Tie Into Practice Technology Integration Example: A Research Paper Website Jennifer Jarvis and Connie Keating
Hands On Tutorial Creating a Bookmarks/Favourites folder My EducationLab tutorial Delicious: Bookmark sharing
A Research Paper Website: Overview Grade Level: High school Content Area: Research, Study skills Length of Time: Nine weeks Ms. Almon, the library media specialist, was tasked with assisting teachers and students use library resources effectively for students’ research paper assignments. The previous system to provide students and teachers with resources was ineffective, so it was decided among several teachers that it would be better to provide resources in a website format. The teachers decided to also create a set of video tutorials to structure a series of teaching activities to help students complete research paper assignments Example:
Phase 1: Assess Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Ms. Almon Content Knowledge (resources) X Technological Knowledge (website) X Pedagogical Knowledge (teaching using video) Her T-PACK affected the project as it required her to collaborate with other teachers to compensate for the knowledge areas she was lacking Her colleagues complimented the project by sharing their skills and knowledge through collaboration ◦ Two teachers were competent in creating websites using Google Pages (Technological knowledge) ◦ Another teacher was competent in using videos for educational purposes (Pedagogical knowledge)
Phase 2: Determine the Relative Advantage The anticipated benefits were: Resources could be accessed from any computer with internet Materials could be easily updated The approach to doing research would be consistent across all classes Videos allows teachers to demonstrate skills to students on the students’ time
Phase 3: Decide on Objectives and Assessments Attitude toward writing and research Objectives: The students will demonstrate a good attitude toward the writing approach and research used in the project by reporting a rating of at least 45 of 50 possible points on the attitude survey. Assessment: Likert scale attitude survey. Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree Having access to a website and tutorials assisted me with writing a research paper I was able to easily choose a topic for my research paper Reviewing the steps and discussing the research paper writing process assisted me in writing an acceptable paper I enjoyed writing the research paper I felt prepared writing this research paper
Phase 4: Design Integration Strategies Students should work individually on this assignment because the research paper assignment assessments proposed are all based on individual work. Having peers assist with revisions would be beneficial towards students’ progress and learning.
Phase 5: Prepare the Instructional Environment After creating a handout Ms. Almon would have to save the document as a PDF file(Acrobat portable document format) in order to ensure that it would saved in the same format that she created it in. To share this document with someone who did not have the internet, Ms. Almon could save the file on a USB drive or on a CD-R.
Phase 6: Evaluate and Revise What could Ms. Almon and the teachers do to improve student performance on the second set of research skills? Teachers could model the various skills with a focus on analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information found Writing mini-lessons where students would practice the skills before completing the large research Teach each research skill by demonstrating/assigning a short research assignment prior to the large research paper. Write a research paper together as a class. Students would have the opportunity to discuss the higher level thinking processes with peers. Teachers could spend more time individually conferencing with students, as well as provide a checklist to each student. More peer conferencing
NETS for Student Skills Creativity and Innovation - Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas and products - Create original work as a means of personal expression - Use a model and simulation to explore complex systems Communication and Collaboration - Interact, collaborate, and publish peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media - Communicate information and ideas effectively
NETS for Student Skills Research and Information Fluency - Plan strategies to guide inquiry - Locate, organize, analyze, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media - Evaluate and select information sources and digital sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks - Process data and report results