Introducing Higher Voltage with a faster rise time for the 9520 Series Pulse Generators
AT45 Module
Available for the 9520 Series 9528 Pictured The 9520 Series pulse generator is uniquely designed with a modular architecture where every two outputs is a separate output module. Quantum Composers offers various output module options such as: ○ Optical In/Outputs ○ Increased Current ○ High Voltage ○ Fast rise time (future release)
AT45 Module Details Significant performance improvement over AT35 Faster rise/fall time <2ns Higher voltage to 45v Through high & low impedance Longer pulse widths 10ns to DC HiZ & 10ns to 10s for 50 ohm Rep rate to 100KHz For channels with AT45 output option, the maximum frequency is limited to 100 kHz. The pulse width can be set over the standard range of the unit with both active high and low outputs when set to high impedance mode. In low impedance mode, the pulse width is limited to a maximum of 10s and the active high output is no longer allowed. To maintain the highest possible rise time, care must be taken with cabling and termination. Low capacitance cable and 50 ohm termination will provide the fastest rise times while minimizing overshoot.
AT45 Specifications FeatureSpecification High Impedance >10k3-45V Low Impedance50 Ohms3-45V Active High/Low High for 50 ohm High & Low for HiZ Outputs per Unit2 or 4 channels Amplitude3V-45V Resolution20mV Accuracy<60mV Std Deviation Rise Time10%-90%<2ns Typical Fall Time90%-10%<7ns Typical FrequencyDC - 100kHz Pulse Width Range 10ns to DC HiZ & 10ns to 10s for 50 ohm Timing ResolutionStandard 9520 (250ps) AccuracyStandard 9520
Menu Structure
AT45 O. Scope Traces 5v Rise 25v Rise Hi Z 45v Rise 45v Rise Hi Z