Agenda Device of Choice Implementation Goals Technological Effects on Every Student Grade Level & Estimated Timeline Teacher Professional Development Student Training Costs Parents Students Tax Payer Policy and Procedures Roll-Out Opt-Out Policy Security Policies Lost or Stolen Policy Filtering Monitoring Locked Apps Computer History Policy Damaged/Repair Policy Next Steps
Device of Choice iPad Mini One handed operation Weight (0.68 lbs.) Portability iBooks McGraw-Hill has over 50 interactive books Free Novels Free Apps iTunes U Speed, Connectivity Can connect up to 5 devices- MacBook Air, an iPod touch, or another iPad — over Wi ‑ Fi, Bluetooth, or USB Storage (16 MB) Display Resolution Wireless Capabilities Battery Life (10 Hours) Cam and Photo capabilities
Device Comparison
Technology For Every Student iPad Mini Take-Home Devices Grades 11-12: Summer 2013 Grades 9-10: December 2013 iPad 2 Mobile Labs via the Media Specialists Grades 7-8 Grades 4-6 Grades K-3
Projected Timeline Spring 2013 March 1: Purchase iPad Minis for Core Teachers of Grades 9-12 April 1: Conduct Novice and Expert iLearn Academies for Teachers 9-12 April 1: Purchase iPad Minis for All other Certified Staff Members May 12: Complete iBook, App, etc…list for mass roll-out Summer 2013 June 1: Purchase iPad Minis for Students Grades June 17: Install items/apps on devices July 22: Implement Student/Parent iLearn Training, Grades Summer 2013: Conduct iLearn Academies for all other teachers Fall 2013 October 1: Purchase devices for grades 9-10 November: Implement Student/Parent iLearn Training, Grades 9-10
Training for Teachers and Students iLearn Academy- Teacher Professional Development Spring 2013: Teachers Grades 9-12 (See Next Slide) Summer 2013: All Other Teachers iLearn Training- Mandatory for Parents and Students Grades Summer 2013 Monday, July 22, 2013 BHS Seniors and Parents- 6 PM BHS Juniors and Parents- 8 PM Tuesday, July 23, 2013 HHS Seniors and Parents- 6 PM HHS Juniors and Parents- 8 PM Thursday, July 25, 2013 LHS Seniors and Parents- 6 PM LHS Juniors and Parents- 8 PM Grades 9-10 Fall 2013
iLearn Academy (Teachers) Spring 2013, After School Facilitate Instruction on: Basic Use Tuesday, April 9, 3:45 PM-4:45 PM Presenter- Kevin Messick iBooks, iTunes U, & Apps Tuesday, April 16, 3:45 PM-4:45 PM Presenter- Randy Wilkes
iLearn Training (Students) Discuss and Endorse Policies Disseminate iPad Mini Student account Maintain our domain of Apple Accounts Discuss device tracking Discuss device memory use Facilitate basic training to students and parents regarding maintenance and use
Costs Cost to Crenshaw County Schools Device Approximately 700 students Approximately 150 teachers $309 each $276,000 Cover $10-$15 each $8,500 iBooks Grades 9-12, if each core class selected one book at $14.99 (times 4 core classes) $42,000 Approximate average cost of a new textbook is $80 Cost of 1 of 4 core subject’s books would be $56,000 Notion: We can lease 4 new iBooks annually cheaper than we can purchase 1 book. Existing Books All previous books will be downloaded, per teacher request, to the device’s hard drive
Costs Costs to Parents $25 Annual Insurance Fee Full restitution will be required if the device is stolen, lost, or willfully damaged. Additional Costs to Taxpayers $0.00 No Sales Tax Increase No Ad Valorem Tax Increase
Security Lost or Stolen Policy to be developed. All items will be: Inventoried by serial number Engraved Placed on a tracking system application Filtering- Same as other (while on campus) Monitoring Locked Apps
Miscellaneous “Meraki” is a management device that may be used to mass: Download apps Erase devices Lock devices Restrict purchases “Lock and charge” devices may be located in each library’s media center. Teachers will need to purchase adapters. Central Office needs to determine a procedure for purchasing materials and supplies using State Materials and Supply funds.
Steps Conduct iLearn Academy, core teachers grades 9-12 Determine items needed for mass roll-out, grades 9-12 Conduct iLearn Academy for all other teachers