Plans to bring Out-of-Compliance UES Measures back into Compliance: 1. Agricultural Irrigation Hardware UES 2. Agricultural Motors UES Regional Technical Forum September 18, 2012
Background Ag Irrigation Hardware UES and Ag Motors UES – Out-of-Compliance on February 1, 2011 – Opportunity to bring in a plan extended to November 14, Today we’re looking for RTF review (and approval?) of the plans to bring these two UES measures into compliance with the guidelines. 2
Measure Description - Ag Hardware 18 measures: Note: Those in blue with an asterisk were recommended as “under review” in the memo, but the RTF assigned them all out-of-compliance. 3
Why Out-of-Compliance? (memo) (memo) Ag Irrigation Hardware Savings calculated using subcommittee estimates for key baseline and efficient-case input parameters – Average Lift, Average System Pressure, “Baseline Factor”, Pump Efficiency, Motor Efficiency, Operating Hours, Pre/Post Flows and Leakage Rates Need measured data to support baseline and efficient-cases. 4
Proposed Plan – Ag Hardware Schedule December 2012 – The following data submitted to subcommittee – The “Idaho Power / University of Idaho” field research Final report due in December – BPA Pump Test Data compiled and provided (?) – Rocky Mountain Power Data set for field data from irrigation program participants available this fall Date set from field work for program impact evaluation. January 2013 – The subcommittee will work to incorporate the findings into the UES savings. February 2013 – Subcommittee will present its recommendations to the RTF. – Depending on study findings, this may include a mix of Proven, Provisional, and Small Saver measures. 5
Proposed Plan – Ag Hardware (continued) Details of the Idaho Power / U of I Study (SOW)SOW Study Objective: Field data collection necessary to determine energy savings on irrigation hardware measures. Approach: – Determine ratio of worn to non-worn components and degree of wear – Conduct water application uniformity tests – Measure volume of leaks – Determine age of equipment BPA Pump Test Data (Pump Test Data Collection Form)Pump Test Data Collection Form BPA to provide Overall Plant Efficiency data from its pump tests – ??? Availability of the data unknown, but over 2,000 tests have been performed. Rocky Mountain Power Data – Flow (short term measurements), pressure, real power (short term measurements), well depth, crop data, billing records. 6
Decision Motion: The RTF approves the plan to bring the Ag Irrigation Hardware UES measures back into compliance with the Guidelines. 7
Measure Description - Ag Motors Replacement of existing ODP or TEFC motors 5hp or greater with premium efficiency motors. 8
Why Out-of-Compliance? (memo) (memo) Ag Motors Needs an empirical basis for: – hours of operation, – baseline motor efficiency, and – average loading. 9
Proposed Plan – Ag Motors Two Options A. Deactivate this measure – Three utilities expressed little to no interest in the measure Idaho Power – Not currently offered as a deemed measure (usually comes in with custom measures) – Would consider offering it if RTF-approved, but don’t expect big uptake Rocky Mountain Power – Not currently offered as a deemed measure – “Lukewarm” on the measure BPA – Measure was removed from deemed offering in October – Wasn’t a large measure (maybe 10 units came in when offered) B. Undertake the Proposed Plan… 10
Proposed Plan – Ag Motors Data Collection Hours of Operation – The following sources will be used to justify hours of operation: Idaho Power to provide total kWh divided by peak kW (July) for irrigation customers. This value is inherently low, so will serve as the lower end of the possible range. Ag Extension agency crop needs data will be used to determine typical annual water requirements by crop. Hours will be determined using the standard 7gpm/acre design criteria, and weighted by crop type. Baseline Motor Efficiency – Motor manufacturers will be asked to provide their 20-year old product data. Average Loading – The following sources will be used to justify motor loading: Idaho Power will perform research using AMI data (to determine motor kW) and motor horsepower database to determine average loading on 100 motors. BPA (still need to verify availability) will provide motor loading data from its many pump tests in the Region. 11
Proposed Plan – Ag Motors (continued) Schedule Assemble data by Jan 2013 Subcommittee review in Jan 2013 Proposal to RTF for Feb 2013 meeting – Depending on data collection results, revised measures may be proposed as Proven, Provisional, or Small Saver. 12
Decision Motion Either: – Option A: The RTF deactivates the Ag Motors UES measure. Or: – Option B: The RTF approves the plan to bring the Ag Motors UES measures back into compliance with the Guidelines. 13