Session # 324 9:05 AM A New Model for Inquiry in the School Library Program Please Note: Permission for further use of photos used in this presentation by third parties has not been secured. Part Two Slides A) Making the Model Multi-dimensional: Context, Matrix of Strategies/Tasks, and Assessment B) The Tao of Inquiry
Matrix for Each Phase Teaching &Learning Strategies Inquiry Skills & Knowledge Assessment Tools Sample Activities Sample Strategies Ontario Achievement Chart Relationship of Each Phase Sample Task-Specific Rubric for Selecting Information AssessmentInquiry Model Phases and Characteristics Component Diagram Project Examples with Expectations Purposes for Learning Context Rationale for Inquiry Creating Inquiry Culture
Context Rationale for Inquiry Creating Inquiry Culture
The Inquiry Process Overall Instructional Approaches rich tasks variety of resources range of ideas classify ideas directly model skills provide instructional scaffolding conference at significant stages safety, responsibility, and honesty open-ended questions established and innovative technologies multiple opportunities to test foster metacognition
Inquiry Model Phases and Characteristics Component Diagram Project Examples with Expectations Purposes for Learning
Matrix for Each Phase Teaching &Learning Strategies Inquiry Skills & Knowledge Assessment Tools Sample Activities Sample Strategies
print, media, and online resources, including databases, e-books to investigate reliable, safe, rich, and accurate information uses a variety of strategies to design a plan for, and determine the form of, the presentation uses a variety of strategies to select relevant information develops and uses evaluation criteria for formulating an effective focus for inquiry organizers and templates to plan inquiry and record information and sources
Ontario Achievement Chart Relationship of Each Phase Sample Task-Specific Rubric for Selecting Information Assessment
PHASE 2: INVESTIGATING CategoriesDesigning the Plan Selecting Information Formulating the Focus Knowledge and Understanding – Subject-specific content acquired in each grade (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding). The student: Knowledge of content identifies a variety of strategies to plan inquiry identifies available sources relevant to inquiry identifies possible ways to focus the topic of inquiry Under- standing of content identifies how to manage time and predict outcomes identifies how selected sources support investigation of the topic identifies how the formulated focus supports investigation of the topic
The Tao of Inquiry Three great treasures True virtue Non-action
The Sage as Leader I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.
The Sage as Leader Encouraging people and cultivating them; Encouraging them without taking over; Working but taking no credit; Leading but taking no control; This is virtue: the mysterious Te.
Sound harmonizes with Silence. And those ahead dance with those behind. Knowing this, the sage embraces Non-action in her daily life. Her practice is a teaching without words. She pays attention to things As they come to her. She does not turn away.