06/12/04Ver POWER LEARNING COL 103 Chapter 1 Professor Jackie Kroening (PSY office)
06/12/04 Ver Group Exercise 1. Complete “Try It!” on page 4 of text 2. Get into groups of three or four 3. Share with group your answers and why 4. Group check out (select a person in your group to summarize groups answers. 5. You have 15 min. for this exercise
06/12/04 Ver
06/12/04 Ver Why Go to College Think and Communicate Better Advance knowledge and technology in changing world Adapt to new situations Live in world of diversity Civic engagement Learning is a lifelong habit Contribute to the community and world
06/12/04 Ver P.O.W.E.R The Five Key Steps to Achieving Success repare P O W E R rganize ork valuate ethink
06/12/04 Ver Planning What is your destination? How do I get there? When do I reach my destination? Contingency plan (trouble along the way) repare P
06/12/04 Ver Planning Set both long-term and short-term goals Long-term Major accomplishments Short-term Limited steps to the long-term goal
06/12/04 Ver Setting Goals Recognize and know who yourself (Ch. 3) Make goals realistic and attainable State goals in terms of behavior that can be measured Goals involve behavior you have control over Take ownership of goals Identify how short-term fit with long- term
06/12/04 Ver Learning is to organize the tools you need to accomplish your goals Two types: Physical aspects – pens, paper, books, calculator, computer, software, printer Intellectual tools – basic skills, theories, models, pre-requirement O rganize
06/12/04 Ver Preparation and organization will make work seem easier Getting down to work has many factors: Out of our control The car breaks down Power outages Family emergency and/or commitments In our control Time management Motivation to work W ork
06/12/04 Ver Motivation The inner power and psychological energy that directs and fuels behavior All of us are motivated. The key to success in and out of the classroom is to tap into, harness, and direct that motivation “Effort is the cause of success”
06/12/04 Ver Motivation Take responsibility for your failures and successes Think Positive Accept that you can’t control everything
06/12/04 Ver Take time to congratulate yourself Compare what you have accomplished with your plan and goals Evaluate your accomplishments by being a third observer (remove self bias) Evaluate your work as your instructor sees it. Be fair to yourself Based on your evaluation, revise your work E valuate
06/12/04 Ver Critical Thinking Reanalyzing Questioning Challenging underlying assumptions R ethink
06/12/04 Ver Completing the Process Know that there’s always another day Realize that deciding when to stop work is often as hard as getting started