All India Power Shortages $Existing Supply : 368,046 M Units $Existing Demand : 414,000 M Unit $ Shortage : 11.5 %
POWER COST FOR LAST TEN YEARS 3 – Fold Increase in Last Nine Years
NATIONAL POWER SCENE $Precarious $Adverse Impact On Industry $New Project Additions very slow $Action Plan Required for Improvement
COMPARISION OF POWER COST Comparative Power Cost In Different Countries
ENERGY SAVING POTENTIAL IN INDIAN INDUSTRY $Energy Saving Potential Rs.100, Million/yr $Equivalent 2500 MW $Investment Opportunity Rs.200, Million
Equipment MW Saving Savings in Rs. Million VFD Soft Starter Auto Star Delta EE Motors Lighting Volt stabilizers Energy Effi Chokes Auto Lux Level Controller 5125 On/Off temp Control Total ENERGY SAVING POTENTIAL In Industry – Electrical Devices Investment Potential Rs million
ENERGY COST AS % OF MANUFACTURING COST $Chlor Alkali Industry 65% $Cement Industry 40% $Paper Industry 25% $Chemical Industry 15% $Foundry 25% $Engineering Industry 10%
Energy Conservation : An Excellent opportunity for enhancing profit and improving competitiveness
PROBLEMS FACED Lack of Awareness Doubting High Capital Investment Lack Of Attractive Financing Schemes Over Promises Reliability Of Equipment Pricing of Energy need for Policy - Changes
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Awareness Campaign Encon Mission Training to Industry Energy Summit Energy Norms Demo Projects Award Schemes
ENERGY CONSERVATION AT MACRO LEVEL 3-Pronged Approach a. Capacity Utilization b. Fine Tuning c. Technology Up gradation (Target – Reduction in specific energy consumption)
MACRO LEVEL METHODOLOGY Energy Input (a) = Unavoidable losses (c) +Theoretical Requirement (b) +Avoidable losses (d)
MACRO LEVEL METHODOLOGY FOCUS SHOULD BE a. To concentrate on avoidable losses b. Quantify the losses c. Identify ways and means for reduction d. Implementation
ENERGY CONSERVATION IN ELECTRICAL MOTORS A device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy Major source of energy consumption Major population- Induction motors
Motor Efficiency =O/P Power/Input PowerX100 Watt Losses- Stator & rotor losses Iron Losses Friction & Windage losses Stray Load losses
Range Of losses In An Induction Motor
Motor Losses #Voltage dependent – Iron Losses Magnetization Eddy Current #Current Dependent – copper losses Stator Rotor #Mechanical losses – Friction and windage losses
Energy Waste- of less efficient supply power efficient driven running
Motor Efficiency Improvement Motor operation in lightly loaded condition which is common practice in industry – Forced to operate in less efficient zone
Voltage Optimisation Impact on motor operating parameters $ Red. in volt. Dependent losses $ Capacity reduces. $ PF Improves $ Load Current drops. $ Load factor improves $ Efficiency improves
Optimisation of Lightly Loaded Motors Options – Lightly loaded motors + Delta to permanent star connection +Auto star delta convertor +Soft start cum energy saver +Down Sizing +Overall voltage optimisation
Soft Start Cum Energy Saver % of Loading % Saving
Optimise The Plant Operating Voltage Overall - Plant operating voltage plays vital role in energy saving -Suggested to have on line voltage optimization (OLTC) -Magnetization losses vary exponentially with the voltage * Capacity prop V2 *Volt. Opt. will vary capacity *Should be implemented after analyzing the loading pattern of all motors
Energy Conservation in Electrical Distribution System * Componenets in electrical distribution a. HT/LT Circuit breakers b. Switches and Fuses c. Transformers d.Busbars/Cables (HT/LT)
Measures in Minimizing Distribution Losses * HT/LT Circuit Breakers Maintain the contact surface uniformity, through vigorous maintenance Select energy efficient fuses
Measures in Minimizing Distribution Losses * Transformers #Select energy efficient #wherever possible run in parallel #Loading should be optimal
Measures in Minimizing Distribution Losses * Bus Ducts /Power Cables # Select correct size # Bus duct with minimum joints and bends # Cables with minimum joints #Panel should be placed near to load wherever possible to minimize cable length & its losses # Cable should be terminated with proper crimping sockets
Methods and Procedures To Minimize The Distribution Losses * Voltage drop measurement # In a large complex distribution system voltage drops are common # Acceptable limit is 4-5 V/PHASE # More than 5V/phase indicates energy loss in system * Reasons For Voltage Drop # Poor Power Factor # Inadequate Cable size laid # Poor contact surface at Cable termination Cable joints contactors/switches
Case Study – Voltage Drop From Engineering Industry Voltage at substation – 415 V Voltage at LT panel – 398 V Load Current – 180 to 200A PF LAG Cable size – 1RX3CX300 mm. sq Relocate 90 KVAR Cap bank from SS to LT panel Reduced 50% of energy losses Annual Saving – Rs. 0.6 lacs
Energy Conservation in Transformers Transformer Efficiency – 98-99% Optimum Efficiency Occurs when Iron Losses = Copper Losses (Optimum eff. Occurs between 40% to 60 % of loading ) Selection of Transformer should be based on TOC TOC = Price +(No load loss x loss value) +(load loss x loss value)
Three Phase Transformer Typical Loss Chart KVA Iron Loss FL Copper Loss *loss is in watts
CB 2000KVA 11KV/433V CB 2000KVA 11KV/433V 11KV 415V CASE STUDY
CASE STUDY Background *Cap of Xmer = 1600 KVA *Load on Xmer is 80 % *Iron Loss = 2.3 kw *copper loss = 21 kw Suggestion – Operate both transformer in parallel *One Xmer operation loss = (0.8)2= 15.7 kw *Both Xmer in operation loss = [2.3+21x(0.4)2]x2=11.3 kw Annual Saving = Rs.0.78 lacs