8 th Grade Math Mrs. Fowler Team 8-2 Discipline Procedures (Level 1 offenses) Must have… Composition book or spiral notebook with at least 100 pages. Pens/Pencils We will cover 8 units this year, starting with a review unit that we will call Unit 0. In each unit, you will see two types of grades posted in PowerSchool—progress monitoring and assessments. Progress monitoring will be graded on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 meaning that a student does not understand the content and a 4 meaning that a students understands the content so well that he or she could teach it. Progress monitoring will come from daily class work and homework assignments; these assignments will not count toward the final grade but will serve as an indicator of the level of a student’s understanding and highlight which areas need work before taking an assessment. Assessments will be given after plenty of in class and at home practice has been offered on a standard and will be given by standard or skill. These assessments will count toward the final grade and will be graded on a traditional 100-point scale. Assessments will be given in the form of quizzes, projects and part of each unit tests. Reassessment opportunities will be given to all students so that they can show their improved understanding and improve their grade; it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to reassess when need in the time frame given by the teacher. Standards Based Grading 1 st offense—Verbal Warning (3 strikes) 2 nd offense—Conference with student and loss of stamp 3 rd offense—Lunch detention and parent contact 4 th offense—Office Referral (*Immediate office referral for level 2 offenses) Supply List Phone Number: (706) Might need… Markers Glue stick Stay Connected! Grade: Check grades on PowerSchool at walkerschools.org with password. Remind101: Register to receive text messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. Text the and reply with your name to enroll. Weblogs: Stay up to date with daily assigments and documents needed by students. Visit illfowler/
8 th Grade Math Syllabus Team ____________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Student Signature I have read and understand the course syllabus. ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Name ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Address Homework is the same every night: finish anything that is unfinished or needs correcting in the notebook and study. Because of the new grading system, work can not technically be “late” but, incompletes will stop students from earning stamps and attending weekly breaks Homework Policy If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get and make-up all work missed. They should visit my weblog to see the current lesson plan. Any copies they can be found in the make-up work binder located on the supply table. If the work they need is not they, they should then see Mrs. Fowler. Any assessments (quizzes, projects, tests) that were missed will need to be made up with Mrs. Fowler, so a student should see her to set up a time to do so (ELT is a great time to do this). Make-up Work Extras Extra credit points/assignments will NOT be given. Students will be given ample opportunities to improve their grades through re-do/corrections. If a students needs extra help beyond what is provided in class or ELT, students may see Mrs. Fowler to set up a time to get the needed help either before or after school.