Community Based Adaptation Programme-Preparation Workshop October 2007, Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand Adaptation Priorities for Jamaica
2 CBA Preparatory Workshop Portfolio of existing community projects Current portfolio 7 SGP projects currently under implementation Projects in Biodiversity and Land Degradation GEF focal areas Project Typologies Biodiversity – Conservation of endemic faunal species and community-based ecotourism, and advocacy projects Land Degradation – Soil conservation, Sustainable Land and Watershed Management, watershed management
3 CBA Preparatory Workshop Portfolio of existing community projects High Tunnel House for Sustainable Land Management- Marked Reductions of soil erosion, Application of pesticides, and insecticides. Use of compost, generation of alternative livelihoods and markets Project Name: Sustainable Land Management in Upper Rio Grande Valley- Project funding: US$20, 600 Focus: Soil conservation (14 acres) and BD conservation of the GSB. Generation of GEB, and alternative livelihoods Nominated Best Eco-tourism Project in Jamaica-2006) Left: Giant Swallowtail Butterfly Successful Examples of SGP Jamaica Projects
4 CBA Preparatory Workshop Opportunities for building resilience to CC in GEB The Climate risks are associated with increases in impacts of severe weather systems (tropical cyclones), coastal erosion and saline intrusion, and sea level rise. Key Socio-economic sectors to be affected: Water, Agriculture, and Coastal Resources Potential project examples: Region to cover 3 parishes Community-based drought control and irrigation for sustainable agriculture -( in context of increases in intensity of extreme weather events ) Community-based storm risk reduction through protection of threatened coastal ecosystems - (in the context of more frequent and intense storms due to increasing SST) Community-based land management for reducing water stress –(in context of increased storm surge associated with more intense and frequent storms and increased sea level rise)
5 CBA Preparatory Workshop Opportunities for cash co-financing Potential co-financing sources: Key bilaterals: USAID Rural Enterprise, Agricultural and Community Tourism (REACT), FAO, UNDP (Jamaica), Prince Charles Foundation Foundations: Environmental Foundation of Jamaica, Foundation, Cable & Wireless Foundation, Private sector partnerships: Bank of Nova Scotia Modalities for engaging co-financing partners: Timelines: August 2007-July 2008 (First Agreement) Key meetings: Donor Harmonization and donors conference Plans/Agreements: Parallel funding
6 CBA Preparatory Workshop NSC Modification and Country Programme Development Jamaica has a creditable cadre of experts working in climate change adaptation –1 st National Communications submitted –2 nd National Communications under preparation CBA Committee (in addition to National Steering Committee) –UNFCCC focal point (the Meteorological Service) –Reps from academia (e.g. Climate Studies Group, and Marine Geology Unit- (University of the West Indies)) –development and disaster mitigation agencies (e.g. FAO, Jamaica Red Cross, Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management) National capacity situation: Implementation of adaptation measures at the community level presents a major opportunity for addressing environmental problems effectively at the local level.
7 CBA Preparatory Workshop NSC Modification and Country Programme Development Strategies for Successfully engaging Potential Grantees Hosting of awareness sessions, training and capacity building meetings, partnering with other agencies (including state agencies), use of current network of SGP grantees. “Training the trainers”. Collaboration with UNFCCC 2 nd Nat. Comm. adaptation training and capacity building activities. Partnering with NGOs and agencies including EFJ, ADA that currently host project development and management seminars and workshops. Make use of capacity building funds for training of potential grantees (where these exist).
8 CBA Preparatory Workshop Strategies and Support for Project Development Support services for proposal development: Support staff Met. Service-2 nd Nat Comm., Interns from the UWI, use of part-time consultants with experience in climate change adaptation. Thorough evaluation of community and local priorities. Alignment of interventions with SPA requirements. Active community participation in project scoping, and development. Capacity building strategies for grantees: Training sessions, web-based receipt and dissemination of information; regular site visits (at least three times in project cycle); progressive sharing of lessons learnt; presentation of best practice for proposal writing, project management and M&E