd = Process Spawned
70 Central Manager: condor_collector › Central manager: central repository and match maker for whole pool › Collects information from all other Condor daemons in the pool “Directory Service” / Database for a Condor pool › Each daemon sends a periodic update called a “ClassAd” to the collector › Services queries for information: Queries from other Condor daemons Queries from users (condor_status) › Only on the Central Manager › At least one collector per pool
71 Condor Pool Layout: Collector = ClassAd Communication Pathway = Process Spawned Central Manager Master Collector
72 Central Manager: condor_negotiator › Performs “matchmaking” in Condor › Each “Negotiation Cycle” (typically 5 minutes): Gets information from the collector about all available machines and all idle jobs Tries to match jobs with machines that will serve them Both the job and the machine must satisfy each other’s requirements › Only one negotiator per pool › Only on the Central Manager
73 Condor Pool Layout: Negotiator = ClassAd Communication Pathway = Process Spawned Central Manager Master Collector negotiator
74 Execute Hosts: condor_startd › Execute host: machines that run user jobs › Represents a machine to the Condor system › Responsible for starting, suspending, and stopping jobs › Enforces the wishes of the machine owner (the owner’s “policy”… more on this in the administrator’s tutorial) › Creates a “starter” for each running job › One startd runs on each execute node
75 Condor Pool Layout: startd = ClassAd Communication Pathway = Process Spawned Cluster Node Master startd Cluster Node Master startd Central Manager Master Collector negotiator
76 Submit Hosts: condor_schedd › Submit hosts: machines that users can submit jobs on › Maintains the persistent queue of jobs › Responsible for contacting available machines and sending them jobs › Services user commands which manipulate the job queue: condor_submit,condor_rm, condor_q, condor_hold, condor_release, condor_prio, … › Creates a “shadow” for each running job › One schedd runs on each submit host
77 Condor Pool Layout: schedd = ClassAd Communication Pathway = Process Spawned Cluster Node Master startd Cluster Node Master startd Desktop Master startd Desktop Master startd Central Manager Master Collector negotiator schedd negotiator schedd
78 Condor Pool Layout: master = ClassAd Communication Pathway = Process Spawned Central Manager Master Collector Cluster Node Master startd Cluster Node Master startd Desktop Master startd schedd Desktop Master startd schedd negotiator schedd negotiator schedd Master
79 Now what? › Some of the machines in the pool can’t run my jobs Not enough RAM Not enough scratch disk space Required software not installed Etc.
80 Specify Requirements › An expression (syntax similar to C or Java) › Must evaluate to True for a match to be made Universe = vanilla Executable = my_job Log = my_job.log InitialDir = run_$(Process) Requirements = Memory >= 256 && Disk > Queue 600
81 Advanced Requirements › Requirements can match custom attributes in your Machine Ad Can be added by hand to each machine Or, automatically using the “Hawkeye” mechanism Universe = vanilla Executable = $$(MyProgPath) Log = my_job.log InitialDir = run_$(Process) Requirements = Memory >= 256 && Disk > \ && ( MyProgPath =!= UNDEFINED) ) Queue 600
82 And, Specify Rank › All matches which meet the requirements can be sorted by preference with a Rank expression. › Higher the Rank, the better the match Universe = vanilla Executable = my_job Log = my_job.log Arguments = -arg1 –arg2 InitialDir = run_$(Process) Requirements = Memory >= 256 && Disk > Rank = (KFLOPS*10000) + Memory Queue 600
83 My jobs aren’t running!!
84 Check the queue › Check the queue with condor_q: bash-2.05a$ condor_q -- Submitter: x.cs.wisc.edu : :x.cs.wisc.edu ID OWNER SUBMITTED RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD 5.0 frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 12: :00:00 I my_job -arg1 –n frieda 4/20 13: :00:00 H my_job -arg1 –arg2 8 jobs; 8 idle, 0 running, 1 held
85 Look at jobs on hold % condor_q –hold -- Submiter: x.cs.wisc.edu : :x.cs.wisc.edu ID OWNER HELD_SINCE HOLD_REASON 6.0 frieda 4/20 13:23 Error from starter on skywalker.cs.wisc.edu 9 jobs; 8 idle, 0 running, 1 held Or, See full details for a job % condor_q –l 6.0
86 Check machine status › Verify that there are idle machines with condor_status: bash-2.05a$ condor_status Name OpSys Arch State Activity LoadAv Mem ActvtyTime LINUX INTEL Claimed Busy :00:20 LINUX INTEL Claimed Busy :00:19 LINUX INTEL Claimed Busy :00:17 LINUX INTEL Claimed Busy :00:05 Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting INTEL/LINUX Total
87 Look in Job Log › Look in your job log for clues: bash-2.05a$ cat my_job.log 000 ( ) 04/20 14:47:31 Job submitted from host: ( ) 04/20 15:02:00 Shadow exception! Error from starter on gig06.stat.wisc.edu: Failed to open '/scratch.1/frieda/workspace/v67/condor- test/test3/run_0/my_job.in' as standard input: No such file or directory (errno 2) 0 - Run Bytes Sent By Job 0 - Run Bytes Received By Job...
88 Still not running? Exercise a little patience › On a busy pool, it can take a while to match and start your jobs › Wait at least a negotiation cycle or two (typically a few minutes)
89 Look to condor_q for help: condor_q -analyze bash-2.05a$ condor_q -ana : Run analysis summary. Of 1243 machines, 1243 are rejected by your job's requirements 0 are available to run your job WARNING: Be advised: No resources matched request's constraints Check the Requirements expression below: Requirements = ((Memory > 8192)) && (Arch == "INTEL") && (OpSys == "LINUX") && (Disk >= DiskUsage) && (TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain)
90 Better analysis (Linux only): condor_q –better-analyze bash-2.05a$ condor_q -better-ana 29 The Requirements expression for your job is: ( ( target.Memory > 8192 ) ) && ( target.Arch == "INTEL" ) && ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( target.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) Condition Machines Matched Suggestion ( ( target.Memory > 8192 ) ) 0 MODIFY TO ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == "cs.wisc.edu" )584 3 ( target.Arch == "INTEL" ) ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" ) ( target.Disk >= 13 ) 1243
91 Learn about available resources: bash-2.05a$ condor_status –const 'Memory > 8192' (no output means no matches) bash-2.05a$ condor_status -const 'Memory > 4096' Name OpSys Arch State Activ LoadAv Mem ActvtyTime LINUX X86_64 Unclaimed Idle :35:05 LINUX X86_64 Unclaimed Idle :37:03 LINUX X86_64 Unclaimed Idle :00:05 LINUX X86_64 Unclaimed Idle :03:47 Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting X86_64/LINUX Total
92 Job Policy Expressions › User can supply job policy expressions in the submit file. › Can be used to describe a successful run. on_exit_remove = on_exit_hold = periodic_remove = periodic_hold =
93 Job Policy Examples › Do not remove if exits with a signal: on_exit_remove = ExitBySignal == False › Place on hold if exits with nonzero status or ran for less than an hour: on_exit_hold = ( (ExitBySignal==False) && (ExitSignal != 0) ) || ( (ServerStartTime - JobStartDate) < 3600) › Place on hold if job has spent more than 50% of its time suspended: periodic_hold = CumulativeSuspensionTime > (RemoteWallClockTime / 2.0)
94 Insert ClassAd attributes › Special purpose usage › In the submit description file, introduce an attribute for the job +Department = “biochemistry” causes the ClassAd to contain Department = “biochemistry”
95 We’ve seen how Condor can: Keep an eye on your jobs and will keep you posted on their progress Implement your policy on the execution order of the jobs Keep a log of your job activities
96 Another Universe
97 My new jobs run for 20 days… › What happens when a job is forced off it’s CPU? Preempted by higher priority user or job Vacated because of user activity › How can I add fault tolerance to my jobs?
98 Condor’s Standard Universe to the rescue! › Support for transparent process checkpoint and restart › Remote system calls (remote I/O) Your job can read / write files as if they were local
99 Remote System Calls in the Standard Universe › I/O system calls are trapped and sent back to the submit machine Examples: open a file, write to a file › No source code changes typically required › Programming language independent
100 Process Checkpointing in the Standard Universe › Condor’s process checkpointing provides a mechanism to automatically save the state of a job › The process can then be restarted from right where it was checkpointed After preemption, crash, etc.
101 Checkpointing: Process Starts checkpoint: the entire state of a program, saved in a file CPU registers, memory image, I/O time
102 Checkpointing: Process Checkpointed time 123
103 Checkpointing: Process Killed time 3 3 Killed!
104 Checkpointing: Process Resumed time 3 3 goodputbadput goodput
105 When will Condor checkpoint your job? › Periodically, if desired For fault tolerance › When your job is preempted by a higher priority job › When your job is vacated because the execution machine becomes busy › When you explicitly run condor_checkpoint, condor_vacate, condor_off or condor_restart command
106 Making the Standard Universe Work › The job must be relinked with Condor’s standard universe support library › To relink, place condor_compile in front of the command used to link the job: % condor_compile gcc -o myjob myjob.c - OR - % condor_compile f77 -o myjob filea.f fileb.f - OR - % condor_compile make –f MyMakefile
107 Limitations of the Standard Universe › Condor’s checkpointing is not at the kernel level. Standard Universe the job may not: Fork() Use kernel threads Use some forms of IPC, such as pipes and shared memory › Must have access to source code to relink › Many typical scientific jobs are OK
108 Connecting Condors › Frieda knows people with their own Condor pools, and gets permission to use their computing resources… › How can Condor help her do this?
109 Connect Condors with Flocking flock › Frieda configures her Condor pool to “flock” to her friend’s pool. › Flocking is a Condor-specific technology.
110 Condor Pool 600 Condor jobs Frieda’s Condor Pool Friendly Condor Pool
111 Frieda meets The Grid › Frieda also has access to grid resources she wants to use She has certificates and access to Globus or other resources at remote institutions › But Frieda wants Condor’s queue management features for her jobs! › She installs Condor so she can submit “Grid Universe” jobs to Condor
112 “Grid” Universe › All handled in your submit file › Supports a number of “back end” types: Globus: GT2, GT4 NorduGrid UNICORE Condor PBS LSF EC2 NQS
113 Grid Universe & Globus 2 › Used for a Globus GT2 back-end “Condor-G” › Format: Grid_Resource = gt2 Head-Node Globus_rsl = › Example: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = gt2 beak.cs.wisc.edu/jobmanager Globus_rsl = (queue=long)(project=atom-smasher)
114 Grid Universe & Globus 4 › Used for a Globus GT4 back-end › Format: Grid_Resource = gt4 Globus_XML = › Example: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = gt4 beak.cs.wisc.edu Condor Globus_xml = long atom- smasher
115 Grid Universe & Condor › Used for a Condor back-end “Condor-C” › Format: Grid_Resource = condor Remote_ = “Remote_” part is stripped off › Example: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = condor beak condor.cs.wisc.edu Remote_Universe = standard
116 Grid Universe & NorduGrid › Used for a NorduGrid back-end Grid_Resource = nordugrid › Example: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = nordugrid ngrid.cs.wisc.edu
117 Grid Universe & UNICORE › Used for a UNICORE back-end › Format: Grid_Resource = unicore › Example: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = unicore uhost.cs.wisc.edu vhost
118 Grid Universe & PBS › Used for a PBS back-end › Format: Grid_Resource = pbs › Example: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = pbs
119 Grid Universe & LSF › Used for a LSF back-end › Format: Grid_Resource = lsf › Example: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = lsf
120 Credential Management › Condor will do The Right Thing™ with your X509 certificate and proxy › Override default proxy: X509UserProxy = /home/frieda/other/proxy › Proxy may expire before jobs finish executing Condor can use MyProxy to renew your proxy When a new proxy is available, Condor will forward the renewed proxy to the job This works for non-grid jobs, too
121 My jobs have have dependencies… Can Condor help solve my dependency problems?
122 Condor Universes: Scheduler and Local › Scheduler Universe Plug in a meta-scheduler Developed for DAGMan (more later) Similar to Globus’s fork job manager › Local Very similar to vanilla, but jobs run on the local host Has more control over jobs than scheduler universe
123 Frieda learns DAGMan › Directed Acyclic Graph Manager › DAGMan allows you to specify the dependencies between your Condor jobs, so it can manage them automatically for you. › (e.g., “Don’t run job “B” until job “A” has completed successfully.”)
124 What is a DAG? › A DAG is the data structure used by DAGMan to represent these dependencies. › Each job is a “node” in the DAG. › Each node can have any number of “parent” or “children” nodes – as long as there are no loops! Job A Job B Job C Job D
125 Defining a DAG › A DAG is defined by a.dag file, listing each of its nodes and their dependencies: # diamond.dag Job A a.sub Job B b.sub Job C c.sub Job D d.sub Parent A Child B C Parent B C Child D › each node will run the Condor job specified by its accompanying Condor submit file Job A Job BJob C Job D
126 Submitting a DAG › To start your DAG, just run condor_submit_dag with your.dag file, and Condor will start a personal DAGMan daemon which to begin running your jobs: % condor_submit_dag diamond.dag › condor_submit_dag is run by the schedd DAGMan daemon itself is “watched” by Condor, so you don’t have to
127 DAGMan Running a DAG › DAGMan acts as a “meta-scheduler”, managing the submission of your jobs to Condor based on the DAG dependencies. Condor Job Queue B C D A A.dag File
128 DAGMan Running a DAG (cont’d) › DAGMan holds & submits jobs to the Condor queue at the appropriate times. Condor Job Queue D B C B A C
129 Running a DAG (cont’d) › In case of a job failure, DAGMan continues until it can no longer make progress, and then creates a “rescue” file with the current state of the DAG. Condor Job Queue DAGMan X D A B Rescue File
130 Recovering a DAG › Once the failed job is ready to be re-run, the rescue file can be used to restore the prior state of the DAG. Condor Job Queue Rescue File C DAGMan D A B C
131 DAGMan Recovering a DAG (cont’d) › Once that job completes, DAGMan will continue the DAG as if the failure never happened. Condor Job Queue C D A B D
132 DAGMan Finishing a DAG › Once the DAG is complete, the DAGMan job itself is finished, and exits. Condor Job Queue C D A B
133 Additional DAGMan Features › Provides other handy features for job management… nodes can have PRE & POST scripts failed nodes can be automatically re- tried a configurable number of times job submission can be “throttled”
134 General User Commands › condor_status View Pool Status › condor_qView Job Queue › condor_submitSubmit new Jobs › condor_rmRemove Jobs › condor_prioIntra-User Prios › condor_historyCompleted Job Info › condor_submit_dagSubmit new DAG › condor_checkpointForce a checkpoint › condor_compileLink Condor library
135 Condor Job Universes Vanilla Universe Standard Universe Grid Universe Scheduler Universe Local Universe Virtual Machine Universe Java Universe Parallel Universe MPICH-1 MPICH-2 LAM …
136 Why have a special Universe for Java jobs? › Java Universe provides more than just inserting “java” at the start of the execute line of a vanilla job: Knows which machines have a JVM installed Knows the location, version, and performance of JVM on each machine Knows about jar files, etc. Provides more information about Java job completion than just JVM exit code Program runs in a Java wrapper, allowing Condor to report Java exceptions, etc.
137 Universe Java Job › Example Java Universe Submit file: Universe = java Executable = Main.class jar_files = MyLibrary.jar Input = infile Output = outfile Arguments = Main Queue
138 Java support, cont. bash-2.05a$ condor_status –java Name JavaVendor Ver State Actv LoadAv Mem abulafia.cs Sun Microsy 1.5.0_ Claimed Busy acme.cs.wis Sun Microsy 1.5.0_ Unclaimed Idle adelie01.cs Sun Microsy 1.5.0_ Claimed Busy adelie02.cs Sun Microsy 1.5.0_ Claimed Busy … Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting INTEL/LINUX INTEL/WINNT SUN4u/SOLARIS X86_64/LINUX Total
139 Frieda wants Condor features on remote resources › She wants to run standard universe jobs on Grid-managed resources For matchmaking and dynamic scheduling of jobs For job checkpointing and migration For remote system calls
140 Condor GlideIn › Frieda can use the Grid Universe to run Condor daemons on Grid resources › When the resources run these GlideIn jobs, they will temporarily join her Condor Pool › She can then submit Standard, Vanilla, PVM, or MPI Universe jobs and they will be matched and run on the remote resources › Currently only supports Globus GT2 We hope to fix this limitation
141 your workstation Friendly Condor Pool personal Condor 600 Condor jobs Globus Grid PBS LSF Condor Condor Pool glide-in jobs
142 How It Works Manager LSF User Job Startd Personal CondorRemote Resource Condor jobs GlideIn jobs Starter ScheddCollector & Negotiator Grid Manager Shadow Master
143 GlideIn Concerns › What if the remote resource kills my GlideIn job? That resource will disappear from your pool and your jobs will be rescheduled on other machines Standard universe jobs will resume from their last checkpoint like usual › What if all my jobs are completed before a GlideIn job runs? If a GlideIn Condor daemon is not matched with a job in 10 minutes, it terminates, freeing the resource
144 In Review With Condor’s help, Frieda can: Manage her compute job workload Access local machines Access remote Condor Pools via flocking Access remote compute resources on the Grid via “Grid Universe” jobs Carve out her own personal Condor Pool from the Grid with GlideIn technology
145 Administrator Commands › condor_vacateLeave a machine now › condor_onStart Condor › condor_offStop Condor › condor_reconfigReconfig on-the-fly › condor_config_valView/set config › condor_userprioUser Priorities › condor_statsView detailed usage accounting stats
146 My boss wants to watch what Condor is doing
147 Use CondorView! › Provides visual graphs of current and past utilization › Data is derived from Condor's own accounting statistics › Interactive Java applet › Quickly and easily view: How much Condor is being used How many cycles are being delivered Who is using them Utilization by machine platform or by user
148 CondorView Usage Graph
149 I could also talk lots about… › GCB: Living with firewalls & private networks › Federated Grids/Clusters › APIs and Portals › MW › Database Support (Quill) › High Availability Fail-over › Compute On-Demand (COD) › Dynamic Pool Creation (“Glide-in”) › Role-based prioritization and accounting › Strong security, incl privilege separation › Data movement scheduling in workflows › …
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