Step 1: Enter this web address into your browser Registration Instructions for 2014/1015 Adventure Princess Program
Step 2a: Click “Family Time” Step 2: Click ‘Y Programs’
Step 3: Click ‘Guides or Princesses’ The next steps will be similar for both guides or princesses.
Step 4: Click here to Register online
Note 5: Click “Annual Registration and Waiver”
Note 6a: If you have more than one daughter in the Program you will have to repeat this step later. For now just do one child and click Register Step 6: Check one box for one daughter in the program and one box for you, then click Register Note 6b: If you are also in the Adventure Guide Program, then check this box instead of the AP - Dad. Only for Dad’s in Both guides and Princess programs. Register
Step 7a: If you have already registered with the YMCA as many of you did last year, enter your and password. Otherwise choose the other appropriate option. Step 7b: If you are new to the Princess Program, you will first need to set up a YMCA account.
Step 8: Select member page will be different for each family, just select the ‘dad’ account You will need to select a different member when registering an additional child
Step 9: Read the waiver, check the box, and click next.
Step 10: Fill in all of the fields with an asterisk. Those that have their spouses do the registration, please also fill-in the secondary address. At the bottom click Next. Note 10a: If you have more than one child in the Program, you will have to repeat this step later. For now just do one child and click Next
Step 11: Review and click ‘Check Out’ or go back to our ‘Events Page’ to add another child to your registration.‘Events Page’
Step 12: Enter Credit Card Information then click ‘Pay Now’. You will then get a receipt with an option to print.