DEFRA 1 st IMPACT Workshop - 16/17 May 2002 How does this research fit within the UK? Dr Mervyn Bramley Flood Defence Development Manager, Environment Agency (and R&D Theme Leader - Engineering, DEFRA / Environment Agency Joint R&D Programme in Flood and Coastal Defence)
DEFRA Summary Organisation structure - DEFRA and authorities Some basic facts about England & Wales Joint DEFRA / Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Defence R&D Programme Policy planning; strategy planning; schemes A look at embankments and their management
DEFRA We have some big defences…..
DEFRA ….and lots of conventional ones
DEFRA Here are some basic facts About 1 in 10 people in England and Wales are at risk of flooding Risks of sea defence failure are expected to increase fivefold (from 1% to 5%) by 2075 The Environment Agency maintains km of coastal and flood defence embankment Current total expenditure on Flood Management is about £400m/annum Targeted expenditure on R&D is £4.2m/annum
DEFRA Flood management – National organisation structure DEFRA – sets central government policy High-level Targets Funds Capital and Maintenance work Operating Authorities – do the work locally Environment Agency - principal organisation Internal Drainage Boards Local Authorities
DEFRA Policy Statements DEFRA - To reduce the risk to people and the developed and natural environment from flooding and coastal erosion by encouraging the provision of technically, environmentally and economically sound and sustainable defence measures Environment Agency - Flood warnings and sustainable defences will continue to prevent deaths from flooding. Property damage and distress will be minimised. The role of wetlands in reducing flood risks will be recognised and all the environmental benefits from natural floods will be maximised.
DEFRA Five activity areas of flood management Strategic planning of flood management policies, plus catchment or shoreline strategies Flood warning and forecasting (the highest priority) Improvements, including the replacement and upgrading of flood defences Regulation of developers and other third parties, and Operations, including essential activity to monitor and maintain the flood defence infrastructure, and to respond to emergencies.
DEFRA Features of DEFRA / EA Flood & Coastal Defence R&D Programme Joint programme for all authorities High level aim - Reduce flood / coastal risk Thematic approach (e.g. risk, planning, engineering) Involves users and builds on science base Importance of pilot and demonstration projects Focuses on uptake and outcomes of research
DEFRA Structure of Joint R&D Programme
DEFRA Joint R&D Programme Structure Six themes : Fluvial, Estuarine and Coastal Processes Policy Development includes realignment Broad Scale Modelling for effective planning Flood Forecasting and Warning Risk Evaluation and Understanding Uncertainty Engineering includes new works and O&M
DEFRA Policy plans, strategy plans, schemes Key points: “Tiered” risk management approach - sufficient detail to inform next stage Uses a range of databases and models Focuses on critical issues, reducing risk, and managing residual risk
DEFRA R&D uptake and user focus Implementation - delivering outputs for outcomes Specific users; specific “fit for purpose” tools Must improve business efficiency Dissemination - making outputs available Three key objectives for Improved Uptake Support continuous learning, alongside R&D Develop web-based approaches Link to specific schemes thru pilot and demonstration
DEFRA Effective performance of flood embankments is central to the defence system
DEFRA Flood embankment construction for improving flood defence standard
DEFRA Flood embankment management for environmental and defence function
DEFRA Emergency response to failure….
DEFRA Effective inspection and monitoring The EA is examining new tools (e.g. the potential use of helicopter-based radar measurements) for linear survey of embankment infrastructure
DEFRA Key Issues for Embankment R&D Effective monitoring and inspection strategies Speed and cost of linear survey Tiered approach to skilled staff / focused inspection Use of data / relational databases Describing asset condition Describing future condition and loading Linking observed “state” to performance e.g. Fragility curve approach Predicting consequences - resilience to overtopping; breach formation Replacement or renovation