March 2013 VANJ What Do Angel Investors Really Want
Jumpstart Highlights About 40 active and accredited members Members have invested over $33 Million --60% in NJ Co.s Members have invested in 52 Companies, 71 Rounds Largest $ angel investor group in the Mid Atlantic region with the highest dollar investment from CT to Virginia (ex NY Angels) Investing from CT to VA
Jumpstart Invests in (generally) High growth capital efficient companies solving pain points. Sectors where we can add value - Smart Money Green and Clean Energy; B2B enterprise services and software, hardware, advanced materials, Health care, diagnostics, devices IT, Communications and what catches someones fancy
There are all kinds of Angels Friends, families –Loving Angels, bad investors. Individual angelslike what they like, may not be sophisticated/ may not be accredited Crowd funding Angelsequity investors ?? Organized Angelsconsultants, not investors Good Organized Angels - smart money and assistance Best Organized Angel GroupsConnected to other investor Groups and VCs and will do follow on rounds
Why are angels important? VCs out of seed and early stage Angel groups syndicating Follow the $ -- the Willie Sutton answer Expertise to aid your company Syndicates of Angel Investors have ability to take company to profitability and/ or successful exits
What do Angels really Want? A successful growing business that can exit profitably in 3-5 years. Founder and Investor relationship lasts longer than many marriages
How do Angels find the right investment? They look for Serial entrepreneurs who have done this before Entrepreneurs who have domain experience A big enough market and pain point that insures sales growth A passionate and energetic founding TEAM that can listen, change and move heaven and earth to make the company successful Intellectual Property that makes the company more valuable and protects the product. Capital efficient models Anything that can de-risk the investment.
Real Angel Decision Model Time Risk YOU Product vs. Business Model
What do Angels really Want? Energetic, passionate expert founders and team that can listen, improve and grow the company to a successful exit. Founders and Investors make no money until the company is sold
Contact Information Katherine ONeill Executive Director Jumpstart New Jersey Angel Network 1001 Briggs Road, Suite 280, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054