Computer Skills /1436 Department of Computer Science Foundation Year Program Umm Alqura University, Makkah Place photo here 1
Check the spelling in a document Check a document for grammatical errors Translate text to and from other languages Use the thesaurus Find specific text Replace specific text Create AutoCorrect entries and exceptions Insert the date and time as text or as a field Insert special characters 2
red wavy A red wavy line represents a mispelled word green wavy A green wavy line represents a grammar mistake
6 Ignore Once Ignore Once: Means skip this this time, but stop at the next occurrence to check spelling. Ignore All ALL occurrences Ignore All: Do not stop to check ALL occurrences of the word. Add to Dictionary Add to Dictionary: This is a word that is spelled correctly, but is not recognized by the Word dictionary. Use this option to add so in the future it will recognize it.
7 Change Change: Change this spelling of the word to the suggested spelling. Change All Change All: Change all occurrences of the word to the suggested spelling. AutoCorrect AutoCorrect: Let the software automatically correct the spelling.
8 Options Command
9 Replace Type in the Replace box what you want to replace. It can be an abbreviation of something you type frequently. WITH In the WITH box type what the auto correct should replace it with.
10 Right click the misspelled word. Choosing the proper spelling from the list will fix the word only once. AutoCorrect option Instead, right click and select the AutoCorrect option, then select the correct spelling from the AutoCorrect list. This will add the word to your AutoCorrect and will fix the current and future misspellings of this word. Right click the misspelled word. Choosing the proper spelling from the list will fix the word only once. AutoCorrect option Instead, right click and select the AutoCorrect option, then select the correct spelling from the AutoCorrect list. This will add the word to your AutoCorrect and will fix the current and future misspellings of this word.
11 Hot Keys Ctrl Z - Undo Source: Word 2010 for Dummies p. 84.
13 Me encanta Aplicaciones Informáticas!
14 Review Ribbon Language Group
15 Click on the Mini Translator icon to turn it on and off. If you point to a word, the translation will appear in a small window. PLAY It also includes a PLAY button so the user can hear an audio version of the word or phrase.
16 MINI TRANSLATOR The first time the MINI TRANSLATOR is selected the user must select the language for the word or phrase to be translated into. Source: ce_global_experience/archive/2 009/07/31/using-the-new-mini- translator-in-office-2010.aspx
17 Thesaurus A Thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. Source:
18 Once the Thesaurus is selected, it will bring up a window pane with suitable options. The user should then decide the best choice. Thesaurus right clicking The Thesaurus may also be selected by right clicking on the word.
19 Ever felt like you are looking for a needle in a hay stack?
23 question mark ? A question mark ? can be used to substitute for any individual character. Example: s?t Would find sit, sat, set or any word that started with s ended with t and had one letter in between. wildcard A wildcard is a symbol that takes the place of an unknown character or set of characters. Source:
24 asterisk * On the other hand, an asterisk * can be used to substitute for any string of characters. Example: s*t would find sit, sat, soot, stilt, any word that began with s and ended with t no matter how many characters are in between.
25 Can be found on the Find dropdown menu.
27 Checkbox makes it a field rather than static. What does this mean?
28 When inserted as a field, the date and time will automatically update. Select Insert Tab and Quick Parts
32 The date and time that is inserted into the document is dependent on the date and time of the computer. The date and time that is inserted into the document is dependent on the date and time of the computer. This can be updated through the computer’s Control Panel. This can be updated through the computer’s Control Panel.
33 1.Go to Start 2.Select Control Panel
34 3. Select, Date, Time, Language
35 4. Select, Change the Date and Time
36 © ® €
38 Some symbols have shortcut keys. They appear at the bottom of the Symbol dialog box. For example, the shortcut for the degree symbol is
39 Customize Shortcuts