Resources: Texas Hazard Mitigation Package (THMP): An Internet-based GIS Data Distribution Tool Project by Texas Geographic Society Sub-grantee of the Texas Governor’s Division of Emergency Management The purpose of this grant is to compile and deliver digital geographic datasets that can be used by state and local hazard mitigation planners in identifying potential natural hazards and assessing relative risk
Texas Hazard Mitigation Package THMP is a free, easy-to-use, online application to: Identify historical hazard occurrences actual hazard event locations summarized by county Identify hazard risk areas Display supplemental information (including Base Data) for hazard- related data Determine relative vulnerability (to population and property value) Download hazard-related data for use in other GIS-based systems
Hazards: Weather-related 1.Hurricanes & Tropical Storms Hurricanes: Tropical/Subtropical Storms: Hurricane Tracks: Tropical/Subtropical Storms: Hurricane Risk Zones Hurricane Evacuation Routes 2.Tornadoes Tornadoes (F3-F5): Tornadoes (F1-F5): Tornado Risk Zones Tornado Events (F3-F5): Tornado Events (F1-F5): Floods Floods: Flood Events (Major): Flood Events: Flood Risk Zones THMP Data Layers Currently, there are 62 GIS data layers in 11 hazard categories available to map online, download or stream into your own GIS/mapping system 4. Other Storms Other Storms: Wind Risk Zones Other Storm Events: Outdoor Fires Outdoor Fires: Outdoor Fire Risk Zones 6.Drought Drought (Months): Drought Events: Extreme Temperatures Extreme Temperatures (Days): Coastal Erosion Coastal Erosion: 1931 – 2000 Coastal Erosion Rates Coastal Shoreline Types
Hazards: Non Weather-related 9. Earthquakes Earthquakes: Earthquake Epicenters: Earthquake Risk Zones 10. Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials (All): 2004 Hazardous Waste Sites: 2004 Radioactive Waste Sites: 2004 Superfund Sites: 2004 Hazardous Cargo Routes 11. Subsidence Subsidence (Feet): Subsidence Risk Zones Data Layer List …continued
BASE MAPS: Supplemental information to overlay with hazard-related data 6 Categories with 22 data layers (not shown) 1.Administrative Boundaries 2.Transportation 3.Hydrography 4.Landscape 5.Weather-base data
Floods: 1961 – 1999
Flood Events (Major):
Flood Risk Zones
80 available Counties in THMP; 174 to go! Flood Risk Zones:
Download link Data Layer Description Page
Hurricane Risk Zones and Evacuation Routes from THMP, added to HAZUS
Streaming THMP data from Map Viewers using ArcGIS: Connecting to
Population Vulnerability to Floods Census Blocks intersecting Flood Risk Zones
Population Vulnerability to Floods vulnerable area! …may need further investigation (see HAZUS!)
Texas Hazard Mitigation Package Summary: Use THMP, online, to identify and provide necessary data and maps for mitigation plans and other related risk assessment activities Use THMP, online, to access other resources related to hazards and mitigation planning Use THMP to download data into your own GIS/mapping systems to support or initiate your specific projects Use THMP to download data into HAZUS to supplement the map Use THMP, online, for preliminary investigation of vulnerable areas to analyze in HAZUS