Washington State Teacher and Principal Evaluation 1
Session Norms Be present Participate actively: Ask questions Share connections Listen Work together as a community Invite and welcome contributions of every member 2
Outcomes Examine the polarities we manage in our work with TPEP Consider how ideas from Visible Learning might influence TPEP local decisions in your district Focus on student growth rubrics in relation to guidance from framework authors Continue to identify measures and evidence, focusing on criteria 3, 6 and 8 for teachers and 3, 5, and 8 for principals Update Communication Plan
System Components Understand, align and communicate 6696,5895, ESEA Flexibility Waiver Teacher and Principal Criteria System Components eVal Management System Communication plan Review and select Instructional frameworks: 5 Dimensions (CEL) Danielson Marzano Leadership frameworks: AWSP Marzano Discuss and determine Measures and Evidence Observations Plans Artifacts Reflections Other Roles and responsibilities Systems and structures Fine tune and finalize Summative Model Measures and Evidence Student Growth Feedback Prepare to Pilot PD Plan Communication Tools and forms New Eval Participants
TPEP Core Principles 5 1. The critical importance of teacher and leadership quality 2. The professional nature of teaching and leading a school 3. The complex relationship between the system for teacher and principal evaluation and district systems and negotiations 4. The belief in professional learning as an underpinning of the new evaluation system 5. The understanding that the career continuum must be addressed in the new evaluation system 6. The system must determine the balance of “inputs or acts” and “outputs or results”
District Updates: Job Alike Groups What has occurred in your TPEP work since we last met? Communication with stakeholders Resources created or found Other thoughts/ideas that might be helpful to other RIG districts 6
District Updates: Job Alike Groups What has occurred in your TPEP work since we last met? Communication with stakeholders Resources created or found Other thoughts/ideas that might be helpful to other RIG districts 7
Polarities in TPEP
Polarity Management Dilemma or tension among two values Requires management rather than problem solving Either/or perspective replaced by both/and Both values in service of a higher purpose Both values are good and necessary Challenge is to manage the right balance
Example 10
High Student Achievement Low Student Achievement and Evaluation Professional Growth Benefits of Professional Growth Benefits of Evaluation Consequences of focusing too much on growth Consequences for focusing too much on evaluation
In groups of three, discuss and complete the organizer for this polarity. (5 minutes) Professional Growth and Evaluation
Take a moment to reflect on the current system in your district. Is there a balance of professional growth and evaluation? What factors contribute to your current reality? What might you need in order to reach your optimal state? Team Discussion
Excerpt from Visible Learning Four “A”s Protocol Individually read the text silently. Highlight and make notes to answer these questions: What assumptions does the author hold? What do you agree with in the text? What do you want to argue with in the text? What in the text do you aspire to? Share “A”s with a partner and discuss. In district groups discuss: Are there ideas that we want to keep in mind as we move continue to develop our system?
Measures/Evidence and Student Growth
Rubric(s) Rubrics based on evaluation criteria, centered on district’s instructional framework(s) Summative Rating Evaluation Criteria 1.High Expectations 2.Effective Teaching Practices 3.Recognizing Individual Student Learning Needs 4.Focus on Subject Matter 5.Safe Productive Learning Environment 6.Use of Multiple Student Data Elements to Modify Instruction 7.Communicating with Parents and School/Community 8.Exhibiting Collaborative and Collegial Practices Evidence/Measures and Methodology Classroom Observation Portfolios Student Surveys Self Assessment Instructional Artifacts Student Performance Measures
Sumner’s Artifact Guide
Student Growth Rubrics The TPEP steering committee organizations approved statewide rubrics for student growth to ensure consistency in implementation of the evaluation system across Washington State. The rubrics for student growth describe both goal- setting and outputs of student learning. OSPI has provided student growth rubrics for each of the three criterion Teachers #3, #6, and #8 Principals #3, #5, and #8
Framework Author Guidance
Framework Author Guidance: Close Reading Jigsaw Number off 1-4 As you read, highlight what is assigned to your number: 1. practices already in place in your district 2. practices that are different than current practice 3. practices that are required by law 4. practices that are not required by law but support teacher growth
Implications Whip – Each person shares what they learned (up to 3 minutes per person) Whip – Each person identifies one implication for the work moving forward. Record. Continue whip until all implications are exhausted Come back as a district group. Share implications. Discuss if/how to integrate this learning into your work moving forward.
Student Growth Planning
Student Growth As a team, choose to examine student growth for teachers or principals Use the question prompts to guide your discussion Choose a recorder to type your responses into the shared electronic space
Student Growth: Teacher 1. Review the student growth rubrics. What artifacts and evidence might a teacher share with an evaluator to demonstrate proficiency on the student growth rubrics? 2. What are some question prompts that might be used at the beginning of the year to help a teacher set goals and use multiple measures to monitor student growth? 3. What are some question prompts that might be used at the end of the year to help a teacher evaluate progress towards goals? 4. What common district assessments do you already use in your district? Please place an asterisk next to the assessments that would be most relevant for the student growth portion of the evaluation. 5. Which grades and subject areas would need to develop classroom- based assessments or develop new common formative-assessments in order to measure student growth? 6. Based on your discussion, what are some of the decisions that will need to be made in order to implement the student growth portion of the evaluation?
Student Growth: Principal 1. Review the student growth rubrics. What artifacts and evidence might a principal share with an evaluator to demonstrate proficiency on the student growth rubrics? 2. What are some question prompts that might be used at the beginning of the year to help a principal set goals and use multiple measures to monitor student growth? 3. What are are some question prompts that might be used at the end of the year to help a principal evaluate progress towards goals? 4. What common district assessments do you already use in your district? List, then place an asterisk next to the assessments that would be most relevant for the student growth portion of the principal evaluation. 5. Based on your discussion, what are some of the decisions that will need to be made in order to implement the student growth portion of the principal evaluation?
Team Planning Ideas Update Communication Plan: Who else needs this information? Identify decisions that need to be made given the “rules” and suggested teacher evaluation process and begin decision making process. Continue working to identify measures and evidence. Other topics relevant for your team