Jerusalem is sacred for Jews because it is the city where the was built. ..... was present in the Temple in the holy of holies. The temple has been destroyed, but the still stands. This is the most place in the Jewish faith and Jews come here to pray. Missing words: sacred, God, Temple, Western Wall. Jerusalem For Jews
Jerusalem is holy for Christians because it is the place where Jesus..... and rose again. Christians come to see the where Jesus prayed before he died. They come to see the road he would have walked down, carrying his They come to see the Church built where Jesus , was buried, and Missing words: rose again, garden, died (x2), cross. Jerusalem for Christians
Muslims go to Jerusalem to visit the of the It is the complete mosque in the world. It is built on the foundation stone of the This stone is special to Muslims because they believe it is the spot from which the Prophet Muhammad left earth to visit with the Angel Words to include: Temple, heaven, oldest, Dome of the Rock, Gabriel. Jerusalem for Muslims