I arrived in Barnstaple, drove a car with David, Emma and Lucy to Emma’s home, quick introduction with our partners, a quick seeing the city, shops and places of interest, lunch prepared by Emma’s mother, a trip to the beach where we met up with Paulina and Paige, Ola and Indie, Bartek with Joe, Kate and Ada, Piotr and Peter, Szymon with Bethan, Mateusz with Tom.
We played criket, rugby, ran after the dog, admired views, and took photos on the beach. About 9 pm Lucy’s mom took us, and who took my stuff from Emma’s house, then we went home, I unpacked, and went to bed.
Saturday - a trip to Bath, a lot of impressions, double decker bus ride, a wonderful historic buildings, exploring the ancient baths of Rome, after dividing into groups – free time, shopping – first spending of the money, obligatory visit to the McDonalds, and at the appointed time we all gathered and went to the school.
Upon arrival to school, where the partners were waiting for us, along with Lucy, her mother, David and Emma I went to Tom’s place to watch the Eurovision song contest, we ate there lasagna, chips, cake, ice cream, pizza and other delicacies, except watching Eurovision we joked and laughed. I return home about 00:00.
Sunday - day with families, after breakfast I and my family went to see finish of the Boy Scouts rally in which the sister of my partner participated. I met Ola and her partner there while we were waiting for Lucy’s sister; we had a picnic, after about 2 hours Ella arrived and after taking back personal belongings we got back home to dinner.
After the dinner which consisted of lasania, we played "Frustration”, next Lucy did her homework and I used the computer. When the evening came we watched together „Pirates of the Caribbean"
A trip to Lynth where we admired together with our tour guide amazing views. When we reached the city we had about an hour of free time which we used on a trip to the rocky beaches, we took pictures and did a little shopping. After that we went to the top of the hill with funicular from where we had a great view. Next, we went into the valley of rocks where we had lunch which consisted of tea with milk and traditional cakes with butter and jam (strawberry)
After returning to school with Piotrek, Bartek, Matthew, David, Ada, Ola, Paulina, Ada and their partners from the exchange we went by bus without a roof to Emma’s house and, after a meal, we went onto the pitch and played cricket, rugby and rounders. I went home around 10 pm.
Tuesday at school, the first 2 hours the British divided us into groups and taught us to dance to prepared system of moves. The next two hours we played with British partner rounders and handball. Then, we went to the heart of Barnstaple tours to explore this beautiful city. After sightseeing, we had free time on the High Street where we did a lot of shopping.
After shopping we went to school for "Eurodinner" prepared by the British. Their dishes were delicious and intriguing, there was also singing. After the whole event we went to the houses.
Wednesday was a busy day, we were going down by steep stone path to Clovelly when it was raining, it also rained when we were coming back up the hill. Then, we rested for an hour in the cafeteria, where Paulina, Damian, Bartek and I were playing cards. Later, there was a continuation of the trip, this time we saw the ruins of the castle associated with King Arthur. We also saw the well of wishes, and returned to the bus.
After returning to school with a large group of people we went by bus to my house, and after about half an hour we were at the place. At the bus station Lucy’s parents were waiting for me, and they took me to my house. After lunch, we went to play rugby, but a lot of people were tired and just sat on the benches.
Thursday – We went to the Devon Country Show which lasts 3 days and is a great event. You could buy everything there, starting with animals and ending with the automotive industry. There were many attractions, also a small amusement park. After returning to school I went hoke where I played board games with the family.
Friday - Exeter, short guided tour, followed by shopping (approx. 4 hours), after returning to Barnstaple, we went to Paulina’s place for her things, because she slept at Kate’s house. At Kate’s place we ate shashliks, we played "Kaczor” on the playground, and cards at home.
Saturday / Sunday - days with our families, up to 1 pm I was home alone, I prepared myself a breakfast, surfed the Internet to 4 pm, when together with Lucy we went to a farewell party on the beach. I came back home around 9 pm. We left the house at 2:00 am so to be around 2:45 in Barnstaple. Around 1:30 pm we were back in Kromołów.