Flip_Flops Logic circuits are classified ito two groups 1. The combinational logic circuits,using the basic gates AND,OR and NOT. 2. Sequential logic circuits involving timing and memory devices. The basic building block of the combinational logic circuits is the logic gates. The basic building block for sequential is the flip_flops
Logic ciorcuit for J-K FF
J-K Flip flop
The R-S Flip_flop using 2-OR gates
R-S Flip_flop using NOR Gate
The R-S Flip flop using NAND Gate
The truth table for R-S Flip- flop Q’QRS Previous state Prohibited state 11
The truth table for R-S flip_flop Effect on output Q Q’QRSMode of operation Prohibited_ Do not use 1100Prohibited For setting Q to Set For resetting Q to Reset Depends on previous state Q’Q11Hold
The clocked R-S Flip flop
The clocked RS Flip-flop
The clocked RS using AND and NOT logic gates
The clocked RS using NAND and AND gates
The T-FF
The logic symbol for the T_FF
The D- Flip-flop
The clocked RS-FF using NAND gates
The truth table for the clocked RS-FF Q’QRSCLK Previous state Prohibited state