Coming up to their level: engaging students in their own terms during library instruction Sophia Apostol facebook: Sophia Apostol
I always like starting with a video… This should make all of us instructors feel better!
3 Google gen… JISC and British Library how the Google generation searches for information out Jan 11, 2008
4 Breakdown… After-action evaluation Interactive learning Research process Information literacy Conceptual understanding Keyword generation and search strategies Marketing library services
5 Evaluation forms Questions asked: What stands out the most to you from todays session? What was most helpful? What was least helpful? What questions do you still have about research? Additional comments
6 Sample slide
8 Where to start? 1. Define a Topic 2. Write a Problem Statement 3. Choose Keywords 4. Choose Alternate Keywords 5. Build a Search Statement Crisis communications wrt. PR What role does crisis communications have in PR practice? [do you break it down further?] Crisis communication, risk communication, public relations Transparency, responsibility, media training, accountability, etc… Pair different keywords together, like putting together puzzle pieces What you probably know as the order: What will probably happen (aka, research is messy):
9 Fake websites/ misleading content
10 Sample slide
11 Google pro:
12 Google con:
14 Wikipedia pro:
15 Wikipedia con:
16 WikipediaVision
17 Library pro: Viral video
18 iTunes = journal database Sample slide
19 Sample slide
20 Rogers vs. Bell
21 Sample slide
22 Sample slide
23 Foray into fb…
24 fb and tagging… Trellis? Lattice? Low knee wall? Garden fence?
25 Another tagging exercise… Sample slide
26 Boolean, schmoolean… Sample slide
27 Every little bit helps…
…or we can just do this do this Thanks so much!!!
29 References Clinton sleeping: information behaviour of the researcher of the future: Carolyn Stewart: Feedback Forms for instruction sessions Fake CNN site: Google pro: Google con: Male Pregnancy: Wikipedia pro: Wikipedia con: WikipediaVision: Library pro: Teachers Rap: