Exodus “Departure” God’s Liberation Theology
The Exodus event forged the identity of a people The Jewish people hold the Exodus event as the decisive event in the history of this people 8 elements: – MosesPharaoh – IsraelSea – Slaverywilderness – EgyptPromised Land
Moses Exodus centers on Moses Greatest of all Jewish Prophets Leader throughout the book Archetype of Christ
Moses Infant in the reeds of the Nile Raised in Pharaoh's household Kills an abusive Egyptian Flees to Midian Marries Zephora, Daughter of Jethro, has a son, Gershon
Moses II Encounters God in a burning bush Told to lead the people to freedom I AM WHO I AM God’s name Yahweh Negotiates with Pharaoh through 10 plagues – Water to bloodBoils – FrogsThunder and Hail – GnatsLocusts – FliesDarkness – Livestock diseaseAngel of Death
The First Passover
God’s Instructions through Moses Prepare the Sacrificial Lamb *Male Lamb without blemish *Offered as sacrifice *Blood painted on the two doorposts and lintel *Roasted *Eaten *Standing, clothed and ready to leave Passover Command Ex.12:14 This day shall be a day of remembrance for you. You shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord; throughout your generations you shall observe it as a perpetual ordinance. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; on the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses, for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day shall be cut off from Israel….
The Angel of Death Death comes to each first born male of all households in Egypt both human and animal, not protected by the blood of the Lamb.
Comparison Moses Liberates his people Israel Freed from Slavery Liberated through the Red Sea Prepared by the wanderings in the wilderness New life in the Promised Land Christ Liberates His people the new Israel, the Church Freed from slavery to sin Liberated through the waters of Baptism Prepared in life and purgatory New life, eternal life, in Heaven
The Law given in Exodus Moral Orthopraxis Moral orthopraxis is right action Orthodoxy is right belief Moral orthopraxis is more central for Jews than orthodoxy The Law is God’s blueprint for human living The heart of the Law is Love Deut.6:4 The Shema
4 levels of the Law Civil : how to live in society Liturgical: how to conduct religious practice Moral: how to live righteously Love: how to express love of God The law expresses God’s will and thus we are bound to God by the Law. We love God via the Law.
Mezuzah Scriptures: Deut. 6:4-9 Shema 11:13-21 Vehaya Written by a scribe (sofer) on kosher parchment (kosher species of animal) Hung on doorposts – right side on entering – shoulder height