Landforms— Coastal Erosion/Glaciers-
Peak of Ice Age 20,000 yrs. ago
Former resident of Connecticut
A tar pit at La Brea
Where is this erratic located?
Alpine Glacial Landforms
Glacial U-Valley/deposits
U-Shaped Valley
Glacial Cirque
U-Shaped Valley
Loess deposit
Boulder Glacier-1932
Boulder Glacier--1985
Effects of wave action on land and people
Sea Cave-California
Sea Arches
An Arch is Born
Sea Stack-England
Why is coastal erosion a problem in NJ?
NJ population density
Possible sea level rise-next 100 years
Waterfront home-Ocean City, NJ $3.5 million
Primary Dunes
Post-storm coastline
Sea Wall
Longshore Current
Breakwater-strongest waves pass through/sediment blocked from re-supplying beach
Beach replenishment pumps-NJ
Ocean City, MD How has development contributed to the erosion problem ?
In 2005, New Jersey tourism revenue grew 12.5 percent to a healthy $36.3 billion, with tourism on the Shore representing about $22 billion. Ocean County alone ranked third in tourism revenue generated in 2005, totaling $3.325 billion. Tourism officials are confident these numbers could continue to increase as gasoline prices continue to climb, keeping people closer to home.