Pacing the Pens, Prose, and Poetry of High School English Classes
Vision: The PVREC8 districts will have a vertically aligned curricular matrix with incorporating a resource bank supporting common grade level exit skills.
Goal: By the end of the school year the PVREC8 Language Arts teams will have a vertical alignment curriculum plan recommended to the district superintendents.
Mission: We will: R – research A – align S – support P - provide.
Grade Level Novel List created Grade Level Umbrella created Alignment of old standards to new standards (Language Arts went from 9 standards to 86 standards) Grade Level Pacing Guides (9 wks)
Short story Poetry Novel Unit Nonfiction Historical documents Definition Compare and contrast Cause and effect Analysis Research Group presentations Visual literacy 1 st Nine Weeks2 nd Nine Weeks3 rd Nine Weeks4 th Nine Weeks Primary sources Essays Op-eds Real-world texts Problem and solution Rhetoric Presentations Power Points Debate Informational texts Nonfiction books Paraphrasing Summarizing Technical texts Job-related texts Interviews Drama Nonfiction Skits Technical texts Interior Monologues Soliloquies Skits Visual Media
Paraphrasing Summarizing Novel Study Short Story Research Writing types Critical Response Persuasive Group presentation 1 st Nine Weeks2 nd Nine Weeks3 rd Nine Weeks4 th Nine Weeks Nonfiction Rhetoric and Analysis Poetry Opposing argument Rhetoric and analysis Debate Poetry Presentation Informational Text Biography Fact and opinion Technical Texts Research Presentation Opinion and analysis Narrative Drama Monologue Soliloquy Drama skits
Anthology Nonfiction Short Story Sentence Structure & Types Punctuation Paragraph Development Types of Writing Format Writing Process Research Debate Persuasive Speech 1 st Nine Weeks2 nd Nine Weeks3 rd Nine Weeks4 th Nine Weeks Poetry (STAR) Literary Terms Literary Types Novel Unit Creative writing Compare & Contrast Analysis Interpretive Essays Tone Listening skills Presentations Speech Personal Autobiography Biography Narrative Informative Graphs and decoding ACE Persuasive Current Events Newspaper Socratic Seminar Novel Unit Drama Narrative Monologue Soliloquy Paraphrase
Propaganda Foundational literature Short story Novel unit Imaginative texts Literary analysis Narrative Research 1 st Nine Weeks2 nd Nine Weeks3 rd Nine Weeks4 th Nine Weeks Visual media Nonfiction Poetry Argument Paraphrase Summarize Response to literature Persuasive Nonfiction articles On-line journals Cause and effect Compare and contrast Debate Cooperative groups Drama Short story Poetry Response to literature Literary analysis Creative writing Projects Soliloquy Monologue
End of Course - Exit Skills List ON-Line Courses for necessary repeats Unit Plans – HSTW (copy provided)
Chanda Crandall, Dexter** Darla Autry, Loving Jason Everitt, Dexter Judy Kerby, Loving Kesha Miles, Dexter Tammie Hardt, Dexter Justin Terry, Lake Arthur ** Language Arts team leader.